Now it's only the twins with Ginny and my three best friends.

„Don't you two dare to do that ever again!“, Hermione bursted out after a moment of silence while pointing to Harry and me.

„Oi, it's not like we volunteered to get lost and injured!“, Harry defended us.

„I wonder why it's always you.“, Ron said, earning a glare from his younger sister.

„Because they are little Miss Trouble and the Chosen one.“, Fred snickered.

„Yeah, actually very funny, Fred.“, I retorted with a roll of my eyes. He raised his hands in defense.

A couple of hours went by and we were finally able to leave. I was glad. I really needed a shower right now. Ginny and Hermione apparated with Arthur, Ron and Harry with Bill, George apparated with Percy and that left Fred and I with Charlie.

Once we made it all safe to the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley ran strictly to the twins and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together.

„Ouch! Mum, you're strangling us-“, one of them said.

„I shouted at you before you left.“ she said, starting to sob. „ It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.L.s? Oh Fred... George....“, she refused to let them go, now fully sobbing. Eventually she let them go and then looked over to where Harry and I were standing.

„And you two, you're my babies as much as they are. I'm so glad you're all alive“, she continued to sob while hugging Harry and me now.

„Molly, it's fine, let them go. Let's all go in, ok?“, Arthur chimed in.

„You're right, dear. You all go change, shower and meanwhile I'll make you something to eat.“, she regained her typical smile and shooed us all inside.

I let the water ran over my body, washed away all the dirt and pain. I was so deep in thought that I barely heard the door burst open.

„Shit, sorry, Pen, I thought George was in here.“, at the voice of Fred I spun around. He stood in the door and stared at me.

„Close your eyes, I'm bloody naked!“, was all I managed to say as soon as I understood what was going on.

„Fuck, yeah, you're right, sorry.“, he covered his eyes with his hand but stayed in the bathroom.

„What're you doing, Fred? Did you forget how to walk? Leave!!“, I shouted at him. What is he doing?

„I'm already gone.“, with that he hurried out of the door.

I stood in the shower, trying to comprehend what had happened. It would have been funny, if it wasn't so embarrassing. He saw you naked. Brilliant. I disturbed him for life.

I finished my shower, got on new clothes and braided my hair since I'm not allowed to use a drying charm. Then I made my way downstairs.

„So, you're saying you just stood there and stared at her while she was naked?“ I heard George laughing. The door to their room was open. I didn't plan to eavesdrop but I'm curious what Fred has to say.

„I didn't do it on purpose, mate. I was shocked.“, he answered. Shocked, what a nice way to react to my body.

„Our poor Penny must be so ashamed.“, George said. Exactly. „So why couldn't you look away? Is it because you still fancy her?“, he continued. Nope, there's no way I'm listening to what he is going to answer.

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