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Katsuki hated mornings. Afternoons too. And evenings. He just hated being awake for stupid shit like this. Stupid shit like villains in the camp they were supposed to be using for training. Now that topped the cake of stupid shit he had to be awake for.

Even worse, though, was the fact that Deku seemed to think he ran the show. Katsuki couldn't stand that. But he put that back to punch the shitty nerd for later. The villains were targeting him, apparently. another shitty thing he had to think about.

As he tripped over the tree branch he'd been jumping off of, he bit his tongue. Hitting the forest floor hurt like hell. He winced as the headache he'd been ignoring for hours tripled along with the new ache of his legs from landing on them.

Today was a shitty day. He's decided that. His right leg protested any further standing and he had to crawl to the nearest bush to disappear into. He refused to cry over a little pain, he wasn't weak. But damn his head hurt like hell. His body felt like it was both on fire and stuck in snow.

It took so much effort to breathe, to blink. Katsuki really wanted this to be over so he could stop fighting the urge to just drop into the abyss of dreams. But life had other plans. He wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon, would he? He had to wait for this problem to resolve.

"Hey'ya kid" A magician looking guy said, standing in front of the bush he'd shoved himself into. Katsuki let out a shaky breath. He couldn't tell if the guy was a hero or villain and honestly? He couldn't care less. Everything hurt like hell. He didn't want to be awake anymore.

"Hey" He returned. Katsuki was tired. So goddamn tired. So as the magician guy stepped forward, he let his body go limp, eyes closing. He was tired of trying to win the fight for lucidity. A sigh being let out as the pain he was in began to feel muted. He could barely hear what was going on, he was on the verge of losing the dance for lucidity.

"I got Bakugou" The magician guy said. He was a villain, then. Oh well. At least he didn't have to be awake anymore. Katsuki lost the dance, slipping into the bliss of numb, dreamless sleep.

When he woke, he wished he hadn't, he noticed that he was mostly upright. He was strapped to a thing. He didn't know what, but it was cold. In fact, he was freezing.

But that didn't quite matter as he blinked, staring at the villains sitting at the bar. None of them seemed to notice that he was awake and as much as he desperately wanted to return to the abyss, the pain in himself caused adrenaline and shivers to spread across his body.

"So... " Katsuki drawled out. "When the fuck are we getting to the torture part?"

One of the villains, the scarred, blue-eyed one, laughed. "Bold of you to assume we were gonna torture you"

Katsuki clicked his tongue. "What else would you do?"

"If that's what you want" The hand-covered, leader-looking fucker said.

Katsuki blinked a few times, remaining silent in order to think. If they tortured him, it would hurt like a bitch. But he'd probably pass out afterwards. Or better yet, during it.

With that in mind, Katsuki nodded. "Sure"

"You're an interesting kid. I don't think I know anyone who asks for that" There was the magician guy. Katsuki kind of liked the guy. He wasn't soft spoken, but he wasn't loud either.

So he waited there, watching for them to decide or do something about his request. He really just wanted to sleep. He didn't want to be lucid anymore. He closed his eyes, trying to muffle his mind. Maybe if he tried hard enough, he would be able to sleep.

Rapid footsteps made him open his eyes, unfortunately. A crazy looking girl stood in front of him, grinning.

"Shiggy said I could play with you! Aren't you excited!"

Katsuki would've shrugged, but his restraints stopped the movement. "Sure"

"Damn he's crazy. Are you sure he's the right one?" Some lizard look alike murmured loud enough for him to hear.

He couldn't wait to fall back into the abyss of dreamless dreams.


I made him so fucking apathetic lmao

Word Count: 761

Honestly, I just want to see how I write torture. No other reason for this story.

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