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The 'premium shit' kicked in within minutes. Dabi had stayed. Why? He didn't know. He stared at the ceiling, having laid back down as soon as the villain gave the injection. He heard the man move as he started to slip into the abyss.

"Th'nks" He muttered. If there was a reply, he didn't register it.

Toga hadn't returned after her mistake. He remembered that. Oh well. The abyss was in his grasp. He could feel it taking him, numbing him. It took him from the shitty world. He really loved it.

He woke and for once he felt like he'd slept enough. Waking you however, was to scorching pain. Somehow, he also felt freezing. As if he were in a bucket of ice. He brought a hand to his face. They hadn't restrained him again, it seemed. He blinked in surprise when he noticed bandages wrapped tightly around his wounds.

"Well damn. That shit worked" He felt good. A tad sluggish but hey, he'd slept. His fingers were freezing against his cheek, he noted as he sat up. He shivered. He was still in the bloodstained tank top and shorts. His cheek radiated heat and it was a wonderful feeling for his fingers. Though alternatively, his fingers felt like knives against his cheek. Ice shards that were far too close for his liking.

"Oh, you're awake" Katsuki turned to the doorway. The magician guy stood there. What was his name again? Congress? Oh. Compress. Mr. Compress, that was his name.

"Mnhm. So, uh, I get the 'premium sleeping shit' if I give you guys what you want?"

"That's what you want to call it? Yes, that's the deal. You good to go?"

Katsuki thought for a moment. Everything hurt like hell, but honestly he felt so much better after sleeping. Actually sleeping. He never got sleep like that. Not on his own. He'd have to get more of it.

It was an amazingly easy decision. So he answered with a nod. The magician guy stepped closer and removed the restraints that still lay on his ankles. Katsuki moved to get up but his joints locked up.

He clicked his tongue in distaste, but immediately regretted the action when he tasted metallic blood. Mouth wounds took fucking forever to heal, he remembered.

The magician guy laughed and moved to touch his hip. Before Katsuki could even register what happened, he was back out in the bar. He blinked a few times. He was on the counter. What the hell? Did he just teleport? How the fuck did he get here?

Obviously his confusion was visible as multiple of the villains laughed at him. Katsuki frowned.

"So, what d'ya want?"

"Anything you've got. Most importantly, we need the schedule for other outings, events, and other shit. Oh, and All Might's biggest weaknesses would be nice to know too"

"I'd have to say Deku. All Might goes and does whatever Deku wants. So, Deku is probably a weakness"

Why was he agreeing to do this? Was he really about to sell out his school for sleep? Yes, yes he was. He was more important than them. They could deal with a few villains if they were legit.

"He seems to have a limit of some sort. I haven't timed it but he definitely has parameters. I'll have to time it next time"

He said that like he planned on selling out more information. But now that he thought about it, the 'premium shit' would be inaccessible otherwise. Melatonin never worked. No matter how much he took, it never let him reach the abyss on time. But this... This stuff fucking worked. Immediately. He wasn't left to stare at walls for hours. No, he was almost immediately thrown into the abyss. Spectacular.

"I'll give you more if you agree to keep me supplied. As long as I can sleep, I'll find shit out. 'S 'at a decent deal?"

The hand-covered, leader-looking guy nodded with a creepy grin stretching his lips underneath the hand on his face. "Now, how about we relocate so you can be 'rescued'. Kurogiri?"

"On it" a purple puddle opened and Katsuki was brought through. It was some sort of warehouse.

"We left obvious hints to this shit box. All we have to do is make a scene and they'll believe they raided our base. Heroes are pretty stupid"

Katsuki couldn't disagree so he kept just mouth shut about the subject. "You should be glad I requested to play with Toga. It won't look good if we're all just sitting here"

"Man you just got outsmarted by a kid" Dabi teased, only to have a shoe thrown at his face. Katsuki couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips when the shoe hit its mark.


I'm gonna be honest here, I'm just letting my fingers type random shit.

Word Count: 796

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