Chapter 13

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            Bella is a vampire, Renesmee is growing too fast, the wolves are on our side again, and Jacob imprinted. Too many things were happening so fast, and time was the enemy. I spent time both on the reservation and at the Cullen's, I was one of Renesmee's favorites, she remembered my voice, the way I could make her feel calm, how I was like her.

I came clean to the Cullen's after Bella woke up and had a hissy fit over Jacob imprinting on Renesmee. They learned my history, understood my secrecy when it came to my origins, and for a time everything was peaceful.

We survived having Charlie in the house while Bella was a newborn. It felt like nothing could go wrong, so of course the universe had to remind us we are all going to hell.

The day we took Ness to catch snowflakes, Seth and I had gone with Bella and Jacob as extra protection. Irina saw us, and I could see in her eyes the fear of Ness being an immortal child. We thought it would be fine that it might just have been the wolves.

We were proven wrong when Alice had her vision, Edward had been playing the piano with Ness, I sat on Seth's lap at the kitchen island, playing with his hair. When we heard the vase shatter against the floor.

"The Volturi, they're coming for us," Alice's voice was full of concern.

My breathing became ragged, Seth kissed my forehead trying to calm me down. Ness walked over to me grabbing my hand. The images of me telling my story flashed before my eyes, she gave me a questioning look like; Are they the same people? I nodded slightly, giving her hand a squeeze.

"I need to make a phone call," I stepped out of the room, looking down at the phone in my hands before dialing the number, hoping I wouldn't regret it.

"Hello?" My father's voice questioned from the other line.

"Dad, I need your help," My voice was weak, almost cracking. "There's a child she's like me, half-vampire, but she is half-human. The Volturi are coming to destroy the Cullen's I can't protect them on my own."

"You have finally realized the limits of your powers, something your mother never did," He whispered. "Stefan and I will be there, soon we may make a few stops along the way, but we will help you."

"Thank you, dad," I stopped feeling like the little girl from the clearing in Romania all over again. "I'm sorry, I should have stopped them back in Romania."

"Do not blame yourself for my actions, we will be there soon." He hung up, no goodbye or I love you. Straight to the point, like the old days, he was back in war mode.

"Hey you, okay?" Seth came up behind me pulling me into a hug. "You seemed really shaken up."

"I'll be okay," I turned and gave him a short kiss. "I just didn't think I would have to face them again."

"Who'd you call?" He asked, leading me outside.

"My dad, I asked him to come help, he's bringing Stefan," I paused thinking about what I had done. "Don't tell anyone, they don't know I'm on speaking terms with my dad at the moment."

"My lips are sealed." He pulled his hand over his lips like a little kid sworn to secrecy. "What's so bad about them knowing anyway?"

"My dad is a bad guy, Seth; he can't control his temper well and has more hate for the Volturi than anyone else in the vampire world." I was cut off by Alice walking outside.

"Can I have a word with you?" she asked, eyes darting to Seth. "Alone."

"Sure Alice," I untangled myself from Seth's embrace. "We can talk in the attic if you like." Calling it our room didn't seem right when talking with Alice, yes, the Cullen's approved of our relationship but there was still doubt in my mind.

I was the first to move, jumping straight up landing on the roof, next to the bedroom window. Sliding it up crawling through, Alice following shortly after. We stood in silence as she looked around the room, her eyes landing on the drawings on the wall then the finished drawing of Helen and Thalia, their raven hair and scarlet eyes, were striking against the white background.

"They are important to you," she whispered, tearing her eyes from the book. "Why don't I see them in your future?"

"They died a long time ago." I closed the book, sitting at the desk. "You needed something, and my gut tells me it's not my life story."

"You cast a spell, and now Edward can't read your thoughts, or Seth's for that matter. Which means as long as the spell is active you should be safe from Aro's gift as well correct?" she was almost bouncing up and down with nerves.

"In theory yes, I don't plan on taking it down anytime soon," I shrugged, glancing out the window, Seth was standing with Leah in the driveway. They were glancing at the window every so often.

"Jasper and I are leaving to find witnesses in Brazil. Aro wants my gift if I'm not there, he may leave the Coven in tacked."

"You can't prove that; there is too much wiggle room with that statement," I sighed. "Please tell me there's a backup plan to get Ness out of here."

"I have everything set up Bella will find the note for everything to get Ness, and Jacob out of the country," she followed my eyes to where Seth stood outside. "he'll be okay, Alec, and Jane can't hurt him right now. The spell remember?"

"The Volturi will follow me around the world, they should have just killed me, when they killed my mother," my voice cracked. Seth looked to the window concern written on his face. "He can feel that I'm upset, it's worrying him."

"I'll tell him he can come up on my way to get Jasper." She left the room closing the door softly behind her.

I flipped through the sketchbook that sat in front of me finding a blank page. I grabbed a pencil and started to quickly sketch Alice, and Jasper, like the memories of them would disappear.

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