Chapter 8

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    Odin immediately sensed that something is wrong the moment he held the two pieces of paper in his hands, and when Rex asked that there’s another piece, that feeling got worse.
    “It’s no wonder we could not decode it.” Rex continued, looking at the papers in wonder. Somehow, Odin has this urge to hide it away from Rex and he doesn’t know why.
    “You go on ahead and find out as much as you could on your assignments. I’ll deal with this.” Odin instructed and Rex nodded. It wasn’t long until Rex’s bike had disappeared in the distance but Odin’s hands are still clutching the papers almost in a defensive way. He let out a heavy sigh when the silence came back. Looking at the papers in front of him, he can’t help but be skeptical.
    “This is too easy.” He said out loud as he places the papers on his bike’s seat. The papers are at the same size, texture, and substance. There’s no doubt that these papers came from the same source. Lifting them up to his nose, he tried to filter in the scents on the paper to find out the scent of their first handler. Smelling nothing but his pack’s scent and some other smells he’d rather not mention, his cautiousness got even bigger. Whoever made this is clever enough to hide his or her scent.
    Placing the paper back to the seat, he felt his wolf nudge him; urging him to shift already. “Wait a little while longer.” He told him but all he got was a harder shove with a snap of irritation. Ignoring his wolf, he put his attention back to the papers. He tried to look for a pattern but they don’t add up. The writings are all random and don’t follow any pattern at all. Instead they look more like random lines and curves. He tried shading the papers in case they hold hidden inscriptions but nothing appeared. He tried looking at the writings in different angles and tried piecing the papers together in case that they are some sort of puzzle that needs to be put together to make sense. Still, it didn’t work. He tried all methods of decoding that exited in the world but still nothing. Two hours had already passed but he’s still nowhere close in cracking the mystery of these papers.
    What if he’s looking at this the wrong way? What if the answer is just simple and obvious? What if he overlooked it because he’s thinking about these the wrong way? What if this is not even a puzzle or a mystery? What if this is a ruse to distract him and his investigators from their goal? After all, all these puzzles and pieces were too easy and too predictable. How come a note just got suddenly left for his men? And how come another was left to him almost as easily? Odin is certain that someone is manipulating them. The fact that the clues were delivered to him in a certain way is the proof of that.
    But who would do such a thing? What idiot would manipulate him knowing that the chances of Odin fighting back leads to a painful death? Whoever it is, he/she is a moron. Odin refuses to be manipulated by anyone. Whoever it is that is trying to toy with him will pay for this.
    With that thought, Odin threw the papers away and letting the wind take it to wherever it goes. Walking towards the forest a few feet from the road, he slowly stripped from his clothes. By the time he got to the forest line, he had already taken off his clothing and with a mighty jump, his wolf burst free from the cocoon of skin and to their natural form. They landed with a loud thud that left a huge paw print on the soil, and in a split second, they’re already speeding through the forest in a silvery white blur.
    He doesn’t know how long he ran or how far he had gone to. All he knows is that his wolf is having a blast and is enjoying the freedom of their natural form. By the time the crickets went silent and the air turned crisp, Odin knew it’s time to go back. Reluctantly, he and his wolf headed back. Sweat dripped from Odin’s muscular body the very second he shifted back in human form. Picking up his discarded clothes and putting it on, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rising. Looking back, his enhanced vision could not see anything amiss. Even his wolf is calm from their run and since he felt no threat from the sensation, he ignored it. Putting his shirt back on, he approached his bike and immediately got a bad feeling upon seeing the papers sitting innocently on the seat.
    He tensed, looking around and scenting the air for any scent that wasn’t there before. Again, there was none. The bad feeling intensified, making his wolf go into alert mode. There’s almost no way to completely cover one’s scent, much less make it disappear. Even magical beings cannot completely hide themselves. Someone is really trying to get to him and trying to force him in the direction of their manipulation.
