Chapter 15

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"Right, what does Savior-Dick" Grian stiffled a laugh "or whatever that bitch's name is, got to do with this?" Tommy spoke up, Grian cleared his throat at the question.

"Well, if i remember correctly," oh he remembered correctly alright "Xabierithyc or XD is currently on the run from Watchers" he explained which earned more confused looks from the four "So it is very possible that he casted a magic barrier on your server to hide himself from the watchers."

"Wait why?" Wilbur asked scrunching his nose in confusion, Grian's eyes twitched as he sucked in a breath.

"Let's just say a watcher has unfinished buisness with him" Grian tried his best to remain calm.

"How do you know this?" Phil asked the blonde, which earned another sigh from him.

"Well, i am- though I wish i could say was- a watcher" Phil's eyes widened at this Grian's a watcher.

"Okay but this doesn't exactly explain why they're here" a zombie woman spoke up.

"Yeah... about that, so um, bear with me okay? Lady Death asked the watchers to send them here" this earned a bunch of surprised noises from everyone.

"I'm sorry- Did you just say Lady Death!? As in the Goddess of Death!?" Xisuma spoke up as he stared at Grian in surprise.

"Yep, trust me i was also very surprised" Grian huffed out, he expected this reaction from the hermits.

"Wait- but like why???" Iskall spoke up, very confused on why the heck would Lady Death send THEM over HERE???

"Why what? Why them or Why here?" Honestly, Grian's not even sure if he could answer that.

"Uh- both please" Wilbur (unexpectedly) piped in, which earned a surprised look from Grian.

"Wait- you mean you DON'T know???" He asked surprised.

"Uh, no??? We definetly do NOT know what you are on about" Techno chimed in. Tommy nodding along in agreement.

Grian stared at the four of them in disbelief, looking for any sign of deception or joking manners in them.

"Well uh" he started after he found none of the mentioned "Apparently, you four are the first ever to survive death's touch, well first ever mortals that is."

Everybody in the room froze as the words left Grian's mouth.

"WHAT!?" And everyone proceeded to bombared questions to both Grian and the four, who in all fairness were also bombarding Grian with questions


"Wait wait, that still doesn't explain why we were sent here though" Wilbur intervened amongst the question.

Grian pondered, he really does not know why they would send them here though "That," he paused "I don't know actually".

"Maybe it's because you're a watcher aswell?" A blonde wearing a knight's armor spoke up "I mean, it is possible." Maybe it's also because I'm the primal watcher.....whoops Grian thinks.

"Ok so let me get this straight" The zombie hybrid spoke up again, Techno swore he heard the guy with the @ logo say "Ironic" but when he turned to look at him, he seemed completely normal.

"So, these four over here got sent here because they did a dumb ritual and are the first mortals to survive Death's Touch, right?" The zombie hybrid listed looking at Xisuma for confirmation "Uh, from what we gathered, yeah that sounds about right. Oh and I can't unwhitelist or ban them"

Xisuma looked at the four "So, uh, there's a chance you might be stuck here"

"Oh uhm, that's unfortunate" Phil mumbled, it truly is unfortunate that they were stuck here but,

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