Ch. 2

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We arrive at Nora's place and Lisa immediately runs towards the kitchen. We follow her and find her looking frustrated at the fridge.

'Why do you only have raw salmon, leek, broccoli, and milk? What do you even eat in this household?'

Nora just shrugged. 'My parents cook I just eat.'

'We can go to the supermarket to get some food you can actually eat.'

So due to Sadie's proposal we are now on our way to the jumbo. It was like 20 minutes walking so it took us a while.

(We switch pov from now on)

It was around lunch time and they all were very hungry, so when they saw a weird creepy ass looking cafe with a board with ICE COFFEE written on it in capslock, they didn't even hesitate to go inside. Well actually, Sadie and Nora didn't hesitate, Eva and Lisa were just dragged into the cafe.

So now we can conclude that it was not just Eva who was a dumb fuck, they all where.

The moment they walked into the cafe it gave them a weird feeling, but if Nora wants ice coffee, she gets ice coffee so here they were, in line, waiting for two iced coffees.

'What can I do for you?' The guy behind the bar asked.

'Two iced coffees please.'

'Alright that'll be 6 euros.'

*bleeb bleeb sound of pinning*

'Thank you, you can go and sit at one of the tables and we'll come with your coffee when they're ready. There is a questionnaire about our cafe that you are not obliged to fill in, but it would really help us improve our service. '

'We'll look at it thank you!'

They went to their table and sit down. They didn't had anything to do so they filled in the questionnaire. It was a kinda weird questionnaire cause it was more about them than the cafe itself. Nora said it was probably because they wanted to know their customers better or something.

Lisa looked at the questions on the paper and frowned. '"Have you ever felt the feeling you were going to drown even though you weren't in the water?" What even is this shit? These questions are kinda creepy. How can you drown when you don't drown? We should leave.'

Nora looked at Lisa with a weird look.

'Why the fuck would I leave without my coffee?'

Sadie also looked at Lisa with a weird look.

'Wait the feeling of drowning is not a common feeling?'

Now they all turned their heads and looked weird at Sadie.

'What the actual fuck Sadie'

'"Have you ever felt like gravity wasn't enough to keep you grounded?" Alright thats it, we're leaving this creepy ass place.'

Eva was already getting up from her seat but Nora pulled her back down.

'What the hell, no we don't, my coffee isn't here yet.'

Eva turned towards Nora. 'Nora shut the fuck up, we're leaving.'

'But wait, y'all have never felt like the air was not heavy enough or something?'

Now they all turned to Lisa with even weirder confused looks.

'Bitch, this shit is creeping me out and I'm leaving like I already said two times.'


Eva dragged a screaming Nora towards the exit while Lisa and Sadie quietly followed.

Lucid nightmares save soulsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt