Ch. 32

8 0 15

There was no one inside so they just assumed they had to figure it out by themselves. Right in front of them there was a staircase so guess what? Yes that's right, they went up the stairs. The stairs ended at a door, just a regular normal sized door this time. They opened it and were amazed by the sight of the room on the other side of the door. It was pretty big and the wall directly in front of them was a pretty, dark color of blue with much gold and silver symbols, It almost looked like the sky full of stars. The other walls were pretty boring, three black walls with on the ceiling a text: Nemini dixeris.

'Ahh my eyes!'



'Ah fuck off.'

They explored the room further. There was a large round table in the middle of the room with all sorts of things on there. Most of them were bowls with things like salt, but there were also bowls with some more cool stuff, like silver and mercury for example. There also were two papers, one being a list or something and the other one almost completely blanc. On one of the walls was another regular sized door by the way.

'And this right after I thought we had learned our lessons and would never do escape rooms again.'

'Oh look! The table can spin!'

'Wow vet gaaf cool.'

It was quiet for a few seconds.

'Why are you all looking at me?'

'Well Sadie, what are we gonna do?'

'Ugh of course. Alright let's do this shit. I assume we need to open that door in some sort of way and we have to use there things. Lemme see the papers.'

Lisa gave Sadie the two papers. One was a so called 'vocabularium Alchemiae', and the other one only said Mo8->.

'Ah blehhh is that chemistry?'

"I suppose, but what the fuck?'

'Lmao mood.'

'What does the ceiling say tho?'

'Nobody talk?'

'Well no that's a dative, so it's tell nobody.'

'What the fuck is that suppose to mean?'

'I dunno.'

They were silent for a minute.'

'Omg wait! Tell nobody! If you don't want anyone to know, what do you do?'

'Don't talk?'

'No, you write it in secret language!'

'But the problem is that the paper is blanc babe.'

'Nononono remember those cool pennies from the elementary school? They were very fun and you could only see them with that weird light they came with.'

'Omg yes those, like invisible pens or something!'

'Ah nostalgia.'

'But we don't have that special light?'

'Ah shit you're right.'

'Nonononono wait, I read a book where they did that too, but it was like two hundred years ago so they didn't had those pens, they did it with lemon juice! Smell it.'

'Why would I do that?'

'Just do.'

Sadie sniffed the paper and her eyes went big.

'Omg yes it does smell like lemon.'

'What now?'

'Now we burn it.'

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