Ch. 20

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When they got back to their apartment it was already late and they went straight (gay) to bed. Today it had been Thursday so they still had class tomorrow what was kind of kut. Tomorrow they did had a special class because it was their first day as official Sola. They did not really know what to expect so just decided  not to expect anything at all. First sleep.


'Guess what.'


'I had such a weird dream.'

'We're suppose to guess your dream?'

'Jeez Lisa you know what I mean.'

'Continue then.'

'Fine, well as I was saying, I had a very weird dream, well actually it was also kind of cool.'

'Oh was I in it?'

'Shut up Eva I'm talking.'

'Sorry hoor.'

'Anyways, first I was like standing in a very pretty room, it was a party I think. There was music and everyone was dressed up but everyone was blurry. I could hear many voices around me and I recognized them but I don't know who they were.  And then somewhere in all the blur I saw a person, I don't remember if it was a girl or boy. But they were the only one who wasn't blurry. I saw them for like a millisecond and then suddenly everything and everyone was gone and I was on the roof of a building. It was very dark and I heard voices again and as I was turning around I woke up.'

'Well you were right, it was a really weird dream.'

'Yea Sadie is right, but it also sounded kind of cool tho.'

'Yea you just went to a party in your fucking dream.'

'I wish I dreamt like that.'

'Well that's pech for you.'

'Ah bitch.'

'Love you too.'


They were now sitting in the classroom they were suppose to be and they were all alone which was logical because they were the only ones who had became official Sola just yesterday. Mrs Ana came walking into the classroom. They were all kind of surprised it was the headmaster. and started to whisper to each other.

'I didn't know she also gave lessons.'

'She doesn't'

'Then why is she here?'

'I dunno.'

'Did we fuck up or something?'

'But we didn't do anything. Wait Nora and Eva you didn't do anything yesterday right?'

'No of course not why would you think that?'

'No reason.'

Ana closed the door and the whole room went silent. Ana sat down.

'Hello everybody, are you doing alright?'

They all just nodded.

'Good, well you looked kind of surprised to see me and I don't blame you. Normally there are other teachers who introduce new Sola but I need to talk to you about what happened yesterday.'

What happened yesterday? Was what happened yesterday at the ceremony not how it was supposed to go?

'You might not be familiar with how the ceremony is suppose to go but I'll walk you through it. Most of the time the Circlator hits the locked ones with energy, this energy will unlock the old energy, this also happened to you. As the old weak energy is unlocked the new energy from the moon will absorb the old in seconds and take over the body. The energy fight will only last for like ten seconds. You light up for seconds and you'll have your Solem. The last part went a little different with you. The moon didn't unlock an old weak energy inside you, no, definitely not. The energy inside you wás old, but not weak. The moment the old and new energy met they started to fight, as usual, but this time the energies were evenly matched, so the new energy didn't absorb the old. The energy inside you was so strong that the fight just kept going, way longer than just ten seconds. As it went on it began taking over you. The fight would probably had killed you if you didn't do what you did. You choose sides yourself and tried to stop the fight. I guess it worked because otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here. Now is just the question which side you chose, which energy won. In most cases, they now have a combination of both because the new absorbs the old, but you don't. You all just have or the new or the old, but which? This has never happened before as far as I know and I also can't tell you which is good and which is bad or if there is a good or bad. We really don't know anything about the energy inside you right now so you'll be getting your element classes from a special teacher. All we know is that all four of you are definitely very powerful and at least a thirty of higher.'

'So far Liv's prediction.'


'You don't remember?'


'Liv said I was probably like a fifteen or something.'

'Lmaooo, she wasn't even close.'

'We ask you not to share everything I just told you to the whole school. We still know too little to draw any conclusions. It can scare people and create chaos. I hope you understand.'

They all just nodded again.

'Well I suggest we just do the usual program they normally give new Sola. Please follow me to the practice room.'

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