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The subject of discussion is life. Life stinks, I mean it really stinks. I've done everything right in life, but all I get in return is pain. I try to tell people about my pain, but they don't understand or just say things like 'it'll get better,' as if they didn't hear a word I just said. I know they don't know what to say, but anything would be better than that.

People assume I fake how I feel, but mental illness is real and I'm living it. I wish the agony would go away, but it never does. All I've ever wanted was to be loved, to have someone care about me and mean it.

I don't open up because I don't want to get hurt, and every time you do, you're basically preparing to get wounded again.

But if you could read my mind, you'd be stunned and in tears, because I'm a wuss.

The saddest part about today's world is that people act as if they care, but once you've finished talking, they'll go back to not caring and acting as if nothing happened. People are seriously hurting, and pretending as if you care doesn't make it any better.

Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I want to be happy, but the fucking world won't let me. All I want to do is scream. I try to run away from it all, but it always finds me, and I'm back to drowning in this world. The thing is, I can't swim, so I'm surprised I'm still alive.

People won't be friends with me because I'm broken, which, don't get me wrong, is a good thing. I know I am, but to be honest, you don't really need friends since you can tell yourself that you look ugly, obese, or a fucking failure.

But one thing that makes me upset is that no one has seen that I'm in anguish and that I'm shattering in front of everyone's eyes; the only
person who noticed was him.

When I met him, he turned my world upside down and made me see things differently, but was it for the better? You never know a person until you see and feel what they feel, and everyone sees the world differently. I believed my soul was ready to leave, but he proved me wrong.

This is the entire tale of how I met him and how he saved my life.

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