Chapter 11

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Freddy was the first to wake up. "Hey, Bon," He gently shook his friend awake. "Wake up. It's seven thirty."

Bonnie shot up and nearly hit Freddy in the nose. "Seven thirty?! We're late!"

"Calm down, I'll explain to the others why we're late." Freddy sat up. "For now, get dressed."

"Alright, if you know what you're doing." Bonnie shrugged and left to change clothes. Freddy just kind of sat there.

'Huh.' He stared Bonnie up and down while his back was turned. 'Golden was right. He does have a nice-pull it together, Frederick!' Freddy smacked himself in the forehead and headed off to his room.


"What in the Sam Hill took y'all so long?" Chica asked when the two men finally showed up on the stage.

"We overslept." Freddy explained, adjusting his black bow tie.

"Really?" Chica smirked. "Heard your bed broke last night, Fazbear. What were you two doing~?"

"Hanging out. A few screws busted loose in the frame." Bonnie fumbled with his own red bow tie.

"Here, lemme help you with that... " Freddy reached out to help Bonnie.

"Er-no, you don't have to-!"

Bonnie's face was cherry red and so was Freddy's during the whole process. Chica just stood there with a smirk on her face, trying not to burst into laughter.

"All of you, get to work on the rehearsals!" Uh-oh. It was their boss, Cassandrillia Williams (a/n: pardon the ridiculous name XD), and she was NOT happy. Her temper seemed to be as fiery as her orange hair.

"What's your problem, boss?" Chica tuned one of the mics.

Cass growled. "Not pleased with some of the shit I'm dealing with." The curvy orange-headed woman adjusted the brown collars on her business uniform.

"Sorry to hear that." Bonnie commented, his face still bright red.

The boss smiled. "I needed that." She put on a mock angry face. "Now get to work!"

"Yes, ma'am!" All three androids gave her a corny salute.

Cassidy chuckled to herself as she strolled into the office.

"What a nice bunch they are. I just wonder what's up with Bonnie and Freddy..."


Poor Freddy was exhausted.

"Bonnie!" He called to his friend. "It's 10. Can I crash in your room? Boss hasn't fixed my bed yet."

"That's fine." Bonnie didn't even bother giving his response a second thought.

"Alright." Freddy replied. "I'll see you in a few."

"Shit!" Bonnie smacked himself in the forehead after Freddy left. "The notebook!"

"I left it on the nightstand..."

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