    Not a chance he thought before hovering his hand over the papers. If the papers are enchanted, he would feel it. Another weird thing is; there was not a tiny trace of magic on it that even his sense of touch and instinct at full capacity could not sense. That means, the papers did not magically place themselves on the seat. There is also no breeze to carry the papers to the seat, and what are the odds that the papers will be flown onto the seat in a proper position by just a breeze anyway? Odin also crossed out the possibility of animals putting it there because usually, they would rip or trample on the papers instead of putting it on the bike’s seat. If shifters put it there or any other supernatural, Odin would’ve detected their presence or trail already – even within miles from the bike. So what did it? And how come Odin can’t detect any trace of them? The bike and even the positions of his clothes and every detail about them were the same as he left and picked them up. There was not a detail out of place except the papers and he can say this with certainty because of his photographic memory.
    Staring intensely at the papers, a sudden breeze flew past; making the papers rustle and shift in position until both papers are directly stacked together under the moon’s light. Odin could barely acknowledge the nagging voice at the back of his mind as the incomprehensible writings on the papers suddenly makes sense. The words were actually broken writings that once put together with the writings on the other paper, it will form unfamiliar characters that turned into letters when lighted by the moonlight. He was so shocked at the discovery that he wasn’t able to sense his attackers before it’s too late.
    A hand holding a handkerchief coated in wolfsbane went over his face and covered his mouth and nose while another snaked around his waist. But before Odin got restrained, he twisted his body, reached his hands behind him, and grabbed his attacker’s neck. He was about to flip them over but another set of hands grabbed his and gripped them hard, almost breaking Odin’s hands. Odin started to feel dizzy from the onslaught of the wolfsbane’s scent literally forced on his nose. He tried hard to stop inhaling but defending himself while being suffocated by wolfsbane scent makes that almost impossible. He sensed another attacker going to his front so Odin lifted his right leg and delivered a powerful kick before the other attacker could even start his move. The hands gripping Odin’s tightened even more; making Odin snarl in pain. As a result, Odin hit the back of his head towards the face of the attacker behind him. The sound of a painful yell satisfied Odin momentarily and the wolfsbane-filled handkerchief fell from his face, that is, until the other attacker fully crushed Odin’s hand. This time, it’s Odin’s turned to let out a pained groan. Distracted from the pain, the attacker took it as an advantage and delivered a hard uppercut towards Odin. A punch was delivered to his face and another one went to target his stomach but Odin kicked his attacker to his balls, making the attacker crouch down in pain – covering his crotch but Odin didn’t hesitate. Even with crushed hands and broken fingers, he managed to grow his claws and sank them on his attacker’s neck. With a mighty pull, the head dislodged from the body with the spine still attached. Blood splattered all over Odin and his bike as the body landed on the ground with a loud splat.
    Odin scented the scent of rogues from his attackers and just as he was about to lunge to the other one, a huge rock suddenly hit him at the back of his head. Odin scented his own blood just as he started to fall on the bloody ground. The dizziness he’s feeling became too much and his nose started to burn from the wolfsbane. His hands ache so bad and there’s a destructive headache from the hit he just received. He barely managed to catch himself on his elbows. His eyesight is getting blurry and dark faster than he likes to admit. His show of vulnerability was used to his advantage though as he kicked the other attacker to his balls as he was approaching. Standing up, Odin closed his eyes and diverted his main focus on his other senses in order to fight better. More attackers came up to him and Odin fought them back almost as easily as any other wolf with fully functioning senses could. He could’ve destroyed them already but his exhaustion from his run, the wolfsbane he inhaled, his crushed hands, and the possible head injury he got are making things hard for him. Still, he managed to defend himself from his attackers but his energy is starting to wane.
