Chapter 9

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    Odin expected to wake up in stinky place; gagged up, tied up, beaten up, and probably an inch away from death. Or worse, he doesn’t even wake up at all. But to his surprise, he woke up in a lavish room, dressed up in rich velvet pajamas, and laid down in a Knoxx bed (the best quality and most expensive type of bed) judging from its rich alcohol sanitizer-like scent. All his wounds and injuries are surprisingly fixed up. This confuses him. He has no doubt that this is Mackley’s doing. That old horse poop had been taking every tiny opportunity to bring Odin down for decades. Judging from that little note, Odin confirms that it is Mackley indeed. After all, those were his exact same words the last time they saw each other.
    So what’s with all these nice treatment? Where are the death threats? The torture? Why did he wake up in a pleasant place when Mackley made it clear that he only has pain and suffering in store for him? And why is his wounds tended to? What is Mackley’s angle? What is he trying to do? Did he heal him so he can rough him up himself? Or is that old goon going for the traditional way by being a snake and acting nice just to win Odin to his side? That seems unlikely, but with a snake like Mackley, Odin has no doubt that Mackley can go to any extreme to get his way. Or maybe, Mackley finally went insane. Odin does hopes so.
    Whatever the case, Odin needs to get out of there. He can’t wait for Mackley to show himself and set his plan to course. Whatever plan Mackley has, Odin will make sure it won’t work.
    Taking the blankets off his body, Odin stood up from the bed and immediately went to the door despite feeling groggy and sluggish. There are no windows so Odin couldn’t decipher what time it is. There’s only one door in the room so it’s the only way in and out. Just as he reached the doorknob, the hairs on his arms stood to attention and all his senses and instincts went haywire. Before he could turn around to take on a defensive stance, a huge and heavy body pinned his physique to the door. He lifted his hand to try and free himself, but a bigger one also immobilized it by pinning it to the door along with the rest of his body. Sturdy, muscular legs kicked his legs wide apart while a wide, muscular chest pinned his upper body to the closed exit. Hot breath fans his neck as the familiar feeling of sparking electricity attacks his senses. Without meaning to, his body relaxed and pushed his bottom against the male behind him who lets out a dark chuckle at his unintended actions.
    “Missed me?” came that deep, growly voice that haunts Odin’s dreams.
    Odin’s breath hitched. The rational part of his brain shut down and the impulsive part went haywire. All the thoughts of Mackley’s plan, the illegal concoction of wolfsbane, and escaping left him and is replaced by the passionate sensations that his body is going through. It’s been more than 3 weeks since he’s been in the presence of his mate and he almost forgot how intense the mate bond is. He remembers the feeling of the sparks and the intense need to be always glued to his mate, but somehow it felt even stronger this time. The crackling sparks feel like exploding fireworks. The gentle warmth from his mate’s presence feels like a raging inferno now and the electricity that was once a gentle popping feeling becomes an uncontrollable crackling. His mate’s scent smells stronger and Odin swears that he could even distinguish his mating scent from his original one. Every fiber of his being itches to press himself closer to his mate and his senses greedily take in every detail of his mate despite his pinned situation.
    Nothing exists in Odin’s mind except for one thing – mate.
    His heart pounded so hard in his chest as his wolf barks and yips happily in his mind. There’s an overwhelming sense of comfort that enveloped him like what someone feels when they’ve been away from home for so long and is now back home and reunited with family. Odin can’t help but press himself closer to that sense of comfort, seeking it and wishing it will never leave him. It’s been so long since Odin felt that type of comfort that he couldn’t even think of taking himself away from it even when the source tensed when Odin pressed himself closer to it.
    A purr escaped Odin as he closed his eyes; cherishing the rare sensation for as long as he could. He’s not sure when he’ll feel this type of comfort again so he’ll enjoy it while it lasts. After all, it’s been so long since he felt it and he misses the feeling.
    “Missed me?” came that distant echo of a familiar deep, growly voice. The same distant echo that someone experiences in a dream or a memory.
    Suddenly, Odin snapped out of the manipulating haze of the mate bond. Stomping his right heel to the hellhound’s big toe with as much force as he could, the hellhound was caught off guard and Odin used it to his advantage to escape him. He stumbled to the corner on their left, and only when he’s at a distance from the hellhound did he notice that he’s sweating and his mating pheromones had filled the air around them. His first initial reaction was to snap or be embarrassed by how his body is reacting, but upon scenting his mate’s arousal and testosterone permeating through the air; he was once again ensnared by the mate bond.
