Chapter 16

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Why do I have to stay away?

"Where have you been!" My father screamed the moment we stepped into the house. "I have been worried sick about my only child running around in the woods when the Volturi are threatening to kill the coven she spends the most time with."

"Dad you're overreacting," I rolled my eyes.

"Were you with him? Do I need to kill this werewolf son of a bitch?"


"Are you two fooling around if so, I swear you are going back to Romania and never leaving the castle again."

"No, we aren't fooling around, Seth is my mate." I crossed my arms. "You know I want to wait."

"You change your mind about things I have to ask. Edward, can you prove what my daughter is saying is true?"

Edward put his hands up. "Don't look at me your daughter's freaky magic spell is blocking her and Seth's minds from me."

"You're not helping this situation, Edward." Seth sighed. "Sir, your daughter and I are not fooling around. I personally want to wait until after I'm married. Vivian shares the same sentiment."

My father glared at Seth but just shook his head. "Fine, but she isn't going to fight, I'm sorry Edward but I won't lose her too."

"You can't make that decision, it's my choice."

"With all due respect Vivian, you are my daughter, and you will listen to me. No matter how old you are I will always be older." he crossed his arms, glaring down at me. "I lost your mother to the Italian scum I will not lose you to. You will stay in this house or on that reservation your "mate" lives on and as far away from the Volturi as possible."

"You can't do this to me, I will fight it's my job." Seth grabbed my arm keeping me away from my father. "It's my fault the Volturi are coming. I should be there to fight them with my family."

"As much as we would love the freaky magic powers, we don't need you." Edward crossed his arms. "We have enough gifted vampires without adding a half witch."

"Oh, sorry you thought I was talking about you?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "I was talking about the pack Edward, but you're too self-centered to know that."

"Viv, I don't think right now is the best time to threaten him, there are a lot of red eyes on us right now." Seth whispered, pulling on me slightly. "Let's finish those drawings of yours."

Seth led me up the stairs to my room, closing the door behind us. "You really don't care how many vampires you piss off do you?"

"I have to fight, I need revenge."

"Then what, will revenge on the Volturi be enough," Seth sat on my bed. "I don't want you to start going around the world killing every vampire who ever hurt you, and not just because Edward is on that list. I love you. I just can't watch you put yourself through the guilt you will feel after you get your revenge."

"They killed my mother; they took my life away from me for over two hundred years. If I don't fight neither do you. They can't take you away too." tears stung my eyes, my throat tightening. "For better or worse I love you, you idiot and I can't have a house in the woods with seven kids without you."

"The pack needs me, I can't just--"

"I need you; I can't live another thousand years alone."

"You won't have to; I'll be by your side. These vampires don't know what's coming for them." Seth took my hands. "No matter what I will come back to you, I will fight a hundred wars to keep you safe and return to you each time."

"You can't promise that you don't know what they are capable of."

"Then you will tell me everything you can, everything you remember from fighting them." He pulled me into his lap. "We will get through this together, or if you want, we can leave now and not look back if that's what you need."

"We have to stay, but even if I can't fight directly, I will fight I don't care what my father says." I smiled looking up at him. "He never said I couldn't do a little illusion magic."

"What are you thinking?"

"I need to find Jasper and Alice; it will only work if she knows but I could fake a future where the Volturi lose. It might detour Aro."

"Are you thinking straight you want to leave the safety of numbers to find two vampires who left?"

"I have to; to make sure no one has to die."

"Do you know how risky this is? What if I lose you?" Seth's voice was shaky; he was just as scared as I was.

"You won't; you're not the only one willing to fight wars,"

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