    Pulling another one of his attacker’s spine out, he ignored the pain in his hands as his attackers started to distance themselves from him. Odin has no doubt that they are finally realizing that the damages they did to him earlier did not bring him down as they expected so now they are studying him and looking for his vulnerable points before they attack. Even with his eyes closed, Odin could exactly tell where they are and their actions. He could sense them giving each other silent messages with their eyes, their silent but methodical movements, the shifts in their emotions, and the energy they are giving off. Odin can already predict their next move and calculated the time they are about to attack. All he needs to do now is to wait.
    They continue to circle him and he continues to move with them. Odin can feel the heat of their gazes at him as he moves. Everytime one of them tries to attack, Odin will always grab them by the throat and slice it up with his claws. They even tried to attack him consecutively but Odin only swatted them aside like rag dolls with large claw gashes on them. The place smells strongly of blood and the scent of the rogues even beneath the other scents they used to cover theirs. It makes Odin’s nose itch, and with the burning sensation from the wolfsbane, it’s a fucking nuisance. He’ll make them pay painfully for this.
    The fight continues on for several more hours until all of them are breathing heavily in exhaustion. Still, his attackers persevered and they got even more frantic as daylight approaches. It got to the point where Odin was a second away from collapsing because of the attacks but somehow, he managed to stay on his feet. His entire body is burning, he can’t breathe properly, he feels like his head is about to explode from hit it received earlier, the gashes on his body is aching so bad that it’s making it hard for him to move, his legs feel weak, his jaw is bruised along with his cheek, a nasty slice was making his right eyebrow ache, and his hands continue to hurt like hell. He doesn’t know how much longer he can keep this up so when they attacked once more, he used all his remaining energy to put them all down. By the time he’s done, bodies are strewn all around him while he stays crouched in the middle; heaving in exhaustion and cradling his broken right rib – an addition to his list of injuries.
    The sun is starting to peek on the horizon and the air started to feel warmer. Dragging himself back to his bike, he was only a finger away from reaching it but a rod suddenly attached itself to his side. Before Odin knows it, a high voltage of electric shock overwhelmed his body and made him collapse. He momentarily caught a glance of the writings on the paper before his head hit the ground. Since his body is already at its limit, Odin wasn’t able to fight off unconsciousness and his eyes started to close. Two silhouettes appeared in his vision as he started to lose consciousness.
    “He’s a tough one to beat, eh?”
    “Yeah, it’s a good thing boss only gave us this task.”
    He heard them say and Odin doesn’t need to ransack his brain to find out who they’re talking about because the content of the paper already answered it for him.
    “I’m not done with you yet.” It said and judging from the letters it is written on, Odin knew that this reunion is not something he looks forward to.    Odin immediately sensed that something is wrong the moment he held the two pieces of paper in his hands, and when Rex asked that there’s another piece, that feeling got worse.
    “It’s no wonder we could not decode it.” Rex continued, looking at the papers in wonder. Somehow, Odin has this urge to hide it away from Rex and he doesn’t know why.
    “You go on ahead and find out as much as you could on your assignments. I’ll deal with this.” Odin instructed and Rex nodded. It wasn’t long until Rex’s bike had disappeared in the distance but Odin’s hands are still clutching the papers almost in a defensive way. He let out a heavy sigh when the silence came back. Looking at the papers in front of him, he can’t help but be skeptical.
    “This is too easy.” He said out loud as he places the papers on his bike’s seat. The papers are at the same size, texture, and substance. There’s no doubt that these papers came from the same source. Lifting them up to his nose, he tried to filter in the scents on the paper to find out the scent of their first handler. Smelling nothing but his pack’s scent and some other smells he’d rather not mention, his cautiousness got even bigger. Whoever made this is clever enough to hide his or her scent.
    Placing the paper back to the seat, he felt his wolf nudge him; urging him to shift already. “Wait a little while longer.” He told him but all he got was a harder shove with a snap of irritation. Ignoring his wolf, he put his attention back to the papers. He tried to look for a pattern but they don’t add up. The writings are all random and don’t follow any pattern at all. Instead they look more like random lines and curves. He tried shading the papers in case they hold hidden inscriptions but nothing appeared. He tried looking at the writings in different angles and tried piecing the papers together in case that they are some sort of puzzle that needs to be put together to make sense. Still, it didn’t work. He tried all methods of decoding that exited in the world but still nothing. Two hours had already passed but he’s still nowhere close in cracking the mystery of these papers.
