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"Gege!!" Yibo blurted out feeling at his high. 

"Don't call me that..." Xiao Zhan said and banged a little harder. It was too hard for him to tackle this wife as Yibo tried to dominate over him in between their sessions. 

"You wouldn't be doing that knowing that I am a man..."

"You are the man i.e why I am yet to target your another hole, wifey... Your ass is getting sore, don't you feel that..." Xiao Zhan said relaxing... Yibo also rested his head on the pillow feeling relieved, "So if I came back in my real body... you will still fuck me?" Yibo asked taking a deep breath.

"Yes!! Without any doubt... I didn't know I want you this much!!" Xiao Zhan caressed his face and Yibo felt something in his heart. Wei... He is trying to impress me... He will not fuck a man... And why I am thinking of getting fucked by him... He is trying to get Xiao Yi... But he started calling me Wang Yibo... this man... he is playing with playboy, he doesn't know... I should not let my guards down just like that... 

"Now it just doesn't matter to me... I feel you are really special to me, Wang Yibo!" Xiao Zhan said pulling Yibo closer and he looked at him, "I am not going to do anything again, okay?" Yibo said and the king smiled, "It's okay... I have to go for official work, so I can manage for a day... We will meet tomorrow night..."

"Tomorrow...Don't you have so many consorts when you will give time to them?" Yibo frowned

"It is okay to go to them once in a year..." Xiao Zhan said. Yibo rolled his eyes and shook his head. "And Queens?"

"Once a month is okay for them..."

"Then why are you coming to me every night??" 

"From the past year, I didn't come to you even once, there are twelve meetings due with you..."

"Oh god... Ten more nights?????" 

"No... there can be more... as Xiao Yan and Xiao Yu both are pregnant... so their time will be yours too" Xiao Zhan said and kissed Yibo's cheeks.

"I want to go back... Please send me back to my life..."

"Where Yibo...?" Zhan asked and Yibo shook his head. He needs to plan concretely this time to get out of the hold of Xiao Zhan.


Yibo was eating seeds and spitting the shell thinking of getting out of this manor anyhow now. He was keeping his eye everywhere. He came to the kitchen and then to the garden, everywhere to look for something which could help him go out of here. Qin Chuan was following him happily thinking that Sān Nǚwáng is taking the round of the whole palace.

Some servants were taking away empty drums from the granary, he found. The drums were taken out of the palace.

"Qin Chuan... can you please leave me for a while and wait for me at the manor... I will come back till evening!!" He said and Chuan was about to ask him, "Please Chuan, my cute Chuan!!" He said again and she smiled and left him.

Looking here and there near the granary warehouse, Yibo tiptoed toward one drum. He checked it, it was empty. He hid in it and sat down. Now I will just run away from here...  And whatever time is left, I will use that in a brothel or enjoying the sceneries of the place... and then I am going to wake up... Wang Yibo, you are really very cool!! 

The servant came to lift this drum by holding the bamboo holders on their shoulders. Yibo smiled feeling he is going to be free now. I will miss you Xiao Zhan but I can't be the one you are thinking of... Even you call me Wang Yibo... I know you are still thinking of me as Xiao Yi... and I understand that after all, I am a man too. He thought.

The servant put the drum on the weigh checker, it was showing the drum was heavier than the threshold limit. They lifted the drum again and brought it near the pavilion where Xiao Zhan was checking every drum on his own to give instructions to the granary keeper regarding them.

They placed the drum on the grass and left. Yibo looked through the holes and his eyes saw the garden around. Looks like, they already brought me out of the palace... I didn't know getting out of here by fooling everyone could be this easy... now I should come out...

Yibo opened the lid of the drum and happily stood up, he jumped out, "Yeahhh!! finally Freedom" and looked around happily, suddenly his eyes met none other but Xiao Zhan. He froze just like he was. 

"Yibo... how are you here...?"

 Yibo felt like crying, he took a breath and shook his head. This cannot be. What bad luck is following him?

Xiao Zhan smiled and pulled him, "You were missing me?"

Yibo shook his head keeping a smile. 

"Come on, I know!!" Xiao Zhan pulled him in the embrace., "I said tomorrow and not tonight... this must have made you feel like I don't want you... Actually, it was for you, I want to give you rest..." He patted his head, not knowing that Yibo was actually fuming from inside.


"I don't have a car or even a motorbike to run away from here..." Yibo was walking back and forth in his own manor. "How long is this dream god... !!" He blurted out "One min... No car and no bike... but the palace could have a horse..." He smiled

He told Chuan to call his personal guard., who appeared before him, "Princess, what can I do for you?" Zhuliu asked

"Zhuliu, I need one horse... Please help me to runaway from here!!" Yibo said

"Princess Xiao Yi... You want to run away..?" Zhuliu frowned

"Shhh... just do what I say... arrange me a horse, I will be there after dinner!!" He said and Zhuliu nodded.

After the dinner, Wang Yibo dressed in black, he also covered his whole face and reached Zhuliu, "Take care of Qin Chuan!!" He said to Zhuliu who nodded. "If princess wants me to come with here..."

"Not now... later..." Yibo said and climbed the horse with Zhuliu's help.

"Keep riding toward North, you will reach our kingdom!" He said and Yibo nodded.

Connected to the earth by hoof, indebted to the horse who carried him with loving care, Yibo made his way through the forest. The horse was running normally but from nowhere a tiger halted their way.

The horse turned its direction and ran faster than before, Yibo screamed, "How to put brakes... how to stop him..." He ducked seeing so many branches coming in between his way. The crazy speed was making him dizzy.

This horse was followed by another horserider. This horserider matched the speed of Yibo's horse who was still screaming. Yibo felt he was pulled by someone. The person took him in his arms. His speed was getting normal now. 

Yibo felt relieved as the horserider almost slowed down his horse. "Thank you!!" Yibo said and felt a kiss on his neck, he frowned, "What are you doing..."

"Don't worry..." Xiao Zhan said removing his face cover, "I wanted to ask you why you went out but let us do something else as you aroused me by rubbing yourself to me!!" He said and as the horse was riding up and down, Yibo was feeling the penetration. "Gege!!" 

Xiao Zhan brought back Yibo to his manor after a while.

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