    His feet suddenly have a mind of their own and started approaching the hellhound. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest upon seeing the wild look on the hellhound’s face and the predatory stance he is in. Odin’s skin prickles in high awareness of his mate. The way the hellhound’s hair is in a disarray but sexy way, the intense heat from his almost literally burning gaze (due to his fiery eye color), the way he breathes in and out with a deep rumble from his chest, the crouched upper body and wide stance, arms lightly spread on the other side with fingers extended into claws, and darkness hugging his physique, he looks like he’s about to lunge into battle. From the pungent smell of testosterone and arousal coming from him, Odin knows the battlefield won’t be anywhere besides bed sheets. The realization makes him tremble in both trepidation and excitement. It doesn’t also help that his wolf is going wild with the need to be back in his mate’s arms.
    He was jerked back to reality when claws punctured his hips. It is only then that he noticed that he was already in front of the hellhound and the hellhound had grabbed him in his feral state. Odin tried to move away but his mate just jerked him close to his body until his nose is buried on Odin’s neck. Odin shivered hard when the hellhound took a deep inhale of his scent and let out a satisfied growl. “Mine. All mine.” came the hellhound’s deep, growly, and pleased voice. The sound of it is too much for Odin to resist that his eyes closed and reciprocated the hellhound’s action. Another hard shiver racked through Odin’s body at the pleasure he felt upon taking in his mate’s scent that he haven’t inhaled for a long time. This jerked one of Odin’s memories of studying and learning about the mate bond years ago. In his desperation for an explanation as to why he remained mateless this long, he searched and tried to learn as much as he could about the mate bond. And if there’s one thing that most mated couples and books taught him in common, is that, the mate bond is alive and the more the mates stay apart; the stronger it gets. It’s no wonder Odin couldn’t seem to resist the bond so easily now.
    Taking another attempt to resist the will of the mate bond, he tried to push the hellhound away only for it to come to an abrupt stop when the hellhound gyrated his obvious arousal to Odin’s pelvis. In shock, Odin let out a sound that sounds like a yelp and a moan. It seems that his body had went to confused pleasured mode wherein it couldn’t decide what to do because of the pleasure coursing through him. A moan escaped him as the hellhound continues his ministrations, rubbing their arousals against each other and creating such delicious friction that once again chased Odin’s rational thoughts away. As the hellhound starts to discover his body, the deeper Odin falls to the mate bond’s trap. He couldn’t think; he could only feel. Every time his subconscious tries to tell him that this is wrong, one caress drives it away. Whenever he tries to think, the hellhound’s tongue reminds him why shouldn’t. And if he tries to get away, his wolf controls him back towards their mate.
    It’s a losing tug of war.
    Moans and grunts started to escape Odin as his pleasure skyrocketed. His mate’s hands running across his skin feels good. He couldn’t even start to wonder why he is suddenly shirtless, but he sure as hell feels and knows that the hellhound is pulling his pajamas down without pulling away from him. The tingles and sparks dancing across his skin from his mate’s touch made him drunk in ecstatic pleasure, and like a drunk in need of his fix; he can’t help but be addicted. When his mate’s tongue darted out and took a long, leisure lick at the sensitive part of his neck where it meets with his shoulders, Odin nearly came. His body arched closer to the hellhound’s hulking frame and his hips thrust towards the hellhound’s awaiting hands. A long moan escaped Odin as his mate’s pleasurable assault became more intense. The hand fisting Odin’s member gripped him tightly and pumped him ferociously like a thirsty man desperate for what Odin’s body could offer. The leisure licks on his neck became greedy lapping, and the caressing hands became desperate grabbing. The intense sensations attacking Odin’s body became too much that all he can do is writhe and moan in pleasure.
    He was so close to his climax and so lost into the pleasurable sensations that when teeth started to puncture his neck, he was jolted out of the lustful haze and panicked.
    A loud bang suddenly resonated around the room and when he looked up, it is only then did he realize that he successfully pushed the hellhound away from him. An enraged roar came from the hellhound at his action and it was echoed by his frustrated wolf. Still not completely sobered up from the mate bond’s influence, Odin found that roar a huge turn on. From the way his c*** throbs, it agrees.
    “S-stay away from m-me!” he demanded. Did he just stutter?
