Chapter 12

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Jacob ruins everything

September 2006

"Do you need anything else Bella?" I sat next to her, placing the quilt her mother gave her over her.

She looked like death, and I couldn't do much more. But I wouldn't let her know that; she would be fine, I just needed to convince myself. "I'm okay for now, thank you for everything Vivian. You really didn't have to do any of the things you have."

I didn't get to say anything more, before the smell of wet dog hit me. Jacob could be heard speaking with Carlisle in an aggressive manner.

"Jake is that you?" Bella shouted weakly; he was in the room quickly. "I'm glad you came,"

Jacob tried walking closer, but Rosie stopped him. "Close enough."

"What's your problem?" He questioned, I stood up from my spot ready for a fight.

"Rose, Viv, it's okay."

Jacob took the spot I had just given up, looking over her. "You look terrible." I growled at the comment.

"Vivian," Rosie warned. I walked over to her glaring down at Jacob.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." She replied ignoring my hostility towards him.

He paused for a moment, glancing at me before continuing. "So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Rose, you want to help me up?" She questions. Rosie at her side in an instant.

"Putere," I whispered as she went to stand pulling her shirt back down over her pregnant belly.

"You did this," He yelled turning to Edward.

"I didn't even know it was possible," Carlisle countered, hoping to take Jacob's anger off Edward.

A wave of intense guilt caused my chest to tighten, and I ran out of the room, Esme calling after me. I couldn't listen to them argue about something I could have prevented if I had just shared my past with them in a less cryptic manner. I slammed the door to my room, sliding down in front of it, bringing my knees to my chest.

I was the reason; Bella Swan would die.

I was brought out of my frozen state by a set of howls, I was by the window in a flash, Seth, Jacob, and Leah, stood in the yard. Jacob was angry, but Seth didn't seem to notice. I opened the window climbing out, jumping off the roof to land next to Seth.

"Holy shit," Jacob cursed, stumbling back a little, regaining his composure. "Vivian, this is probably the best time to say the treaty is void in Sam's mind, they are coming to kill Bella."

"I already doomed her to die by hiding my past," I said, kicking the ground. "I'll help you guys in any way I can, but first I need to hunt."

Trees flew past in blurs of green and brown, the scent of deer filling my nose. The familiar feel of the hunt taking over, I didn't even know I had the deer till it was pinned to the ground struggling against me.

The rest was a blur, three deer later I was back at the house, Esme was giving the pack some sandwiches, and just by looking at me she knew, I was back to vampire mode.

"You weren't gone long, are you sure you got enough?" Seth asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I never thought I'd see the day my brother would worry about how much blood his girlfriend drank," Leah joked moving to grab the sandwich that Esme had set on a log for her.

"We are going to have to split the days in half for patrols, one group for night one for day," Jacob said he seemed unsure of himself giving orders. "I'll take the night shift with Leah, Seth you can take the day with Vivian. Just don't get her killed."

We left to patrol the minute Seth finished his sandwich, walking the perimeter of the Cullen's property, staying close enough to the house to be there if anything went wrong but far enough to discourage any attack from Sam's pack.

The day was quiet and went past quickly for walking around with a giant wolf without talking. But just being around Seth was enough for me to be content for eternity, even if the one time we almost kissed was ruined by Emmett, and his need to bother me when Rosie was busy.

Sunset came faster than I thought it would, Seth and I walked back and were met by Jacob and Leah before they sent us off to bed. I stayed as quiet as possible when walking into the house, only Esme knew I had left my room so Edward would know if she had thought about it. Seth and I almost made it to my room without any altercation with anyone, almost.

Edward was waiting outside my bedroom door for us. "Are you going to explain yourself or just ignore me like normal?"

"I'm only half vampire, my mom was a witch, if I had told you that it might be possible for you and Bella to have a child none of this would have happened." I pushed past him into my room Seth on my tail before slamming the door in Edward's face.

"You hadn't told him?" Seth asked sitting on our bed. "You were together for sixty years and it never came up?"

"Edward and I's relationship was purely one of silence, we never really talked, he would take me places to sightsee, but we didn't talk." I sat down at my desk, pulling out my sketchbook. Flipping to the page with Thalia and Helen, readying myself to finish it.

"Well, I'm glad you felt like you could tell me," He was right behind me. I didn't know he had moved from his spot on the bed. "Thank you for trusting me."

I turned my head to face him, and his lips met mine. Everything was right in the world for that one moment, before he pulled away getting ready for bed.

"I think I love you," I said turning on the lamp.

"I know I love you." He turned off the overhead light, getting into bed.

"Are you sure?" I crawled into bed next to him turning off the lamp.

He pulled me closer, so my head was on his chest, and he whispered in my ear. "I was sure the day I met you."

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