"Why the fuck do you always think I fathered every single kid in this world." Benjamin asked. "I am not her father."

"It makes sense, she took Elijah because he is your firstborn. Benjamin, she is jealous of Elijah that's why she has him." Sofia cried.

"I am not jealous of him." Kathleen corrected her. "Dad was always my father before you and Elijah showed up. I hate you both so much, you ruined our family. You killed my mother." Kathleen shouted.

"I swear I never killed your mother and Benjamin never killed her too so please don't hurt our son. We will give you anything you want, you can have all the money, all the companies, everything we own." Sofia offered. "You can take everything as long as you don't hurt our son."

"I don't want the company or the money, I want my dad back." Kathleen said.

"You can have him as long as you bring back Elijah." Sofia said.

"No!" Benjamin snapped. "She's not my daughter, she's a psychopath, she is mentally unstable!"

"Dad, how can you say such a thing?" Kathleen cried. "I am your daughter, your firstborn, your princess."

"Kid, we will get you the help you need just don't harm my son." Benjamin told her. "Tell us your location and we will be there. I will personally pay for your treatment."

"That bitch poisoned you against us. She put a spell on you didn't she?" Kathleen turned the phone to Elijah who was still drug. "Look at how her ugly son looks now."

"Eli." Sofia cried.

"Elijah." Emily shook her head. "What have you done to my brother you monster."

"He will be back to himself in a few hours and then we will have some fun, talk to you later. Bye, dad." She hung up on him.

"Did you see how Elijah looked Benjamin." Sofia cried. "Please save him." She hugged him. 

"Crying won't help anyone so can we please stop with that." Damien said. "Anyways Jay, did you find anything about where she is right now."

"Well, it's a fake address." Jay answered. "Because there is no way she could be in China." 

"What's the address?" Benjamin asked.

"Nanjing Road in Shanghai" Jay answered. "The bitch planned this for months, she is always a step ahead."

"Exactly!" Benjamin agreed. "Kathleen knows our everyday move, she knows when who and how we get things done. She studied us all and there is no way we can get to her without her knowing. The second she finds out we close she will panic and kill Elijah." 

"What do you mean?" Damien asked.

"Kathleen is using old tricks. She is always doing the unexpected. She tricked Elijah and kidnapped him at the office, a public place no one was expecting. She called us and didn't even try and keep the call short because she knew we were tracking her down. She wants some of us to go to China so she can manage to keep an eye on the rest of us."

"So you want us to fall in her trap?" Damien questioned and Ben nod his head. "That's a bad idea, Benjamin."

"It's not if she doesn't see it coming."

"How will she not see it coming when she knows our everyday movements. We will need a miracle to beat Kathleen at her own game." Damien said and Benjamin started thinking about Annette.

'Annette being alive is a miracle herself but using her is very dangerous. What if she gets hurt in the process or Elijah sees her?'  Benjamin though.

"I got the IT specialist, did Kathleen make a call?" Adrian asked. 

"She did but Jay got the address and it says she's in China." Emily answered him.

"Why doesn't everyone take a nap while I try coming up with a plan." Benjamin suggested. "We can take turns."

"I will stay up in case Kathleen calls again." Sofia said. "But everyone else can sleep because it's super late and I know everyone is exhausted."

"I will ask around, I will be back soon." Benjamin left the house. 

'Kathleen knows all our moves but she doesn't know Annette's moves. Annette has been dead so there's no way she can be expecting her.' Benjamin thought.

Ben remembered the conversation he had with Elijah where Elijah told him he hates Annette's friend Adam so Benjamin went to the Kingston place to look for Adam.

He tried the face recognition to get in the place but it didn't work. 

He knocked on the door until someone answered the knock on the door.

"What do you want Mr Carson?" They asked, pointing their guns at him. 

"Adam, I am looking for Adam." Benjamin told them and they closed the door in his face. "These assholes would've been dead now if I wasn't looking for my son."

"What do you want Mr Carson?" Adam asked.

"Come with me, it's very important." Benjamin said so he followed him to his car. "I need you to pass a message to Annette." Ben started driving

"I am not the Angel of heaven, I can't pass a message to Annette." Adam replied. "Now why are you taking me for a ride?"

"I know Annette is alive." He told him. "And I know you know she's alive." He continued. "So please pass on the message and tell her Elijah is in trouble, Kathleen has him and we don't know where she is keeping him."

"Why don't you tell her yourself." Adam said.

"You are right." Benjamin replied. "Video call her and I will talk to her myself." 

Adam called Annette and she answered.

"Umm.." Annette hang up the call the second she saw Benjamin so they called her again. 

"Annette, Elijah is in danger." Benjamin quickly said. "I know you don't want to meet any of us but please think about the children. Elijah is their only parent so they can't lose him. Kathleen kidnapped Elijah yesterday and she drugged him. She knows our every move but she doesn't know you are alive."

"I am sorry Uncle but I can't help you." Annette replied.

"It's the least you can do for Elijah and the kids after breaking their hearts. Please think about helping us one last time. I will owe you for the rest of my life."

"I can't! I am sorry, I won't get myself involved in your family business. The Annette you all knew died so leave me alone, please. Don't call me again and forget I am alive!" She disconnected the call.

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