6 : Gum Drop

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Location : Near UA High School, Hosu City

Time : 3 : 34

Date : Monday, October 6th.


"Are you serious? So you think Midoriya is already dating someone?" Eijirou questioned, tilting his head to the side. Katsuki nodded, before swallowing his gum drops. 

"Yeah. When I went over to his place a few days ago, he had to stop and text someone. Their contact name had a red heart. Plus, I caught him blushing at his damned phone." The blonde said, now grinding his teeth. Kirishima thought for a moment, before tapping his friend's shoulder. 

"Awe, come on man! They're probably just friends. And if anything, I bet they aren't even dating. Midoriya's most likely in love with them, but that's probably it. If ever Midoriya IS in a relationship, then he's definitely blind. Any guy would be lucky to have a boyfriend like you." The red head spoke. Bakugou grumbled. 

"Oh stop rambling you damned idiot. He's better off with that Shoto guy. Or- girl. I don't know." The teen stated, taking in a few more gum drops. His red haired friend sighed, before looking down. 

"Midoriya was nice every time I went over there. If I were gay, I'd be after him too!" Eijirou laughed. To that, Bakugou snapped. 

"Oh shut it! You're so damn annoying! You random Shit-Face!" Katsuki snarled. His pal laughed, as they both walked away. 


It had been a long day at school, and a longer walk home with Kirishima. The thought of Midoriya and Shoto had clouded the blonde teen's mind every day since the sleepover. Not something he liked. Jealousy wasn't a good color on the male, and he hated the fact that he was thinking so much about something do stupid. Yet, he couldn't help himself. 

The teen looked up, seeing the Candy Shop ahead. Within a few steps, he entered the building, and was met by Inko's warm smile. 

"Hi Katsuki!" She cheered. Bakugou smiled and waved at the chubby woman, before looking around, in search of Izuku. He had made up his mind to talk to the green haired boy, and ask him about Shoto. 

"Hi Miss Midoriya... Is Izuku upstairs? I'd like to talk to him... If you don't mind." The blonde asked, setting his bag on the floor, next to the counter. The woman smiled and shook her head gently. 

"No, sadly. You just missed him! He had an early class today, so he couldn't take his morning jog. He just left." The green haired female stated. Bakugou sighed, looking down. 

"I see."

"If you want, you can haul a chair and wait. He'll most likely be back in less that 15 minutes. After all, he said he wasn't going to be long. Unless he stops at that damned Todoroki's house again..." The last sentence was muttered, but Katsuki understood clearly. 

"Who?" The blonde asked. Inko shook her head in disappointment. 

"Oh... I don't think I should be the one to tell you." She said, hanging up her apron. Bakugou frowned. 

"Please, Miss Midoriya. Tell me." He begged. Inko looked down in hesitation, before nodding and looking around. 

"Okay... But don't mention it to him. You see, Izuku recently came out to me as Bisexual. At first, I was shocked, since I've one ever thought he was interested in girls. But... Not too long after he told me about his interest in men, he came up and told me he was already dating someone. I've met him. He lives nearby. 'Zuku met him in an online class and all... But... Just a few weeks ago, I caught him having sexual relations with Shoto in his room." The woman gulped and looked down. "I scolded him, since he's still young! Y'know, as a mother, of course I won't let that slide! Anyways, even though I told him that he couldn't be alone with Todoroki until he moves out... Tch, I know. I know he's been stopping over to that boy's place. Every morning, his runs get longer... And longer. God... I wish he'd stay little. I remember when he was just a little boy, and he was so sweet... But now, he's just... He never talks to me anymore. Ever since I scolded him, he's been so distant. I don't blame him... Oh, I'm a terrible mother..." The woman spoke. Katsuki took a few minutes to process the news, before he sighed. 

"You're not a bad mother." He managed to squeak out. It had been confirmed. Izuku was taken, and in love. There was no way for Bakugou to win him over. And not to mention, the greenette's already experienced sex! Even if they were to get together, Bakugou wouldn't be able to meet the boy's expectations. 

"Oh but I am. I embarrassed him. No wonder he hates me!" The woman wailed, hiding her face in her hands. Bakugou grumbled. 

"He doesn't hate you. He's just... Grown up. Parents don't understand most of the time." Katsuki spoke. Inko looked over to him, confused. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, for example, my mom keeps texting me whenever I don't show up at home before 6. But sometimes, I just go out with friends. I don't always have to tell her where I go, y'know? I have my own life now. I just... I feel as if my parents always try to find out about everything that happens in my life. Like, where was I? What was I doing? Why am I taking so long in the shower? Y'know? But... You don't see ME asking them if they were masturbating!" Bakugou grumbled. He then realized what he was saying, and blushed. "Sorry." He apologized. The woman shook her head, now smiling. 

"No. Don't apologize. If anything I should be thanking you. I guess you're right. Izuku's 18. A young man now. I don't need to know everything about him... He has the rights to hide personal things from me. It's normal. Thank you, Katsuki. You're a great kid." She said, hanging up her apron, and running into the back. 

Bakugou stood, shocked. He had no idea what he had done. But he knew one thing: Izuku was not available.

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