I take another sip. He continues.

"The first time it happened...I had this dream, and, well–"

"Me too." I cut him off impulsively, unable to stop myself.

He looks at me, and I cannot for the life of me decipher what he's thinking.

"Either way," he clears his throat, "I won't go back to sleep. It's basically a game of roulette every night, but the bullet is me actually sleeping through the night." He continues. 

"Sometimes," I let out a low chuckle, "when I can't sleep, I'll go hang out with Emma and Marley and I'll come back later that morning already smelling like fish, and Kalani will–"

"Why do your friends smell like fish?"

I almost laugh at his question before I realize I left out the most important piece of context.

"Oh. They're dolphins."


"Kalani's not a dolphin. Emma and Marley are. Never mind."

Harry laughs.

"I can't say I do anything as extravagant as swimming with dolphins in the middle of the night. I usually just busy myself in the studio."

"That's...probably much more normal."

Both of us laugh, the lack of sleep getting to our heads.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"


"A movie." Harry says as I collect myself. "Since neither of us are going back to sleep."

I gulp. "Sure."

He nods, turning on his feet and walking over to the couch in the living room. "You can pick." He picks the remote up from the coffee table. "Maybe nothing too action packed. It is the middle of the night."

"Of course, because I, of all people, would choose a violent movie even when it was midday."

"How about horror?"

I pick up the nearest pillow and throw it at him.

I eventually land on Clueless.

Harry's next to me on the couch and there's this awkward distance between us that we've never had before. I don't dwell on it because it's not like either of us will close the distance. I just don't like it and I'm not used to it. But I probably should get used to it.

Harry tosses me a blanket and puts one over his legs, slumping down in the cushions similarly to me when the title card of the movie comes on the screen. 


The credits are still rolling.

Neither of them know it, though.

Both of them fell asleep long before the credits came on the screen.

Perhaps it was the presence of the other that allowed them to do so. Brains that were so tailored to the other person– Brooklyn's to Harry and Harry's to Brooklyn– were finally able to rest, simply because they were together.

Together may have different definitions. But, nevertheless, they were in the same place. Without even realizing it, the two drifted off not even halfway through the movie, all because they were together. Something they would have never been able to do if they were in their respective rooms upstairs, much less their respective states and time zones.

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