Another World

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             It has taken over my life.

             Hi, I am Jess, and I love to read, maybe a little too much, and the genre I read the most is fantasy. A little while back,I made the mistake of reading the wrong book, one that had ended up being enchanted, and now I can see every mythological creature that exists, communicate with them, and see their part of the world.

            There are ups and downs to this.

            On one hand, I can talk to them, make friends that aren't human, and even receive magical gifts from them. These gifts are like nothing you have ever seen before, they are the most beautiful things you can imagine. Sometimes they are clothes made from the softest things you have ever felt, or things to protect you from being taken advantage of by other creatures, or weapons to keep yourself safe. Each as precious as the other.

            On the other hand, I look insane to everyone else around me that can't see them. To everyone else, I'm talking to myself, to a wall, to a flower, to a rock or a mushroom. And when I get a gift from them, it's something that is odd to the normal people who see it. For instance, I got a magical dagger from an Elf I came across with in the woods. I complimented his outfit and chatted with him for a bit and he seemed to like me, so he gave me a dagger to protect myself from not-so-friendly creatures. I love it and keep it on me at all times.

           But, when people see it, it usually goes something like this:

           "Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?"

            To which I reply with, "It's a dagger actually, and no, you shouldn't"

            Not only that but, fae are tricksters, and sometimes can go a little too far with their pranks. And quite a lot of them are not too fond of humans in general, so running into them can be a gamble in whether or not it is good.

            But, although there are downsides to being able to see and communicate with these creatures, I am grateful, for I have many new friends that I am glad I met.

            And they give nature a whole new beauty that I never knew existed.

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