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Wang Yibo Pov

"Bring me one cold beer..." I said to him. This king requested me to accompany him to his manor as a brothel is not a good place to talk. I was like, why does he even need to be there.!! He was clearly not into Xiao Yi, then why did he come there... 

"Beer?...?" He asked

"Hmmm Baijiu..." I said stating the meaning. 

"Ah... ohkay.." He nodded and called the servant. He sat down beside me and I was looking around with amazement. This room has more carved ceilings and has more antiquities placed on each wall. 

"What are you looking at?" I heard his question

"Your room... !!! Those carvings look like done with gold..." I said

"They are..."

"That is gold there?"


"Real Gold..?"

"Yes" He said looking at me like, I am asking a stupid question. I nodded, "But you don't own AC"


"Air conditioner... "

"Should I open the window..."

"No... No... it is okay!!" I said with a smile...The servant brought the liquor and I took it with excitement. This king placed some snacks too, "Thank you!!" I said to him taking one in my mouth.

"Will you tell me now...?"


"I am ready to hear your story, Xiao Yi... tell me!!" He asked again as whatever I asked for, he already did.

"Hmm yeah... So!!" I stretched my one leg to the side to sit comfortably, "Actually..." I drank one sip, "Everything you and I, are doing is not real..." I said


"I mean... this is actually a dream I am in... I must be sleeping in reality... otherwise how could be a girl... I am actually a man!!"

He frowned and tried to understand, "Xiao Yi... You are a man?"

"Not Xiao Yi... I am a man called Wang Yibo and I fell in the swimming pool that night... When I woke up I was here"

"But you said you are in a dream, still sleeping!!" He said

"I woke up in a dream... Coz it is the 21st century, not 12th century... we have cars, internet.. fridge, tv, washing machine... even lifts..." I tried to list out things, really I never know how it is like to live without them, I feel their importance now. "We do not wear these period costumes anymore..." I said and looked at him, he was writing everything on paper...

"Wei... what are you writing..."

"The words you are using... I never heard of them so I am noting them down!" He said and I giggled, "Mr. Xiao... don't bother yourself too much with this!!" I sipped down more alcohol, "And now I request you to give me..." I counted two...three... "Yeah three of your consorts or geishas,,, I feel so bored... I don't know when I will wake up!!"

"Xiao Yi... Don't drink so much, you are losing your mind..."

"Aiyyaa... What are you saying, Mr. Xiao... !!?" I frowned. 

"Xiao Yi..."

"I am Wang Yibo... Not Xiao Yi, for god's sake, stop calling me that" I said, even after telling him everything, he is not getting the point.

"Let me go to the brothel now and don't follow me!" I said getting up but he held my hand

"Xiao Yi... you can't go there!"


"You will not do anything like that, I don't allow," He said strictly, "No girls!!"

 "W-what....You are so meanie...! You have so many consorts... two queens..." I am feeling angry now... How one man can stop another man!!

"Three Queens.. you are my third queen..."

"I AM NOT a QUEEN" I yelled and he flinched

"Xiao Yi don't yell at midnight..."

"I AM WANG YIBO!!" I yelled again, "AND I WANT---" I felt he put a palm on my mouth by holding me... "mmmm"I tried to speak but he brought me on the bed without budging his hand... "mmmm" I was trying to get out of this hold but it feels like none of my moves are working against him.

"Xiao Yi! I am sorry!" He said calmly now and I looked at him, huffed. "I am sorry for the past year, I know you suffered coz of me," He said and I rolled my eyes. 

"I ignored you and you become like this...Right?" He asked


He removed his hand, "Keep ignoring me then...why are you paying attention suddenly?" I asked him

"It is all because of me... I am responsible that you don't like to take care of me anymore... you are trying to find happiness somewhere else... you don't even take care of your clothes and hair like before... I am sorry!!" He said again and I huffed

"Look, it is okay, I forgive you!! Now all sorted out... let me go!!" I said and smiled, I really want him to remove his weight from my thighs...

"I know you always forgave me... But I realized my mistakes and I want to correct them..."

"And how you are going to do that?" I frowned

"Xiao Yi..." He said and kissed my chin, "I will do everything!!"

"W-what everything... Gege, I am your didi okay!!" I said

"Don't call me gege, Xiao Yi... it makes me feel more guilty..."

"Aiyaa... why don't you understand... I am a boy...!!" I am on verge of crying. "Let us talk like men to men!!"

"Ohkay... You are Yibo, I know!!" He said


"I will call you Yibo... you are a man I assume!"

"I am in real..what to assume!!"

"Ohkay... I accept... now let me love you!!" He said caressing my face...

"You want to fuck me?"

"Ah... why you become so weird, Xiao Yi..." He said and I glared, "Wang Yibo, I mean" He corrected and I nodded, "I meant the same because you need me..."

"I don't need you... no!!"

"You do!!" He said again and grabbed my lips. He tried to intrude in my mouth but I am not any novice, I also know how to get dominance, I tried to push out his tongue and push mine inside him... If things are going this way then I will not let him dominate me, I am the man!!

His tongue was fighting with mine and his hand ran over my body. I also ran down my hand over his body and my finger tried to poke in his ass... I felt he was surprised by this. He held both of my hands pressing them on the bed and looked into my eyes.

"You don't even know what kind of person I am!" I said while catching my breath

"I want to know everything..." He said with curved on his lips and I felt his hands remove my robes in a blink. My body was getting the pleasure he was delivering with his mouth. Everything was making me dizzy. I was feeling so different beneath him. Fucking and getting fucked are way different, I felt.

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