Ch. 38

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They sat in silence while they tried to process what Lars had said. After a while it became kinda awkward.

'Soooooo we're Quattuornexus. Cool.'

'Yes, cool.'

'And what do we do now with that information?'

'You know when you think about it it was quite obvious tho.'

'Are we that stupid?'

'Yea, but it indeed was pretty cool, yesterday we literally stopped time. Flex.'

'But wait, what do Quattuornexus again?'

'Weren't they like cat noir and ladybug?'

'Oh my god YES.'

'Lars en Liv can go fuck themselves tho.'

'Yea, but do you think Fynn and Julien are with them too?'

'Hmm I don't know, they might but they are not family with Axel and Karine so maybe not.'

'I hope not tho.'

'I'm still confused.'

'About what?'

'About everything.'

'Lmao mood.'

'So now we can stop time and create life or something?'

'Also destruction right?'

'If that's so then why are we still tied up to chairs?'

'Good question.'

'Sooo how do we activate destruction mode?'

'Uhh I dunno. Wait do you remember the dude from meditation months ago?'

'Wow yea I forgot he existed.'

'Maybe we should just clear our minds and focus on destruction or something, like the movies u know?'

'Why not, maybe those lessons serve an useful purpose after all.'

'Wait before we start, I have a question. Didn't they say at the beginning of the year that Quattuornexus needed to be family?'

'Wait yea, you're right.'

'Then how are we?'

'I have no idea, but it is what it is so let's just try to get out of here.'

'Lets go.'

So that's what they did. They tried their best to focus and concentrate and actually it was working pretty fast. Their medication lessons were in printed in their brains or something. It took them a while but eventually the ropes around their hands slowly started to glow and after a while they were completely gone.

'Damn that hurt like a bitch.'

'Soo what do we do now?'

'Do you think the teachers will be looking for us or are they against us too?'

'I hope not.'

'Where do we go now?'

'I think we have to come up with some sort of plan or something because we can't stay here on school, they will keep looking for us so I guess we have to run.'

'You know that's not going to work right? They are going to find us no matter what, besides where can we go? We are underage and we're not Harry, Ron or Hermione and can't disapparate like them. They are adults with a million company, we can't run from that.'

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