Chapter 10

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Note: This is going to be a short chapter. ;-; I know, I suck.

"Back." Freddy stated simply as he pushed open the door to Bonnie's room.

"That was fast." Bonnie remarked. He was seated on the edge of his own bed in black shorts and a white t-shirt and socks.

"Same for you." Freddy looked Bonnie up and down.Compared to him, he was wearing brown shorts and a white shirt.

"Well," Bonnie tried to make this as "not awkward" as possible. "I guess we should be getting to bed now..."

"Tell me about it." Freddy glanced at the clock. "It's 1:30."

"Later than I thought it would be." Bonnie remarked, laying down and covering himself up with his sheets.

Freddy crawled under the covers next to him, trying not to stare at Bonnie's long, beautiful purple hair when he pulled out his hair tie. Bonnie turned off the lamp on his nightstand.

"Goodnight, Freddy."

"'Night, Bon."

The two were silent, having been deprived of words since their previous conversation. Instead, both faced the window on Bonnie's left, allowing moonlight to bounce off their dark, shadowy figures.

Bonnie unconsciously rolled over to face Freddy and fell asleep. Freddy blushed slightly, then lightly pecked the person in front of him on the forehead and fell asleep, too.

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