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"Do you have everything you need?” asked my mother. I gave her a small nod.

“Hmm”  I mumbled, taking her features in as I wont be seeing her for the next four months. 

“Yes mama” I responded as she kissed my forehead. I took one last deep breath and took in all my savourings as this is the last time I'll see them. Sometimes things just feel too good to be true.

I should be used to this by now as every year near summer time they like to ship me off as they said it will be good for me to learn about all the different countries like i learn that in geography. Plus they say it's healthy for their relationship to not have me around all the time so they can spend time together.

I mean like who sends their 17- year- old daughter to a forgein country. My dad never used to let me go. My mum had to convince him to let me go but now she's happily married to my step dad. But I really miss my dad. It's been about 5 years without him but each day it gets easier to handle.

I'm now walking to the plane. The boarding person checked too much to be sure that I had everything to get onto the flight. I've never been a fan of flying. you're hundreds of metres off the ground with complete strangers and that's sort of scary, I mean like anything could happen. 

I'm now sitting on the plane, thinking about how I'm going to die. I've planned my death, and it's not going to be something like this. The thought of flying makes me sick. I need to get to the toilet right now  or else someone is going to get puke on them. I heard the flight attendant say that everyone should sit now as we are going to take off in a few. 

I only just realised I have no idea where anything is on this plane, I fell over someone's bag, hoping not to be sick on them. He caught me, placing his muscular hands around my waist. 

I looked up to see that his eyes were like diamonds, possibly worth millions to anyone with decent taste in men. This man is unlike any man I've ever seen before. His hair looks so fluffy I could just run my hands through it. His muscles are huge. Oh shit i haven't even said anything i probably look like a weirdo.

I then glanced up again and his eyes met mine and i remarked, “Fucking hell, you have nice eyes” and he chuckled. I have a bad habit of saying things out loud.

“ Yours are way better than mine” he answered while still holding me in his arms.

“Your eyes are trying to tell me a story” I replied as I stood up.

“And what would the story be?” he questioned. I smiled because I'm not too sure what his eyes are trying to tell me,but I assume it's something.

When someone called him,I was going to answer.

“Hey bro,” the guy said as he sat down, I decided to run and avoided chatting any longer. 

As I'm so awkward around people, and me + talking = death.

I sat down and made myself comfortable in my seat, knowing that I would be sleeping for the entire flight, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the peculiar sensation of being watched, but I knew it wasn't the last time I'll see eye candy. Eventually, my entire thoughts were consumed by him, and I dozed off.

I woke up a few hours later with only one hour left on the flight, which was great because I heard there had been rumours that there was a billionaire on our flight,so why didn't this person take their fancy jet? I don't like rich people because they think they are better than everyone else. As a result of the fact that they are not nice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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