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The Passage. It was something both extravagant and plain. Both enchanting and dull. The Passage was his favorite place.

By far.

Katsuki hated being awakened for everything. So he ignored what Toga had told him and took his 'premium shit' on an empty stomach.

He only went to school on time a few days a week. It helped that they weren't going to force him. Everyone had taken three steps back after everything came out. It was useful.

However... Katsuki couldn't sleep without the pills. He couldn't think without them. He felt like a zombie whenever his supplies ran low. He had to keep getting more.

More. More. More.

He just needed more of it. He needed the Passage, the abyss. He didn't want to be awake. He really didn't want to.

He kept on taking them. On some days, Katsuki didn't bother getting out of bed; he'd just roll over and pop two more pills. He didn't want to take those moments to be awake and aware. He didn't want to be lucid.

The sweetest embrace of the abyss was all he needed. It was all he cared about. And to get that, he had to spend some time lucid and gathering information like the traitorous little informant he was.

"Bakugou, are you awake?" A knock sounded at his door. Katsuki gave a groan. It was Sunday, why couldn't they leave him alone?

He shuffled to the door. As he opened it, he sighed. "Unfortunately"

The person, Ears probably, shifted from one foot to the other. "We're all going to the mall. Do you want to come? The dorm's gonna be empty"

Katsuki merely flapped a hand dismissively. "Have fun or whatever. I'm gonna enjoy the quiet without you loud extras"

Ears sighed and nodded. "Okay. Aizawa is out doing whatever so if you need something, you can call one of us. Do you have–"

"I have Shitty Hair's number, now go away, I'm going back to sleep" He said, yawning. He had only taken one pill last night, he hadn't felt like interacting with Seiko. But maybe he should now? As he closed the door, he heard her muttering a 'It's three in the afternoon.' He didn't care, time was a figment of the human imagination.

Katsuki paused. No one would be at the dorm. And there weren't locks on the doors. (Everyone knocked because of the few times then opened the door to something unsightly.) And with everyone gone and the doors open, Katsuki could get anything he wanted.

And with anything he found, he could get more. More and more and more.

He'd gone on the date with Toga. It had been to some arcade. It had been fun and since the place was so dark, she was able to slip him the baggie easily. Katsuki found himself looking forward to his meetings with the league.

It wasn't very heroic of him to be doing this, but there was no way out now; even if he wanted to. Which he didn't. He rather liked where he was.

It was comfortable.

And in the end, it all came down to comfort. Everyone was happy in their comfort zone. And he was too. Katsuki was very comfortable in his current situation.

The cravings, the pressure to find information, the adrenaline rushes he got when he found information and had to make moves to hide it. The near constant chanting of 'more, more, ever more' that echoed through his mind. Yes, he was comfortable.

The abyss that holds him captive in a pleasant state of unconsciousness. The Passage, where he met Seiko and could finally rest. The connections with the league. Yes, he was very comfortable in his situation.

Perhaps he should just... No, it wouldn't be beneficial.

Katsuki waited until the class had left. He watched through the window and counted. They all went. All but him.

Now, he could get some serious information. On anything. Anything and everything.


Word Count: 709

Okay so, typically this is where the whole 'forgive me for my lack of updating' bs happens. But, I don't care anymore. I update when I want. I wrote these for me. You guys just happen to read my sorry excuse of a story too.

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