    The hellhound only looked at him with that same intense fiery gaze he usually wears as he calmly stood up. A large cobweb-like crack dented the wall behind the hellhound and Odin cursed his body for holding back from hurting him. He took a step back when the hellhound casually dusted off some debris from his shirt. Anyone who could keep their cool on unexpected situations is far more dangerous than a fussy one. Everything about the hellhound screams fatal danger and Odin hates it, especially since the hellhound is a dark mystery that will probably cost many lives in order to be unraveled. What’s worse? Odin is mated to him.
    “So, you’re back to not wanting me now?” that sexy, deep, and growly voice of his seemed to have vibrated towards Odin’s c*** as if reminding him that he shouldn’t.
    “You assaulted me, you bastard. What’s to want there?” was Odin’s lame excuse. From his heavy breathing, pounding heart, oozing pheromones, and obvious arousal, that was obvious.
    Even with the darkness embracing the hellhound, it was clear that he was smirking. “Assault, by the definition of law, is a crime by trying or threatening to hurt someone physically. By other definitions, it is a violent physical attack to someone. Now tell me, which part of my actions are considered as assault?”
    Odin was taken aback. Rogues are usually unhinged and uneducated wolves/people who act more like an animal and a delinquent than a normal person or wolf. So to witness the most notorious rogue to speak like an educated person caught him off guard. “I-tha-that’s...” Odin shook his head to clear out his shock. “W-when you pinned me to the door, that was an implication of your desire to assault me.” He managed to reason out.
    “Oh really? If I remember correctly that should be in the bondage section, but even if it is, you were a willing participant.” The hellhound stepped into the light and once again, Odin was awed by how incredibly handsome he is. Even though the hellhound haunted Odin dreams and nightmares, there is nothing that could compare to the real thing. And although Odin doesn’t want to admit it, his mate looks even better now in that messy, disarrayed look that gave him a wild type of handsomeness.
    The mate bond tried to seduce him once again to submitting to its will as the hellhound approaches, whispering how Odin could eternally claim and enjoy what his mate could offer. ‘That pleasure you felt earlier, you can experience it over and over again.’ it seems to say. ‘This glorious body and wild persona could be yours. You can enjoy him as much as you want. Give in. Let him take care of your...sexual frustrations, chase away that loneliness, be where you belong and wanted, and be taken care of and loved. That’s all you wanted, isn’t it? Why hesitate? All you want is already in front of you.’ Odin jolted away from the influence of the mate bond just as the hellhound stops in front of him.
    “Cat got your tongue?” the smirk on the hellhound’s lips look even sexier up close and Odin once again shook his head to get rid of the mate bond’s wiles.
    “Shut up! That was the mate bond, not me!” he growled in denial.
    The hellhound only raised an eyebrow in response. “Is that also caused by the mate bond?” he asked, pointing at Odin’s exposed erection.
    Odin’s face heated up before quickly pulling his pajamas up. “Yes! Now stop looking! Why the heck are you even looking at it?! Are you fucking gay?!” he growled, stepping away again but the hellhound followed him.
    The hellhound only shrugged in response. “It seems we’re destined to be one.” He said it so casually that it irked Odin even more. Does he not realize how much of a fucking mess being mated to a male is?! Does he not know how detrimental being mated to the hellhound is to Odin and his pack?!
     “Over my fucking dead body!” Odin growled as he takes a step away from him.
    The hellhound only raised an eyebrow in response. “So you’re still going with the denial part, huh?”
    “It’s not denial. I just don’t want to be with you!” Odin replied as a cold look casts over the hellhound’s face that chilled Odin to the bones.
    “Because I’m a rogue? Or because I’m a male?” the hellhound asked again as he looked at Odin with a guarded expression.
    Odin didn’t even hesitate. “Both. And more. You already know that so why are you asking about it?”
    Another emotion flashed in the hellhound’s eyes before it is gone again. “It’s what I came here for.”
    “That’s it?” Odin asked, sensing that there’s more.
    The hellhound stayed silent and just continued to watch him intensely. His gaze unnerves Odin. Something about its intensity makes him uncomfortable and the ache he feels in his chest from his gaze confuses him. Why did he really came to Odin though?
