Ch. 9

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Liv had shown them the whole campus and they had seen almost every classroom now, which is pretty impressive for the number of classrooms there were in total. Right now they were sitting under a tree and talking about random shit.

'Oh damn I forgot to tell you guys, there's an app called class schedule for me and there you can find you schedule for the day and where you need to be and you can mail teachers and see your grades and shit.'

'You mean like magister but for magic people?'

'I don't know what magister is, but probably. Because you aren't specific sola yet you have the basic lessons and the pre exams will be the 'reveal' of your element.'

'Huh, how does that even work?'

'Okay so basically every red moon a very big ass circle statue comes out of the ground right over there.' She pointed at an empty part of the field a little further away from them.

'Please don't ask me how the fuck that works cause I have no clue. Anyways when there's a red moon the circle activates and then the circle activates the energy that is locked away in the people. I don't really understand anything about that, but it works so that's all that matters. The ceremony is actually pretty cool, especially when they are really powerful. In about two months there is a red moon, that'll be your moon. Two months is a short time for learning everything you need to know before the ceremony, but it's doable.'

Lisa was nodding along the story Liv was telling. 'Cool... but do you have a cat?'

'That was a sudden change of topic.'

'Well yes, but cats are more interesting. Are we actually aloud to have a cat in the apartment?'

'Eh I don't really know, I'll need to ask. At home with my parents we do have three cats, but here we don't.'

'We? Do you live with Lars?'

'Yes, he's my brother, I've lived with him as long as I'm alive.'

'Isn't that a good reason not to live with him?'

'Lisa! Why are you attacking Lars like that? He's really nice you know, I couldn't have asked for a better brother. His friends are nice too so I'm fine with living with him and I think he's fine with living with me as well, I hope. I don't have a life anyways so I don't know why he wouldn't be fine with me living with him.'

Lisa was taken aback. 'I'm sorry, you seem to love your brother a lot.'

'Yea I do.'

'I miss Teun, now he's all alone with my parents.' Nora suddenly said.

'Ah don't worry Nora, he's in your family which means he'll probably be going here too some day.' Liv reassured her.

'Oh fuck I hadn't thought about that yet. Suze and Max being able to control an element, I don't know if that's really a good plan.'

Lisa frowned in confusion. 'But I'm the youngest, does that mean my brothers and sister have already been here?' 

Liv just shrugged. 'It probably means they are all under a twelve.'

'Oh yea I forgot about that part.'

'That also probably means you're not really powerful either, if they are all under a twelve you're probably like a fifteen or something. But that's not bad or anything, I mean you can still control an element, which is pretty cool actually if you think about it.'

'You're probably right. This shit is making me really curious about what kind of Solem we all are.'

'Maybe it's like the zodiac signs, then I'll be water, Lisa will be fire, Sadie will be earth and Eva will be air.'

'Omg yea, that would be cool.'

'I don't think it works that way tho, I mean Lars is a scorpio but I am a virgo so I don't think that theory will go.'

'Ah sad. Two months till we know.'

'Two months... Damn that's way to long, I don't think I have the patience for that. Isn't there a faster way to find out?'

'I mean there are, but they also take weeks, one instead of two months but they are dangerous and can only be done by the teachers who are higher than a forty. Besides the ceremony is really fucking cool, so I recommend just to wait. Two months will go by faster than you think here.'

'Why do you say it like that, you're not going to tell me time stands still here or something.'

'Nonono don't worry about that, we can control the elements, not time. Well actually, the Quattuornexus can, but we've already discussed that they are not here right now so yea, we can't.'

After that it was quiet for a while. All five of them just staring into nothingness just thinking.

'Where is your apartment Liv?'

'It's number 266 in building 2A why do you want to know?'

"Well you are our only friend here right now and I thought we could visit some time or something.'

'Yea that sounds nice actually... I don't really have many friends, so it's nice I having you guys now.' They were all kind of surprised when Liv said that, to them she had looked like somebody everybody liked.

'We should make a groupchat or something, what's your number? Wait, what's the wifi here. There better be wifi here otherwise I will not be staying here, YOU AIN'T GONNA TELL ME THERE AIN-'

'Damn Eva calm the fuck down, of course there is wifi, we don't live in the Middle Ages or something.'

'Thank god, you scared me for a second.'

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