Chapter 4

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 Odin cursed as he hung upside down from the huge tree branch a few feet from the house he woke up in. His hands are flailing helplessly in the air and he's still too weak to use his upper body strength to pull himself up and dislodge his stuck feet. How he got in this irritating situation? Better ask the fucking hellhound because Odin is fuming just thinking about it.

"Aaaahh...that can't be good for you." Odin glared at the hellhound's annoying smirk thrown his way along with his amused words.

"I'm not going down alone in this, bastard. You're going down with me." He growled at the golden-eyed wolf.

"I'd rather go down on you." The smirk got wider. "Take it or leave it?"

"Kill it." Was Odin's reply.

This made the hellhound chuckle. "Not in the choices, love. Pick again."

"First, fuck off. Second, stay the fuck away. Third, go die." Odin growled as he peered outside the house and saw at least two dozen enforcers advancing. Some are already trying to surround the area. Odin cursed; his best hope of escaping is through the back door and run sideways after a few feet in order to get them off his tracks. He hates fleeing. It's against his nature as an alpha but he's at a huge disadvantage here. He's still not fully healed and he's got a fucking boner that refuses to go down. It's going to be a huge pain in the fucking ass to run with a hard boner. If he shifts, there's no guarantee that his wolf won't pounce at the hellhound and claim him. Odin has to die first before he lets that happen.

"Typical Whurr alpha." He heard the hellhound muse and the way he said it sounds so condescending and degrading that Odin whirled around to throw a punch at him. Instead, something caught on his foot, making him lose balance and instead clumsily fell on the ground. The hellhound's chuckle made him feel so embarrassed as the wound on his thigh flare in pain.

"Fuck off!" he screamed at him just as gunshots began to rain all over house. Despite his embarrassment, he managed to be thankful because if he was standing a second earlier, he would've been a polka-dotted body now.

"My house! My precious house!" the guy from earlier cried out as he was forced to crouch down to shield himself from the rain of bullets. A bullet caught the hellhound on the shoulder but he only calmly crouched down to avoid them as if the bullet is not made out of silver.

"Hmmmm...they're really serious in killing us, huh?" he had the nerve to muse as if they're not in a life or death situation.

"Your mucus brain finally caught up?!" Odin yelled sarcastically as he crawls his way towards the back door. He doesn't know why the hellhound is hiding from the enforcers instead of killing them since he has that kind of reputation. But who knows, maybe the "killing 5 of the biggest packs in the world by himself" is only a big lie the rogues made to make them seem more dangerous and also to make pack wolves fear them. It turns out it's only probably a fraud.

Snatching a pair of shoes from the ground along with some metallic silver foil and papers littered around, he carefully opened the back door; crouching down again as the bullets started focus on him. "Fuck this!" he growled before hastily opening it then shutting it loudly. He tapped the shoes in the metallic foil and the papers to create the illusion that he's out there running as the metallic foil and paper rustle like leaves being crunched underneath someone's shoe. It sounds different but in a chaotic scene as this one, it did the trick as the enforcers yelled at each other that they escaped through the backdoor.

Footsteps started to make way around the house and to the back but five remained outside. "What if it's a diversion?" Odin heard one of them ask to his colleagues. He held his breath, hoping that they'll fall for it just this once but his hope was crushed when their leader (probably) agreed. "It could be. After all, we're after two powerful and intelligent beings here."

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