"Okay here's the deal, and I'm going to make this short and rip the bandage. While you and Oliver were engrossed in your budding relationship, Kira and Lawson were getting it on behind the school. Kira opened her big fat mouth and told Adeline, and you know what happens when you tell Adeline a juicy bit of gossip. Adeline told her minions, and it was all over the school."

I bit my lip, disgusted by this news. But there was something still bothering me, so I asked, "What exactly did they do?"

Addy looked at me like I was stupid. "Really, Airlia? What do you think happened?" My expression was still stupidly confused, so he went on. "They didn't have sex, so you still have the chance to lose it to Lawson." He stuck out his tongue at me jokingly. I gave him one of my infamous "You're pissing me off, so shut up" glares.

"Look," Addy went on. "He just-"

"I get what happened!" I didn't want to hear the complete details. By hearing them, I would have screamed.

I was now pissed at Kira and Lawson. I felt glad that I served the ball in his face. Kira taking the blame didn't mean anything to me anymore. She's a slut, and no matter what she does to hide the fact, she will be. And she knew that I liked Lawson, but she went on doing those things to him.  

"She's a bitch," I said quietly to my hands. Addy nodded in agreement and patted my hand.

"It's okay hun." He lifted up my chin and grinned. "Lawson is going to fall for you, and I know it." 

"How?" I was really interested in what was going to surely happen, but Addy just laughed.

"Just wait and see!" 

I went back to my work, used to Addy's hopeless romantic games and predictions. But another question was gnawing at my stomach. I took a long sip from my cup for strength and asked, "Addy, why do you think Lawson pretends to be gay?" I didn't have to worry if this was a touchy subject for him. Addy is so openly gay that he makes jokes about his homosexuality.

Addy touched his index finger to his plump, pink lips. "Hmmm... He does it because he's the Class Clown, hands down. Or maybe he just wants attention from a certain someone." He said the last bit implying to me. I rolled my eyes.

"He gets enough attention from just about anyone," I reasoned.

"Well," he sighed. "Why do you think he isn't gay?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe because it just seems ridiculous. He really doesn't peg me for the gay type of guy. I mean, he has nude pics of girls on his phone. Or at least that's what Wiley tells me."


"I know."

"How can you like someone like him then? He's a total jerk and a perv!"

"Hey!" I blushed. "It's not like you have naked pics of guys on your phone."

"I don't," he huffed. "Do you?" He stared at me with his mouth hanging wide open.

"No! But I'm pretty sure Callaina did, being a whore and all. She probably still does." Addy looked at me with a shocked expression, and I laughed.

I stayed silent for a second. "But to answer your first question, I don't know. I guess I'm just attracted to his bad boy-ness."

"That explains Oliver. That boy can't get out of trouble for his life!"

For the rest of the time we actually did our homework, only talking if we wanted more snacks, or if we needed "help" on a math problem. Help really just meant "Give me the answers". It was around six when we were done with everything.

"Is your mom working late tonight? I asked as I stretched out my arms. Addy nodded.

"Hey!" he said, his eyes sparkling. "Let's make a list of pros and cons!"

"Of what?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"Of Ollie and Lawly duh!" He ripped a paper from his spiral notebook and made two columns. The title was "Ollie and Lawly- Potential Lovers". On the left collunn it was titled "Pro-Staying with Ollie", and the other column was "Con-Staying with Ollie." After making the titles, he laughed. "Um... I didn't realize that we would half to make two pro/con lists for each guy.

I laughed and ripped another piece of paper from his spiral. I did the same thing as him, only replacing "Ollie" with "Lawly". Then I said, "Let's start with Oliver."

Addy nodded and said, "Okay, pros: he's nice (especially to girls), funny, hot, Italian (there's so sexual attractive!), has a good sense of humor, the next Bill Gates, and a great athlete." I wrote down the pros as fast as I could.

"Okay, that's seven pros," I said. "Well, he's a good kisser, so that's another one." I laughed at Addy's expression. "What about cons?"

"Hmmm.... He's mean, gets in trouble constantly..." He stopped naming cons for a second. "Well, I can't really think of anything else that's bad. And that's a good thing. I see every minor bad thing in people."

I smiled. I wanted to say how there's one thing I don't like about him, but I didn't want to go in an in-depth discussion about it. I did not even want to think about it because it confused me too."Let's move on to Lawson." I brought out the pro/con paper from underneath Oliver's and had my Ticonderoga pencil hovering over it, ready to dot down Addy and I's thoughts.

"Lawson's... Hilarious, hot, smart, a great kisser, I've heard through Kira. That's really all I can think of."

"He's nice." Addy looked at me like I was crazy. "To me, at least."

"Fine. Add that to the list. But that's a total of five, really four and a half."

I stuck out my tongue at him. "Cons?"

Addy rubbed his soft hands together. "Ooo I can think of a lot. He's mean, arrogant, a jerk, perverted, inconsiderate, irresponsible, not respectful to elders, most likely going to get expelled in three weeks if he keeps his act up... Shall I go on?"

My green eyes narrowed at him. "No. I think I get your point. But you're confusing me. You say Lawson is right for me, but you always have something negative to say to him."

"Darling, his right for you," he said, like it made everything clear. 

"But if he's right for me, why does he have to be mean?"

Addy let out a frustrated sigh. "It's just his character. He can't really change that. You guys just seem to go together."

"I'm still confused."

"It's okay. It'll make sense once my plan starts."

I was nearly about to pull my hair out. Nothing was making sense still. "Just tell me what's going to happen!"

"I can't! I can't tell the exact future!"

I heard the pur of my mom's car outside. I quickly packed my books in my bag and stood up. "Whatever, Addy. I have to go. Bye." I opened the door of his apartment and stepped outside.

"It'll all make sense in the end!" he called after me.


Okay, this is a filler chapter. I'm not having writer's block; I just don't know how fast this should be going. I don't want this to be like a 200 page story, but I don't want to cut things short. I mean, do you guys seriously read 200+ page stories on Wattpad? lol. So next chapter is going to be a little bit more interesting and will kind of set things into place. The title of the story does have a meaning! It's just coming at a later time.

Vote, comment, and fan! But please, do not advertise your story on here. It's kind of rude if you're just reading this so I can read your story. Or do you guys even read it? But by the way, I usualy check out people's stories once they comment on my stories haha.

Today's song is "Get Another Boyfriend" by Backstreet Boys. Lol don't judge me! I love this song for some reason :P

Thanks to Rominjoe and nebelsaengerin for giving me thorough critiques! It really helped a lot(:

You Pretend You're Gay... Why?(On Hold-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now