    After a few minutes of tense silence, the hellhound approached him but this time; his presence seemed to have shifted into a calmer state. Usually when Odin is in the presence of the hellhound, he feels like a prey being toyed by its predator. He feels intimidated, hopeless and fearful. All of his senses are screaming at him to run and hide because he has no chance against its hunter. There’s also that nagging dreadful suspense that usually makes his heart pound so hard he feels like the pounding will get him killed before the predator even makes a move. And the worst of all is the consistent paranoid overthinking where Odin wonders how much longer will he live? When will the predator pounce? How can he escape? Will he be dead the next second? How long will he toy with him? The paranoia is so intense that Odin has the urge to make himself as small and as invisible as possible. It’s a predator’s biggest fear: being suddenly assaulted by the instincts of a prey, because for once, they are not the one with an advantage. And that is the case for Odin. But as the hellhound approaches, that deadly predatory aura seemed to have calmed down and now, all Odin feels from him is a rhythmic hum of gentle electricity.
    So engrossed at the hellhound’s presence, Odin was not able to notice that the hellhound is already in front of him until the hellhound took his chin in his fingers and tilted it up so their eyes can meet. An electric surge so intense passed from them and connected in the middle before running through their bodies as pleasurable tingles. It’s the first time ever that both mates had connected their gazes so close after being apart for so long that the mate bond made their connection so strong and overwhelming.
    Their wolves rushed to the surface and greeted one another in a series of purrs and grunts. Golden-yellow eyes met with bright silvery-gray ones and it felt like the sun and moon had finally connected and everywhere around them darkened for the eclipse. Hearts thundered and skins tingled. Scents started to mix as a connection so strong sparked between them; urging them to get closer. Odin’s senses were overloaded with his mate’s intoxicating scent, addictive eyes, and titillating touches. He didn’t even notice he was leaning in until his mate’s words broke the mate bond’s haze.
    “This will be the last time I ask you nicely to give me a chance, are you absolutely sure you don’t want me to be your mate?”
    ‘I don’t want him as my mate? Since when did I decide that?’ Odin’s mate bond drunken mind wondered before he sobered up.
    Odin took his chin out of his mate’s hands and looked at his eyes seriously. Somewhere deep inside him, he’s mourning for what he’s about to do, but it has to be done. Odin wants a mate. Heck, he badly needs one! But fate had decided to ruin him and paired him with a male, especially a certain male who has a bad reputation. He and his pack will not flourish with the mate he is paired with, and as much as he needs his mate, he values his pack more. At least, Odin has an alternative and can choose a female to carry his pup and heir in the future and he’s sure the hellhound has that same alternative too. It will not be the same as spending his life with his real mate and he’ll probably live the rest of his life miserable and with an empty void in his heart, but that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make for his pack. Already, he can feel the telltale signs of grief creeping in his heart and hear his wolf’s protests in his mind, but with a deep inhale; he made his decision.
    “I’m sure, and nothing will change that.” He said with determination. Almost immediately, his wolf let out an enraged roar and started clawing at the invisible barrier separating his wolf and the control of their body. His wolf’s anger, pain, and strong feeling of betrayal hurts Odin so he blocked him out for the first time. His wolf’s howls of pain and angry growls slowly faded away until Odin finally focused on what’s in front of him.
    A part of him expected the hellhound to get angry like before or react in a disappointed or sad way, but he was surprised when he saw a steely determination in the hellhound’s face.
    “Run.” Odin’s breath hitched and goosebumps rose on his skin at the growled out word from the hellhound.
    “What? Are you fucking crazy?! Alphas don’t ru-“
    The hellhound suddenly leaned so close towards him. “Run, Alpha. Because once I catch you...” he trailed off as a deep rumbled escaped his chest. A strong instinct tells Odin he’s not going to like what he’s about to hear next. “” The hellhound said it with so much confidence that it scared Odin.
    “B-but yo-you just s-said that that was the-the last t-time you are going t-to ask m-me to be y-yours...” Odin stuttered. His heart is beating so fast and hard and there’s that feeling of intense nervousness that makes it hard for him to compose himself. Odin didn’t even realize he was stepping backwards and the hellhound was advancing towards him until his back hit a wall and a large muscular hand trapped him on it. The hellhound’s eyes had become brighter and the golden-yellow color makes Odin feel like he’s facing the sun directly and it’s melting him to its will.
    “I said nicely, little puppy. I didn’t say anything about stopping from convincing you otherwise.”
    Odin could only gulp as the hellhound leaned away from him. “Now run before I bend you over the bed and fuck you so hard until you couldn’t even think straight.”
    Odin didn’t need to be told twice. He bolted out of the room as fast as he could like a prey being chased by its starving predator.

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