Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 1/2: I Know Who You Are

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As she neared me she smiled, I felt warm and cozy despite the cold air and snow. Who was this mysterious girl?

She had teal hair, teal eyes, teal clothing, and a four point star pinned near her navel. She smiles as she approaches me, her warmth growing ever closer with each step.

She continues to smile and walk towards me until she wraps her arms around my neck. I was surprised and confused, but the warmth was too comforting making me want to stay forever.

???: "I will always be by your side." She whispers warmly as she presses her forehead against mine

For some reason, I felt as if her words were true. And the thought of never being alone again...

Made me smi-




My alarm goes off and I open up my eyes to face my dorm room's ceiling. I blink a few times trying to remember what I was dreaming about. Then I feel that my cheek was a little wet.

A single tear had rolled down my cheek during my sleep, just what had I dreamed about?

Right before I woke up I heard the voice say one last word, 'soon'. What did they mean by that?

I brush it all off, I had much more important things to do today. I wipe my cheek and turn off my alarm, getting off my bed with energy to start this very important day.

It was the start of the Winter holidays, a few days after becoming friends with Markus. I had planned on giving everyone their presents today simply because I felt oddly enthusiastic.

I proceed to brush my teeth in the washroom while Scarfy begins to place my gifts on my bed. From there I gently place what I need to in my bag and pocket the small items and holster a sword. I'm glad I bought a special bag that has a dimensional storage in it, I wouldn't be able to fit everything otherwise.

With everything placed in its spot I look at the last gift on my bed. I wasn't sure what to get her, so I knitted a scarf. It's been a very long time since I knitted and I know why.

This light blue scarf was something I put a lot of effort into, and I also know the reason why. I was given a second chance, and I managed to skip out on the winter holidays whenever it arisen because I was a coward.

Not anymore.

I fold the scarf and carefully hold it in my hands. This scarf was special to me, because in my eyes it was more proof that I've managed to move on. I swallow the lumps in my throat and steady my breathing, I wasn't going to let myself suffocate again.

This is a special scarf, for a special person. Not that I felt like one person was more special than the rest, all of those girls are special to me and all of my gifts were picked after careful consideration. It's just that a scarf holds a lot of meaning to me, this scarf made by these hands in particular.

Robin: "No I'm not cheating on you Scarfy, this is for someone else." I reassure it as I place the scarf into my bag.

Scarfy folds its two ends to mimic a pair of crossed arms and you could tell it was pouting. How do I comfort a scarf?

Robin: "You already got your present." I say tapping its gold four point star pin. "Don't get greedy."

I feel Scarfy huff and begin to sulk, seriously, how do you comfort a sentient scarf?

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