    What if he’s looking at this the wrong way? What if the answer is just simple and obvious? What if he overlooked it because he’s thinking about these the wrong way? What if this is not even a puzzle or a mystery? What if this is a ruse to distract him and his investigators from their goal? After all, all these puzzles and pieces were too easy and too predictable. How come a note just got suddenly left for his men? And how come another was left to him almost as easily? Odin is certain that someone is manipulating them. The fact that the clues were delivered to him in a certain way is the proof of that.
    But who would do such a thing? What idiot would manipulate him knowing that the chances of Odin fighting back leads to a painful death? Whoever it is, he/she is a moron. Odin refuses to be manipulated by anyone. Whoever it is that is trying to toy with him will pay for this.
    With that thought, Odin threw the papers away and letting the wind take it to wherever it goes. Walking towards the forest a few feet from the road, he slowly stripped from his clothes. By the time he got to the forest line, he had already taken off his clothing and with a mighty jump, his wolf burst free from the cocoon of skin and to their natural form. They landed with a loud thud that left a huge paw print on the soil, and in a split second, they’re already speeding through the forest in a silvery white blur.
    He doesn’t know how long he ran or how far he had gone to. All he knows is that his wolf is having a blast and is enjoying the freedom of their natural form. By the time the crickets went silent and the air turned crisp, Odin knew it’s time to go back. Reluctantly, he and his wolf headed back. Sweat dripped from Odin’s muscular body the very second he shifted back in human form. Picking up his discarded clothes and putting it on, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rising. Looking back, his enhanced vision could not see anything amiss. Even his wolf is calm from their run and since he felt no threat from the sensation, he ignored it. Putting his shirt back on, he approached his bike and immediately got a bad feeling upon seeing the papers sitting innocently on the seat.
    He tensed, looking around and scenting the air for any scent that wasn’t there before. Again, there was none. The bad feeling intensified, making his wolf go into alert mode. There’s almost no way to completely cover one’s scent, much less make it disappear. Even magical beings cannot completely hide themselves. Someone is really trying to get to him and trying to force him in the direction of their manipulation.
    Not a chance he thought before hovering his hand over the papers. If the papers are enchanted, he would feel it. Another weird thing is; there was not a tiny trace of magic on it that even his sense of touch and instinct at full capacity could not sense. That means, the papers did not magically place themselves on the seat. There is also no breeze to carry the papers to the seat, and what are the odds that the papers will be flown onto the seat in a proper position by just a breeze anyway? Odin also crossed out the possibility of animals putting it there because usually, they would rip or trample on the papers instead of putting it on the bike’s seat. If shifters put it there or any other supernatural, Odin would’ve detected their presence or trail already – even within miles from the bike. So what did it? And how come Odin can’t detect any trace of them? The bike and even the positions of his clothes and every detail about them were the same as he left and picked them up. There was not a detail out of place except the papers and he can say this with certainty because of his photographic memory.
    Staring intensely at the papers, a sudden breeze flew past; making the papers rustle and shift in position until both papers are directly stacked together under the moon’s light. Odin could barely acknowledge the nagging voice at the back of his mind as the incomprehensible writings on the papers suddenly makes sense. The words were actually broken writings that once put together with the writings on the other paper, it will form unfamiliar characters that turned into letters when lighted by the moonlight. He was so shocked at the discovery that he wasn’t able to sense his attackers before it’s too late.
