Chapter 25: This here is a party.

Start from the beginning

I felt my phone vibrate on my lap, I quickly looked down.

*Coming where?*

*Stacey's party*

*Why are you at a party on wednesday night?*

*I don't know, are you coming or not?*

*I don't think so*

*Why not?*

*I don't want to, I got other stuff to do tonight*

By other 'stuff' he meant stuff I wasn't supposed to know or ask about.

*Okay, suit yourself*

I put my phone away and continued paying attention to Stacey and her horrible singing.

♪now I wish we never met, cause you're too hard to forget, while I'm cleaning up your mess, I Know he's taking off your dress. Well I know that you don't but if I ask you if you love me, hope you lie lie lie lie lie to me♪

I didn't know if it was just me but those lyrics really got to me. I could relate in my own fucked up way.

It made me question if Charlie ever loved me, I knew I liked Adrian, or maybe I just wanted him in my bed but he somehow made me feel something that Charlie never made me feel.


Charlie never made me feel like I was on fire, like one little touch could burn me.

Damn it, I needed a drink.


After Stacey gave all of us a make over, Two hours passed and the house became full, there were drunk people everywhere. Jess, Stacey and Gina were wasted as hell, I was just tipsy. I wasn't really in a party mood, or maybe I was just too busy thinking about Adrian.

Son of a bitch was driving me nuts.

I was sitting on a couch in the living room with random people, they were drinking and chatting amongst themselves while my mind was somewhere else.

I brought the red plastic cup to my lips, taking a sip of my punch.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Gina shouted and a bunch of people came to the living room and circled around. I rolled my eyes at them.

Charlie plopped down beside me, plastering a wide smile on his face as he looked at me. He looked handsome as always, he smelled good too. He looked down at the tiny black dress that Stacey made me put on and I felt too exposed.

I'm talking about a guy who broke my virginity.

Time flies.

He opened his mouth to say something but then I felt myself being pulled up from my seat, I looked up and saw Adrian, he sat down, placed his hands on my hips and sat me down on his lap. Feeling a little shocked, I stared at him with wide eyes. He held the side of my face and smashed his lips on mine, it wasn't a make out, more like a prolonged kiss.

He pulled away and I battered my lashes, I was about to ask why or what for but then I remembered that Charlie was sitting right next to us.

That was not an excuse to kiss me like he missed me.

"Hi, I fucking missed you." He said, looking into my eyes and acting like Charlie was invisible.

"Hey." I responded, still feeling shocked.

Gina started the game but I was too distracted, I was sitting on Adrian Mackey's lap and my ex was sitting right next to us, glancing at us from time to time.

I moved on top of Adrian, trying to find a more comfortable position, he ran a hand through his hair, I placed my hand on the couch behind him and I moved again, he immediately put his hands on my hips and I felt his whole body tense.

"Fuck, can you not move too much?" He whispers on my neck. Slightly closing his eyes then opening them to look at me.

Shit, was I heavy?

"Sorry, I'm just trying to get comfortable." I whispered back.

"Yeah well, you're literally sitting on my dick and I'd appreciate it if you didn't-"

"Shit, I'm so sorry." I felt embarrassment flood throughout my body and I totally blushed.

"It's okay, I don't know what I was thinking in the first place." He put both his hands on my hips and positioned me himself. I smiled at him. "What?" He stared at my smile.

I leaned over to whisper in his ear, "You look really cute when you're horny." I teased.

His grip on me tightened, "Don't." he warned.

"Don't what?"

"Don't make me do stupid shit." His hand caressed my cheek and my skin radiated all over, his touch gave me some kind of warmth that my brain didn't ask for. Craving him was like being addicted to a drug.

"Maybe I like stupid shit." I whispered softly, while leaning into his face. I saw Charlie get up and leave from the corner of my eye but no one was paying attention to him.

He held the side of my face and pecked my lips, "Trust me, I want to fuck you as much as your drunk self but I'd hate it if your sober self regretted it."

"I'm not drunk." I shook my head, breathing against his lips.

He chuckled looking elsewhere then back at me, "And I'm not horny." He also shook his head. I looked at Gina and the others as I took a sip of my drink.

I looked back at him and found his eyes on me, I liked the way he looked at me everywhere, it made me feel so... Sexy.

Bitch, collect yourself.

I extended my drink to him, I thought he was going to decline but he took it from my hold and drained the liquid down his throat.


"Nice dress." He complimented, his eyes raking down my body. His gaze leaving chills as it went.

"Do you want another drink? I wa-"

"No, I'm driving." He said, averting his eyes from me and stroking his fingers through his hair.

Well, I sure wasn't going to sit there and let myself drool on the thought of having him so I got up and left.

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