Slowly the guards started to realise they were not going to win and the amount of attackers was increasing. Behind the guards were now Axel and Karine visible. They looked scared for their lives and they had all the right to be so.

Eva cut the last dude in half and now they were finally face to face with the parents.

'I think you know where we're coming for.'

'Y-yes p-probably.'

'You know our plan wasn't even killing you in the first place, but you murdering Lars was a very bad idea.'

Nora walked forward, the rest stayed back. They felt like Nora deserved it to be the one to end all this. Swinging the ax in her hand she made her way towards Axel and Karine.

Both the parents knew they couldn't win but they weren't going to go down without a fight. So they took the rings they still had in their pockets. Axel loaded his rings and hit Nora with the energy. Nora on the other hand bounced off the energy with her ax like it was nothing. With a straight face she dodged all their attacks and with one stroke she knocked them down.

Now Nora hovered above Axel, who was now lying in the ground, with a deathly look on her face, quite literally, the blood amplified it even more.

'People would probably tell me right now that I should keep you alive and make you live with the idea that you've killed your own son. To let grief absorb you. But I don't think I'll do that. Leave the world better than you've found it they said, and I'll start with you. Once you're gone the world will be a better place. Goodbye.'

She lifted her ax, ready to strike, but then she heard a voice coming from behind her. A very familiar voice. It was Liv.

'No Nora please stop, wait please.'

Nora still had the ax above her head, but Liv was her friend, and these were her parents. She might've betrayed them but today she lost a brother too and now she'll see her parents being killed in front of her own eyes by one of her once best friends. So Nora did what she felt like was right, she lowered her axe and stepped away from Liv's parents.

Everyone was quite shocked about the fact she actually did that. Liv walked towards her parents who were still on the ground and was now standing in the same place Nora was standing just seconds ago. Everyone thought she was going to help them get up or something and hug them.

'Oh my god Liv thank you so mu-'

'You bunch of motherfuckers.'

Every single person was surprised, from all things this was the last thing they expect her to say.

'Liv please you saw it, you know it was an accident, we're your parents, you know us, you know we would never just kill Lars.'

'How dare you even call yourselves my parents after what just happened. I am disgusted by you both. Don't pretend like killing Lars is the first mistake you've made. It started all those years ago when you sent me to a boarding school when I was only five years old because I told you I liked this one girl in my class. I was FIVE, I was just a child, how could you take that so damn serious? You sent a five year old away to practically live on her own, how could you? Besides homophobic you also let miss Martin raise me, the only job you have as parent you don't even fulfil. You only wanted children for the company. Don't you dare say you are innocent because you are most definitely not, killing Lars was just the last straw that made me realise it.

'Please Liv, how can you do this after your brother just died. I love you so very much, don't come up with such untrue things like that.'

'You, you Karine can live, and you can live the rest of your pathetic life in grief and misery. But you Axel, on that point I agree with Nora. It doesn't even look like you're sad about his death, he didn't mean anything to you anyways, but he did to me. I'm sorry dad but this is our end. I let it for you to decide if it's a good or bad ending. Goodbye father.'

In Ancient Greece murdering your father is the worst sin you could do, but the fun part is that in the story's most of the time they deserved it, just like now. She grabbed a gun from one of the dead body's besides her, loaded it and put it against his head.

'Any last words?'

'Karine, please keep the business alive for me.'

'Those are your last words? About your damn company? I really am disgusted by you.'

'Goodbye daughter, you've become strong I see, and I'm proud of you.'

'I don't need you to be proud of me.'

And with that she pulled the trigger. A gunshot echoed across the field.

'That one was for Lars.'

She shot again.

'That one was for everything else.'

She lowered the gun and walked away with a straight face. Everyone stepped aside and gab opened for her to leave the field. Every single person was too shocked to speak and the whole field was quiet.

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