Chapter 4

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Bonnie thought and thought all he could about what to write in his new notebook from Mike, but nothing seemed to come to mind. And after all he'd been thinking, too! He set ha pencil down in frustration and decided that since it was six am, he'd wait until tomorrow to ask Mike what he should write.

The next night, Mike was there. Bonnie came sprinting down to the office to see Mike first. Mike was there, all right, but he seemed to be expecting someone else.

"Oh!" The brown haired man sat up in his chair. "It's you. I thought you'd be..." He trailed off.

"Who?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"Umm..." Mike turned a bit red. "Foxy..." He replied kind of quietly.

"Why'd you be waiting for him?" Bonnie asked. He thought Mike would've liked to be around someone like Chica more often.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Mike turned an even deeper shade of red. "We'"

"Really?" Bonnie's magenta eyes widened. "Didn't see that one coming. So he got in here last night."

Mike nodded.

"He doesn't know about the notebook, does he?" Bonnie indirectly cautioned him to never tell anyone about it just through his tone.

Mike shook his head no. "Lets just call it a note for now, okay? It's shorter."

"That sounds fine to me." Bonnie shrugged and propped himself up against the front of the desk. "So about the note..."

"Is it working for you yet?" Mikes smile returned.

"That's just it." Bonnie sighed. "I haven't a damn clue what I'm gonna write in that thing yet. I tried all last night and nothing came to mind."

"Well," Mike offered. "Try writing a love letter in it."

"Are you serious?" Bonnie asked, thinking he was going to have to give it to Freddy.

"Yeah. You won't have to give it to him or anything, though. Just kind of write it out, you know, short and sweet. And hey," Mike gave Bonnie a pat on the shoulder. "I'll take any blame that's thrown at ya if the others find it. Deal?"

"Deal." Bonnie smiled with gratitude.


Freddy was having a hard time finding Bonnie. He had looked everywhere and decided to check his friend's room last.

"Huh..." He opened Bonnie's bedroom door. Bonnie wasn't in there.

"Not here." He sighed. "Real shame, too. I wanted to talk to him-Eh?" Freddy spied something on Bonnie's bed. "What's this?" He picked it up. It was a black notebook.

"Nothing in here." Freddy flipped through it and thought nothing of it. He tossed it back onto the bed and left.

Love Notes (A Freddy x Bonnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now