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Katsuki just wanted the abyss to swallow him. Like right now. As soon as possible. He'd kill for some of that 'premium shit' again. Dabi said he would be giving him pills. So he'd have to play around with how long it took to work.

He'd have to ask how much he was allowed to take. He couldn't just go around overdosing. That wouldn't be beneficial.

He blinked when he felt something cool being spread across the spot where Dabi had fixed Toga's mistake.

"Were they burning you, sweetheart?" He glanced at Recovery Girl, who was wrapping the wound with bandages now, and Midnight, who was staring at him.


"Don't lie, we know what a burning mark looks like" his teacher frowned, voice assertive and serious.

Katsuki shook his head. "I wasn't burned"

His teacher was getting upset and gestured angrily at his forearm. "Then what the hell is this?"

"I was gon' bleed out"

"Aizawa, it's probably a cauterized wound. But, Bakugou, that is a burn"

Katsuki clicked his tongue, immediately regretting the action. He brought his fingers up to poke around in his mouth, against the words of the adults present. When his fingers were withdrawn, they were slick with saliva and blood.

"Oh" He murmured. He knew it was bleeding, but that was a lot for a bite. Katsuki wiped his fingers off on whatever he was sitting on. Probably a bed or something.

Staring at his thighs again, he tried to think of ways to get this 'premium shit'. Obviously they weren't going to let him waltz out of there. It wasn't ever that easy. Life was shitty after all. Why make it easy on him?

So fucking annoying. He wanted to be in the abyss again. It had been so fucking euphoric to wake up feeling good after what Dabi gave him.

He let himself fall back onto the bed with a huff. Goddamn he was so tired. Maybe if he made them take him back to his dorm, it would be fine.

His head hurt and his eyelids felt like osmium. He was so fucking tired. Please let him sleep.

He closed his eyes. Please let the abyss take him. Please, please, please. He just wanted to sleep.

The adults were talking and for the billionth time, he ignored it. For the first time however, he felt the abyss creeping closer. Was this from the 'premium shit'? If it was, he'd have to really get some good stuff for the league.

"'Zawa?" He mumbled.

"Yeah, kid?"

"C'n I sleep now?" He heard a laugh.

"Sure. Go ahead"

Katsuki hummed and let the world drift further and further away. The abyss was so close. So very close. Please let him grasp it. Let him fall into it. Let him be swallowed by it. Let him feel the vast expanse of nothingness. That was all he ever asked for.

When the abyss slowly fluttered back away, Katsuki sighed. "God dammit" He needed that 'premium shit'. The abyss wasn't cooperating. All he ever wanted was to lose his lucidity. That's all he fucking asked for.

Since the abyss wasn't going to taking him, Katsuki opened his eyes. It was still bright, but they'd turned the unnecessary lights off. How helpful. Midnight smiled at him brushing a hand through his hair.

Now that he thought about it, he realized how stupid he was. Midnight had a sleep inducing quirk. That should work just as fine as whatever Dabi gave him.

"C'n you use your fuckin' quirk?"

He was met with a frown. He watched as her eyes flickered over to Aizawa and Recovery Girl. She received a nod and a shrug. Katsuki deeply breathed in the sweet sleep of her quirk. The abyss, however, didn't come.

"Fuckin' hell" He muttered. He blinked at the adults who all had surprised expressions.

Was the the drawback of the 'premium shit'? Nothing else would work? If it wasn't then he'd need to hurry his ass up and get more.

But how the hell was he supposed to get information from the fucking infirmary?

But then again, he always was number one, it shouldn't be too hard to get shit done.


Yogurt always brings me close to throwing up, why the hell do I torture myself??

*note* I'm ignoring the bnha timeline and doing what I want

Word Count: 732

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