Chapter Two~Open Book

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Chapter Two
Open Book
Elizabeth Masen
Forks, Washington. January, 2005
*Trigger warning: mentions of abuse

My heart was pounding uncomfortably fast in my chest as I pulled off of the main highway and onto a forest road, trying to follow my map to the address listed on Esme's business card.

What am I doing? After spending nearly nineteen years running from vampires, I'm now going to walk willingly into a covens lair? I'm going to tell them my story and hope they don't find a reason to turn me in? Or kill me themselves for knowing their secrets?

As the trees dissipated and revealed a large three story white mansion, I debated wether to turn around in the driveway or not. My brain kept screaming at me to run, but my gut told me that I could trust these strange golden-eyed vampires.

I've spent so long running and I am so tired. Surely this is some sort of sign to stop and face whatever consequences lay before me?

I took a deep breath, trying to convince my shoddy nerves that I was going to be okay, and quickly opened my car door and stepped out before I could change my mind.

"You can't run, you know." Alice Swan appeared on the steps to the large wrap around porch, sporting a wide grin. "Not after you promised Edward to stay through graduation. He wouldn't forgive you for ages."

My stomach twisted hearing her truthful words, "Alice-"

"He sure can hold a grudge, huh?" She smiled fondly, as if they were dear friends. "When do I get to meet him?" She bounced on her heels excitedly.

"Alice, stop antagonizing Ms. Masen." Esme Swan ordered her 'daughter', sending Alice back inside of the house as she stepped out to offer me a welcoming smile. "Thank you for coming. Everyone is very eager to get to speak with you."

"I'm very nervous." I told her truthfully as I climbed the porch steps, not understanding why I felt the need to be so honest with her.

"If it helps, I think you're very brave." She offered me an encouraging grin, offering to take my raincoat.

"Or stupid." I sighed, shrugging out of my green coat and handing it off to her.

Her smile wavered then, as she led me inside the door into an impressive entryway where she put my coat away in the hall closet.

"If you'll follow me, everyone is waiting in the dining room." Esme motioned for me to follow her, but my legs wouldn't cooperate.

"Dining room?" My head swam uncomfortably.

Horror crossed her expression, "It's only a formality!" She assured me. "We use the room as a conference room, I swear. I'm so sorry to have frightened you."

I took a deep shuddering breath and nodded my head, sweeping my hands through my unruly copper curls before gesturing for her to lead the way.

Esme led me into a very large industrial kitchen that was decorated impeccably well for a room her coven had no use for before showing me into the dining room.

I faltered as I crossed the threshold, very aware of the eyes of eight vampires on me, and my urge to run nearly overwhelmed me.

"Ms. Masen." Chief Swan smiled tightly from just inside the doorway, pulling Esme to stand close beside him in order to put his arm around her sweetly. "We're so glad that you came."

I could barely nod, fear coursing through me to the point where I was beginning to think I was having a heart attack.

"E-Elizabeth." I managed to choke out my name. "You might as well call me Elizabeth." I spoke after taking a deep breath.

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