5 : Lollipop

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Location : Near Miss M's Sweet Shop, Hosu City.

Time : 4 : 21 PM

Date : Friday, October 3rd.


With a soft breeze blowing in his face, Bakugou hauled his suitcase towards the shop. He and Izuku had been texting for a while now, and the greenette had now invited him over for a sleepover at his place. Of course, Katsuki said yes. It gave him a chance to hang out with Midoriya. Cute, nice, kind Midoriya... Plus, meet his mom properly. 

The blonde pushed open the door, hearing the bell ring throughout the store. Soon, a chubby woman came running out of behind the counter. 

"Ah, welcome!" She said, seemingly exhausted. Katsuki nodded gently, smiling as he did so. He looked around, in search for Izuku. However, all he could see were a few customers, browsing around the shop. Suddenly, the green haired woman spoke to him once more. 

"Oh... You must be Katsuki! Izuku told me you'd get here around this time! He's waiting for you upstairs!" The woman said, pointing at the blonde's suitcase. Bakugou nodded again, before walking towards the far left of the shop, where the door was. He then opened it, and walked up the stairs. Soon enough, the blonde reached the second floor. He was met by the familiar sweet, cinnamon scent. Izuku's scent. 

"Ah Kacchan! You made it!! Haha!" Izuku cheered, running out of his bedroom, and towards his friend. 

"Tch, 'course I did, dummy! I couldn't wait to come over." Bakugou stated. A wide smile appeared on the greenette's face, making the blonde's heart flutter. Izuku handed him a lollipop, before turning around.

"Come on! I set an inflatable bed next to mine for you to sleep on! Oh god we're gonna have so much fun!!" He cheered, running back away into his room. Bakugou followed, licking the lollipop mindlessly.


"So, Katsuki, Izuku here told me you go to UA?" 

Katsuki looked up from his plate, seeing Inko Midoriya's smiling face. He nodded, not wanting to speak with a mouthful. 

"Well, isn't that wonderful! I hear UA's a very good school. Izuku wanted to go, but he decided Online was better. He works better on his own, isn't that right, 'Zuku?" The woman asked, gently tapping her son's shoulder. Izuku smiled and nodded, before taking a bite from his curry. The three ate their meals, all while having a conversation, and getting to know one another. 

For example, Katsuki learned that Izuku's birthday is July 15th. He learned that his mom moved her with him after his father died, 2 years back. The conversation about Hisashi Midoriya was a painful one, since it wasn't long ago that the man passed away. So, it resulted in both Izuku, and Inko crying. Which of course, Bakugou didn't like ay all. 

"Ah, Miss Midoriya, please. Let me help you with that." The blonde spoke, indicating the dishwasher. The woman smiled softly before shaking her head. 

"Oh no, darling. Just go ahead and have some fun with Izuku. He's been looking forward to today." She spoke. Bakugou hesitated a moment, before nodding and leaving her in the kitchen. The tall male made his way towards the greenette's bedroom, creaking the door open before walking in. He was surprised to see Izuku, staring intensely at his cell phone. He seemed to be texting someone, with a smile printed across his face. Out of curiosity, Katsuki asked a question.

"Who're you texting?" He asked, with a smirk. The greenette visibly blushed and laughed. 

"Oh, nobody." He nervously replied. The small male placed his phone under his pillow, before properly looking up to the blonde. "What's up?" He asked, with a smile. Bakugou shrugged. 

"I dunno. You wanna do something? Or just watch a movie?" He asked. Izuku thought for a moment, before nodding. 

"We can watch a movie!" He cheered. After that, both boys quickly changed into their pajamas, and made themselves popcorn. They then lied down on Izuku's bed, and the curly haired male set a movie on his phone. Forrest Gump, played by a famous actor, Tom Hanks. Izuku had been the one to choose the movie, since he had never watched it, and had had multiple good reviews on it. So, there they were, at the beginning of the film. It started with a boy called Forrest Gump, who had a disability with his legs. About half-way through the movie, a notification popped up on the phone's screen. Izuku quickly swiped it away, but another one appeared not long after. Once several notifications had went by, Midoriya sighed in annoyance and paused the movie. He apologized for the interruption, and replied to the messages he had just received. Even though Bakugou didn't mind, he noticed the sender's name. Someone called Shoto. And next to this person's name, was a heart. If that's someone in Izuku's contact list, it's probably someone he loves. Maybe this Shoto, was the one that made the greenette blush earlier. 

The two boys kept viewing the film, and it soon ended. Once it did, the time was nearly midnight. Therefore, they headed to bed. Midoriya was quick to fall asleep, unlike Katsuki. The blonde was kept away by the idea of Izuku having someone else. Someone special. Like... Shoto, whoever that is. 

By 2 AM, Katsuki had drifted off to sleep. His dreams were flooded by different images, of what Shoto would look like. He's most likely attractive, and Izuku's probably into him. The thought of that wasn't pleasant to Bakugou at all. He himself, loved Midoriya, and wanted him all to himself. And if some Shoto guy was about to ruin that then... 


He couldn't do anything about it. Just hope that Izuku somehow falls for him, instead. 

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