    A hand holding a handkerchief coated in wolfsbane went over his face and covered his mouth and nose while another snaked around his waist. But before Odin got restrained, he twisted his body, reached his hands behind him, and grabbed his attacker’s neck. He was about to flip them over but another set of hands grabbed his and gripped them hard, almost breaking Odin’s hands. Odin started to feel dizzy from the onslaught of the wolfsbane’s scent literally forced on his nose. He tried hard to stop inhaling but defending himself while being suffocated by wolfsbane scent makes that almost impossible. He sensed another attacker going to his front so Odin lifted his right leg and delivered a powerful kick before the other attacker could even start his move. The hands gripping Odin’s tightened even more; making Odin snarl in pain. As a result, Odin hit the back of his head towards the face of the attacker behind him. The sound of a painful yell satisfied Odin momentarily and the wolfsbane-filled handkerchief fell from his face, that is, until the other attacker fully crushed Odin’s hand. This time, it’s Odin’s turned to let out a pained groan. Distracted from the pain, the attacker took it as an advantage and delivered a hard uppercut towards Odin. A punch was delivered to his face and another one went to target his stomach but Odin kicked his attacker to his balls, making the attacker crouch down in pain – covering his crotch but Odin didn’t hesitate. Even with crushed hands and broken fingers, he managed to grow his claws and sank them on his attacker’s neck. With a mighty pull, the head dislodged from the body with the spine still attached. Blood splattered all over Odin and his bike as the body landed on the ground with a loud splat.
    Odin scented the scent of rogues from his attackers and just as he was about to lunge to the other one, a huge rock suddenly hit him at the back of his head. Odin scented his own blood just as he started to fall on the bloody ground. The dizziness he’s feeling became too much and his nose started to burn from the wolfsbane. His hands ache so bad and there’s a destructive headache from the hit he just received. He barely managed to catch himself on his elbows. His eyesight is getting blurry and dark faster than he likes to admit. His show of vulnerability was used to his advantage though as he kicked the other attacker to his balls as he was approaching. Standing up, Odin closed his eyes and diverted his main focus on his other senses in order to fight better. More attackers came up to him and Odin fought them back almost as easily as any other wolf with fully functioning senses could. He could’ve destroyed them already but his exhaustion from his run, the wolfsbane he inhaled, his crushed hands, and the possible head injury he got are making things hard for him. Still, he managed to defend himself from his attackers but his energy is starting to wane.
    Pulling another one of his attacker’s spine out, he ignored the pain in his hands as his attackers started to distance themselves from him. Odin has no doubt that they are finally realizing that the damages they did to him earlier did not bring him down as they expected so now they are studying him and looking for his vulnerable points before they attack. Even with his eyes closed, Odin could exactly tell where they are and their actions. He could sense them giving each other silent messages with their eyes, their silent but methodical movements, the shifts in their emotions, and the energy they are giving off. Odin can already predict their next move and calculated the time they are about to attack. All he needs to do now is to wait.
    They continue to circle him and he continues to move with them. Odin can feel the heat of their gazes at him as he moves. Everytime one of them tries to attack, Odin will always grab them by the throat and slice it up with his claws. They even tried to attack him consecutively but Odin only swatted them aside like rag dolls with large claw gashes on them. The place smells strongly of blood and the scent of the rogues even beneath the other scents they used to cover theirs. It makes Odin’s nose itch, and with the burning sensation from the wolfsbane, it’s a fucking nuisance. He’ll make them pay painfully for this.
    The fight continues on for several more hours until all of them are breathing heavily in exhaustion. Still, his attackers persevered and they got even more frantic as daylight approaches. It got to the point where Odin was a second away from collapsing because of the attacks but somehow, he managed to stay on his feet. His entire body is burning, he can’t breathe properly, he feels like his head is about to explode from hit it received earlier, the gashes on his body is aching so bad that it’s making it hard for him to move, his legs feel weak, his jaw is bruised along with his cheek, a nasty slice was making his right eyebrow ache, and his hands continue to hurt like hell. He doesn’t know how much longer he can keep this up so when they attacked once more, he used all his remaining energy to put them all down. By the time he’s done, bodies are strewn all around him while he stays crouched in the middle; heaving in exhaustion and cradling his broken right rib – an addition to his list of injuries.
