Forgetting our anniversary-Taylor Hawkins

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Non-binary beans

After checking the reads of the foo fighter fics I want to release

I have decided which one to release first

And the winner isssss


Uptown girl!

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Uptown girl!

A shifty fanfic!

When I release this,it'll be the second Chris Shiflett fic on wattpad


With all of that out of the way

Let's start the chapter!

Y/N's pov
I sighed as I laid in bed,"there's just no way he forgot about our anniversary..."I was me and my boyfriend Taylor's 3 year anniversary,he never once forgot about our anniversary."he has been very busy lately..."I thought,I sighed.suddenly I heard the front door slam open,I sprang up and jumped out of bed."Shit,shit,shit!"I heard Taylor curse,I went near the door."Y/N?baby where are you?"he called out,I decided not to response."fuck!"he cursed again,"Y/N,I'm so sorry!I totally forgot it was our anniversary,I fucking blame Dave for making practice so long.but as soon as I remembered I immediately left,I don't give a shit if he's mad at me!your happiness is more important to me then the band,p-please...f-forgive me Y/N."my heart broke hearing him say all that.

I opened our room door and quietly walked down the stairs,I saw him sitting at the table.the front door was wide open,his shoes were on different sides of the floor,he really must've rushed to get here.I walked towards Taylor,who had his head down in his arms.there was a bouquet of my favorite flowers on the table,and a beautiful necklace."Oh T..."I thought,I gently put my hand on his shoulder.he immediately sprang up and looked at me,"baby!"he exclaimed.I hugged him tightly,shocking him."I forgive you."I whispered,he gently hugged me back.

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