Chapter 9

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The wedding

August 13th, 2006

"I changed my mind. I don't want to go," I said staring at the purple dress Alice sent through the wolves to me. "I really don't want to go to my ex's wedding."

"Viv, he is your adoptive brother, it will be strange if you aren't there," Seth chuckled, placing a kiss on my cheek. "I'll be there the entire time, so if anyone has anything to say, they have to go through me."

"Right my knight in shining armor," I giggled, grabbing the hanger walking down the hall to the bathroom. The dress was perfect which made me even more nervous, Alice spared no expense, and that thought scared me.

When I walked out of the bathroom in the dress with my hair in soft waves down my back and a little mascara, I could swear Seth's jaw was on the floor. He looked handsome in his black suit with the purple tie Alice sent so we would match.

"If you look this good for someone else's wedding, I'm going to be crying at ours,"

"Slow down hotshot, you're like fourteen," I giggled, going to straighten his tie. "There won't be any wedding for us anytime soon."

"Well how old do you think we need to be?" Seth questioned kissing my forehead, grabbing my hand to lead me downstairs.

"You have to be at least twenty, and I should be about 1,612," I smile as we walk down the stairs, where Sue is waiting with Billy.

"Pretty as a princess," Sue smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder. "But you haven't been a princess since 500 AD."

"Maybe not to the vampires, but she's my princess," Seth pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Not to interrupt the displays of affection, but we should be leaving," Billy interrupted, uncomfortable with the situation.

"Billy's right the sooner we get there, the sooner I can get out of there," I joked wiggling out of Seth's arms. "And you should probably lay off the affection, Edward may still be a little pissed that I chose you instead of fussing over him and the hum- ... Bella,"

"We're getting closer you corrected yourself this time,"

"Yeah, closer,"

The Cullen's home was completely overboard with the decorations, there were so many flowers I thought they robbed a few plant nurseries to get them. I held Seth's hand as gently as I could with how nervous I felt, and if it hurt him, he didn't let it show.

Rosalie greeted us before we got too far. "Be careful with how much you cling to him," She nodded her head towards Seth. "Edward still thinks your head over heels for him, he likes the power it gives him."

"I know but going to your ex's wedding is a little nerve wracking," I said, loosening my hold on Seth's hand. "Especially when your ex can read minds and let me guess I have to sit with you and not Seth."

"It would be best if the groom's family all sat together but I could see why you wouldn't want to,"

"Go sit with Rosalie and Emmett," Seth insisted, letting go of my hand. "I trust them to protect you from Edward, and I won't be too far away."

I gave him a small nod before he walked away, Rosie taking my hand leading me to Emmett. "Look who the wolf dragged in,"

"Vivi," Emmett grabbed me in a bear hug spinning me around. "It's good to see you. How are you holding up?"

"I'm good, Seth and his family are amazing," I smile, looking to where Seth stood with his mom and Billy. "I really don't deserve him."

"You deserve the world Vivi," Rosie hugged me. "And don't let anyone tell you different."

"Come on, the wedding is about to start, and Alice will kill us if anything goes wrong," Emmett led me to where he and Rosie were sitting and sat me in between them.

I sat still the entire time, most likely too still for a human, but I didn't once flinch as Edward's eyes flit to me every few seconds. It felt like an eternity before it was over, and I still had to ender a reception. Where I ran in to the stupid blonde that couldn't seem to take a hint that I hated him.

"So, you're a Cullen, you failed to mention that in all the times we spoke," Blondie joked, moving to wrap an arm around me. "As my future girlfriend I would think you'd want me to meet the family."

"You're not my future anything and my last name is Hale," I hissed, shoving him away. "And I have a boyfriend and let's just say you're not my type."

"What do you mean not your type?"

"Am I interrupting something?" Seth came to my rescue like always.

"Not at all I was just telling blondie here about how we are in a happy relationship," I smiled hoping he would play along. "I hope you don't mind blondie, but Seth owes me a dance, you understand?"

"My name is Mike Newton, not blondie bitch," He spat, turning to walk away running into Emmett.

"I'm sorry did you just call my little sister a bitch?" Emmett questioned sizing him up. "Because I think you need a lesson on respecting women. You wanna go up front so I can teach you?"

"No, this is just a misunderstanding," Mike squeaked "I would never, I mean your sister is lovely I just- "

"Can you stop blubbering for five minutes and go find someone your own age to bother?" I asked, giving him a sickly-sweet smile, before grabbing Seth's hand. "Thank you, Emmett. Come on Seth, you owe me a dance."

Dancing with Seth was a dream come true, for two minutes I got to forget all my problems. Until Edward and Bella showed up, wanting to talk.

"Hello Vivian, my name is Edward Cullen, not that you would remember after disappearing for a month," Edward said, holding Bella close like he thought I was going to hurt her. "Did you finally come to your senses are you coming home?"

"I'm going home after you two head off, you know to the reservation," I said tilting my head slightly. "Or have you forgotten the fact that I don't live with you anymore. Oh, and congratulations Bella, I hope you find happiness even if it is with this asshole."

"Viv, I think we should go before anyone causes a scene, let's find Rosalie and Emmett and say goodbye," Seth said, pulling me to his chest.

"That's a great idea Seth, to bad I won't get to talk to the Denali's if we leave now,"

"Vivian Hale is that you," The voice of Carman came from behind me, and I turn to find Carmen and Elazar. "It's been too long cousin."

"Carmon, Elazar it's good to see you," I gave them both a hug. "And here I was thinking I would miss you; we are getting ready to leave."

"That's too bad, but shouldn't you stay you live here do you not?" Carmon asked looking over at Seth with a weird expression.

"I'm living on the Quileute reservation at the moment," I said when I really wanted to avoid the subject. "I live with Seth and his family, and I'm working with them on any issues that may pop up."

"I see, well it was lovely to see you again," Carmen said, Eleazar giving me a small nod. "And we are glad you have found happiness even if he is a shifter."

"Thank You,"

Seth almost dragged me away from them towards his mom and Billy. Only then did I hear Jacob; he was angry at someone, but I couldn't see him.

"Jacob came to surprise Bella, she told him she would have a honeymoon like everyone else's," Seth whispered as we weaved through the crowd towards the woods. "He's pissed. I think he might phase if we don't stop him."

Sam was already there dealing with the situation, we left shortly after heading to Emily's for our own little get together. The wolf pack was happy there would be one less vampire around, but also upset that Bella may or may not come back a vampire, and we would have to go to her funeral. It was a grim occasion, but the boys, and Leah still ate like they were going to die tomorrow.

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