    The sun is starting to peek on the horizon and the air started to feel warmer. Dragging himself back to his bike, he was only a finger away from reaching it but a rod suddenly attached itself to his side. Before Odin knows it, a high voltage of electric shock overwhelmed his body and made him collapse. He momentarily caught a glance of the writings on the paper before his head hit the ground. Since his body is already at its limit, Odin wasn’t able to fight off unconsciousness and his eyes started to close. Two silhouettes appeared in his vision as he started to lose consciousness.
    “He’s a tough one to beat, eh?”
    “Yeah, it’s a good thing boss only gave us this task.”
    He heard them say and Odin doesn’t need to ransack his brain to find out who they’re talking about because the content of the paper already answered it for him.
    “I’m not done with you yet.” It said and judging from the letters it is written on, Odin knew that this reunion is not something he looks forward to.    Odin immediately sensed that something is wrong the moment he held the two pieces of paper in his hands, and when Rex asked that there’s another piece, that feeling got worse.
    “It’s no wonder we could not decode it.” Rex continued, looking at the papers in wonder. Somehow, Odin has this urge to hide it away from Rex and he doesn’t know why.
    “You go on ahead and find out as much as you could on your assignments. I’ll deal with this.” Odin instructed and Rex nodded. It wasn’t long until Rex’s bike had disappeared in the distance but Odin’s hands are still clutching the papers almost in a defensive way. He let out a heavy sigh when the silence came back. Looking at the papers in front of him, he can’t help but be skeptical.
    “This is too easy.” He said out loud as he places the papers on his bike’s seat. The papers are at the same size, texture, and substance. There’s no doubt that these papers came from the same source. Lifting them up to his nose, he tried to filter in the scents on the paper to find out the scent of their first handler. Smelling nothing but his pack’s scent and some other smells he’d rather not mention, his cautiousness got even bigger. Whoever made this is clever enough to hide his or her scent.
    Placing the paper back to the seat, he felt his wolf nudge him; urging him to shift already. “Wait a little while longer.” He told him but all he got was a harder shove with a snap of irritation. Ignoring his wolf, he put his attention back to the papers. He tried to look for a pattern but they don’t add up. The writings are all random and don’t follow any pattern at all. Instead they look more like random lines and curves. He tried shading the papers in case they hold hidden inscriptions but nothing appeared. He tried looking at the writings in different angles and tried piecing the papers together in case that they are some sort of puzzle that needs to be put together to make sense. Still, it didn’t work. He tried all methods of decoding that exited in the world but still nothing. Two hours had already passed but he’s still nowhere close in cracking the mystery of these papers.
    What if he’s looking at this the wrong way? What if the answer is just simple and obvious? What if he overlooked it because he’s thinking about these the wrong way? What if this is not even a puzzle or a mystery? What if this is a ruse to distract him and his investigators from their goal? After all, all these puzzles and pieces were too easy and too predictable. How come a note just got suddenly left for his men? And how come another was left to him almost as easily? Odin is certain that someone is manipulating them. The fact that the clues were delivered to him in a certain way is the proof of that.
    But who would do such a thing? What idiot would manipulate him knowing that the chances of Odin fighting back leads to a painful death? Whoever it is, he/she is a moron. Odin refuses to be manipulated by anyone. Whoever it is that is trying to toy with him will pay for this.
    With that thought, Odin threw the papers away and letting the wind take it to wherever it goes. Walking towards the forest a few feet from the road, he slowly stripped from his clothes. By the time he got to the forest line, he had already taken off his clothing and with a mighty jump, his wolf burst free from the cocoon of skin and to their natural form. They landed with a loud thud that left a huge paw print on the soil, and in a split second, they’re already speeding through the forest in a silvery white blur.
    He doesn’t know how long he ran or how far he had gone to. All he knows is that his wolf is having a blast and is enjoying the freedom of their natural form. By the time the crickets went silent and the air turned crisp, Odin knew it’s time to go back. Reluctantly, he and his wolf headed back. Sweat dripped from Odin’s muscular body the very second he shifted back in human form. Picking up his discarded clothes and putting it on, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rising. Looking back, his enhanced vision could not see anything amiss. Even his wolf is calm from their run and since he felt no threat from the sensation, he ignored it. Putting his shirt back on, he approached his bike and immediately got a bad feeling upon seeing the papers sitting innocently on the seat.
    He tensed, looking around and scenting the air for any scent that wasn’t there before. Again, there was none. The bad feeling intensified, making his wolf go into alert mode. There’s almost no way to completely cover one’s scent, much less make it disappear. Even magical beings cannot completely hide themselves. Someone is really trying to get to him and trying to force him in the direction of their manipulation.
    Not a chance he thought before hovering his hand over the papers. If the papers are enchanted, he would feel it. Another weird thing is; there was not a tiny trace of magic on it that even his sense of touch and instinct at full capacity could not sense. That means, the papers did not magically place themselves on the seat. There is also no breeze to carry the papers to the seat, and what are the odds that the papers will be flown onto the seat in a proper position by just a breeze anyway? Odin also crossed out the possibility of animals putting it there because usually, they would rip or trample on the papers instead of putting it on the bike’s seat. If shifters put it there or any other supernatural, Odin would’ve detected their presence or trail already – even within miles from the bike. So what did it? And how come Odin can’t detect any trace of them? The bike and even the positions of his clothes and every detail about them were the same as he left and picked them up. There was not a detail out of place except the papers and he can say this with certainty because of his photographic memory.
    Staring intensely at the papers, a sudden breeze flew past; making the papers rustle and shift in position until both papers are directly stacked together under the moon’s light. Odin could barely acknowledge the nagging voice at the back of his mind as the incomprehensible writings on the papers suddenly makes sense. The words were actually broken writings that once put together with the writings on the other paper, it will form unfamiliar characters that turned into letters when lighted by the moonlight. He was so shocked at the discovery that he wasn’t able to sense his attackers before it’s too late.
    A hand holding a handkerchief coated in wolfsbane went over his face and covered his mouth and nose while another snaked around his waist. But before Odin got restrained, he twisted his body, reached his hands behind him, and grabbed his attacker’s neck. He was about to flip them over but another set of hands grabbed his and gripped them hard, almost breaking Odin’s hands. Odin started to feel dizzy from the onslaught of the wolfsbane’s scent literally forced on his nose. He tried hard to stop inhaling but defending himself while being suffocated by wolfsbane scent makes that almost impossible. He sensed another attacker going to his front so Odin lifted his right leg and delivered a powerful kick before the other attacker could even start his move. The hands gripping Odin’s tightened even more; making Odin snarl in pain. As a result, Odin hit the back of his head towards the face of the attacker behind him. The sound of a painful yell satisfied Odin momentarily and the wolfsbane-filled handkerchief fell from his face, that is, until the other attacker fully crushed Odin’s hand. This time, it’s Odin’s turned to let out a pained groan. Distracted from the pain, the attacker took it as an advantage and delivered a hard uppercut towards Odin. A punch was delivered to his face and another one went to target his stomach but Odin kicked his attacker to his balls, making the attacker crouch down in pain – covering his crotch but Odin didn’t hesitate. Even with crushed hands and broken fingers, he managed to grow his claws and sank them on his attacker’s neck. With a mighty pull, the head dislodged from the body with the spine still attached. Blood splattered all over Odin and his bike as the body landed on the ground with a loud splat.
    Odin scented the scent of rogues from his attackers and just as he was about to lunge to the other one, a huge rock suddenly hit him at the back of his head. Odin scented his own blood just as he started to fall on the bloody ground. The dizziness he’s feeling became too much and his nose started to burn from the wolfsbane. His hands ache so bad and there’s a destructive headache from the hit he just received. He barely managed to catch himself on his elbows. His eyesight is getting blurry and dark faster than he likes to admit. His show of vulnerability was used to his advantage though as he kicked the other attacker to his balls as he was approaching. Standing up, Odin closed his eyes and diverted his main focus on his other senses in order to fight better. More attackers came up to him and Odin fought them back almost as easily as any other wolf with fully functioning senses could. He could’ve destroyed them already but his exhaustion from his run, the wolfsbane he inhaled, his crushed hands, and the possible head injury he got are making things hard for him. Still, he managed to defend himself from his attackers but his energy is starting to wane.
    Pulling another one of his attacker’s spine out, he ignored the pain in his hands as his attackers started to distance themselves from him. Odin has no doubt that they are finally realizing that the damages they did to him earlier did not bring him down as they expected so now they are studying him and looking for his vulnerable points before they attack. Even with his eyes closed, Odin could exactly tell where they are and their actions. He could sense them giving each other silent messages with their eyes, their silent but methodical movements, the shifts in their emotions, and the energy they are giving off. Odin can already predict their next move and calculated the time they are about to attack. All he needs to do now is to wait.
    They continue to circle him and he continues to move with them. Odin can feel the heat of their gazes at him as he moves. Everytime one of them tries to attack, Odin will always grab them by the throat and slice it up with his claws. They even tried to attack him consecutively but Odin only swatted them aside like rag dolls with large claw gashes on them. The place smells strongly of blood and the scent of the rogues even beneath the other scents they used to cover theirs. It makes Odin’s nose itch, and with the burning sensation from the wolfsbane, it’s a fucking nuisance. He’ll make them pay painfully for this.
    The fight continues on for several more hours until all of them are breathing heavily in exhaustion. Still, his attackers persevered and they got even more frantic as daylight approaches. It got to the point where Odin was a second away from collapsing because of the attacks but somehow, he managed to stay on his feet. His entire body is burning, he can’t breathe properly, he feels like his head is about to explode from hit it received earlier, the gashes on his body is aching so bad that it’s making it hard for him to move, his legs feel weak, his jaw is bruised along with his cheek, a nasty slice was making his right eyebrow ache, and his hands continue to hurt like hell. He doesn’t know how much longer he can keep this up so when they attacked once more, he used all his remaining energy to put them all down. By the time he’s done, bodies are strewn all around him while he stays crouched in the middle; heaving in exhaustion and cradling his broken right rib – an addition to his list of injuries.
    The sun is starting to peek on the horizon and the air started to feel warmer. Dragging himself back to his bike, he was only a finger away from reaching it but a rod suddenly attached itself to his side. Before Odin knows it, a high voltage of electric shock overwhelmed his body and made him collapse. He momentarily caught a glance of the writings on the paper before his head hit the ground. Since his body is already at its limit, Odin wasn’t able to fight off unconsciousness and his eyes started to close. Two silhouettes appeared in his vision as he started to lose consciousness.
    “He’s a tough one to beat, eh?”
    “Yeah, it’s a good thing boss only gave us this task.”
    He heard them say and Odin doesn’t need to ransack his brain to find out who they’re talking about because the content of the paper already answered it for him.
    “I’m not done with you yet.” It said and judging from the letters it is written on, Odin knew that this reunion is not something he looks forward to.


AN: This story is up to chapter 13 in Dreame. If you don't want to wait, head on to Dreame to read it :) It's currently FREE. Here's the link  If you have problem with the link here, head on to my profile. The link to S&R is in my description page. Thank you all for the support!


PS: OMG S&R is ranked #1 in denial ranks in wattpad! Thank you all so much for the support ❤❤❤

PS: OMG S&R is ranked #1 in denial ranks in wattpad! Thank you all so much for the support ❤❤❤

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