Chapter 9

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The Next Night

Bonnie was gently padding down to hallway to write in his notebook again when he happened to bump into Freddy.

"Oh!" Bonnie blushed. "Sorry, Freddy, I wasn't looking where I was going..."

"No, no, it's okay." Freddy seemed to be developing a blush, too. "Where are you off to?"

"My room."

"You've been in there a lot lately."

"Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Got a reason for that?"


"I believe you. And do you have a fever? Your face is bright red." Bonnie realized this was true.

"I-I might be..." He lied.

"Let me check." Freddy put a hand on Bonnie's forehead.

"You're not running a fever, at least not that I can tell..." Freddy observed.

"R-right. Thanks. I-I'll just be going now, and-" Bonnie was interrupted by Freddy grabbing him on the wrist and holding him there for a few seconds. Since his back was turned, he couldn't tell what the taller man was doing.

"Freddy?!" Bonnie became slightly panicked.

"Oh." Freddy let go after a few seconds. "Sorry."

"What the hell were you doing?!" Bonnie asked.

"Nothing. C-continue on with your life." Freddy waved his friend off.

Weird. Bonnie thought to himself. I could've sworn he was checking out my ass...


Dear Freddy,

You know, when you bumped into me in the hallway earlier, I want blushing because I was sick. I was blushing because you were so close to me. I like it when we're close like that. I really hope you feel the same...


Bonnie shut his notebook and slid it back under the nightstand. He sighed to himself. "I really wish I could figure out how to tell him how I feel..." The purple haired man flopped onto the bed next to him. There was a knock at the door shortly after.

"Heyy, Bonnie!" Chica.

"Oh." Bonnie stood up quickly. "It's you."

"That it is." Chica grinned. "Anywayyyy~...Freddy needs you."

"He does?" Bonnie's face flew up in red. "For what?"

"I dunno, just go find him." Chica pouted impatiently.

"Fine, fine, is he at the stage again?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah. Now hurry." Chica really seemed to be in a rush.

"Alright, I'm going, damn." Bonnie left his room. Chica closed the door behind him.


It turns out Freddy wasn't on the stage, but in his bedroom.

"Oh, hey." Freddy was reading.

"Chica said you needed me." Bonnie decided to be straightforward.

"Oh, yeah, I was wondering if you could look through some of these song books with me. I need some ideas for Monday's show." Freddy gestured over to the bed.

"Sure." Bonnie picked up one of the rather flimsy books and sat down. Then, he heard a sound much like two metal beams running against each other...then there was a crash.

"Shit!" That was the first time Freddy had cursed around Bonnie in a while. "What was that?!"

Half of Freddy's bed was on the floor.

"I don't know, lemme see if I can figure it out..." Bonnie set the book in his hands down and began to crawl around the base of the bed. He held up a screw. "Found it."


"Loose screws. I'm guessing it was Chica, unless your room needs more maintenance than we do."

"I'm gonna go with the Chica option."

"So'm I."

The two were silent.

"Well, what do we do now?" Bonnie asked.

"We could always hang it on the stage."

"Or we could come back to my room." Bonnie offered.

"If it's okay with you, then I'll do it. Should I leave a note for the boss to fix this?" Freddy gestured to the bed.

"Yeah, and if she asks questions?"

"Tell her Chica is a jerk."

Both Bonnie and Freddy laughed.

"Alright." Freddy stood up. "Then, I'll help you with the note and we'll be on our way." Bonnie blushed, realizing that his friend had just unknowingly made a reference to his notebook where he wrote all his feeling down that were directed towards him.

"Right." Bonnie managed to compose himself. "Lets go."


A note had been left to the boss and currently, Freddy and Bonnie were sitting in Bonnie's room. Both had decided that studying their songs was a bust and they were just hanging out.

"Well, I, for one, think Chica is a complete stalker when it comes to booking people up." Bonnie insisted.

"That's true," Freddy agreed. "But stalker isn't the word to suit her."

"Then what is?"


They cracked up.

"That's the most truth I've ever heard in one sentence!" Freddy laughed.

"Now I'm not so sure about that." Bonnie said.

"Whaddaya mean?"

"She was so much more than just predator back when she had a crush on Foxy."

"Holy shit! And I thought I was the only one who remembered!"

"Oh, you're not the only one, Freddy." Bonnie snickered.

"I don't think she ever threw those pictures out..." Freddy paused and both men were silent before laughing again.

"Well, I'm off to go fix my bed a bit so I don't have to sleep on the floor." Freddy stood up.

"But the boss is gonna have to fix that, there's no way you'll get that thing fixed by sunrise."

"Well, do you have any other ideas?" Freddy asked, stopping in the doorway.

"Eh..." Bonnie was quiet. He didn't want to mention the idea of sharing a bed, but it was the first thing to slip from his mouth. "Maybe we should try sharing my bed? It would be better than bunking with Chica." Bonnie said the last part with sincerity.

Freddy laughed. "That's true. I suppose you're right, won't hurt for us to try sharing a room. Besides, its just for one night."

'Maybe.' Bonnie thought.

"Umm..." Bonnie and Freddy were silent.

"I'll go back to my room and change clothes. I'll be back in a few." Freddy left the room.

Bonnie, meanwhile, sat red-faced on the bed. Was this actually happening? Was he really going to share a bed with his crush of three years? He decided to go change his clothes and make it quick to avoid anything embarrassing.

Love Notes (A Freddy x Bonnie Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin