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I look odd, dragging my umbrella over my back - that downpour was over six hours ago, but sneaking back into the facility is a time-consuming business.

I watch the kids play in the parks, the elderly couples moan about the heat, the people lapping up the last ounce of sun before heading in for the night. It must be say eight pm by now?

The birds circle in the sky above my head.
I've always found them wonderful, always been attracted to the way they caw together rather than alone.

I could never walk along a street, before, and smile at people because I knew there was nothing I could do to protect them. Now I can do that, knowing however small it may be, I'm playing my part to protect those like little Luis who couldn't protect themselves. Now I can put the bad past behind me and concentrate on being a good, working citizen. Now I can be the person I dreamt of.

I fumble around my handbag for my apartment keys. I lodge the sharp silver blade into the door lock and twist it open. I then get the second key, and do the same to the discrete lock at the door's base. I wouldn't say I was paranoid, but if someone steals my key, who knows what secrets they could find.

The apartment is cracked, and old, but we keep it far from unpleasant. Jo bounds down the stairs, and hugs me tight. I hugged her back, relieved to feel human kindness for the first time in a while. I lay down my keys on the oak holder, wooden like most of the furniture in the apartment, and fling the umbrella onto the rack.

"So...?" she asks, beaming, as she bounces onto our teal armchair.
I watch her, as she brushes her beautiful raven hair behind her cotton crop top.

We've known one another for years, depending on each other when none else could. She thought we were both back on track, but she was alone in that thought until today.

"The good news or the bad news?" I ask, almost afraid I'll give something away.
"Urgh, let's get the bad over with. It's Friday night for goodness sake."

"Okay, so bad is I'm no longer working in that cute bakery down the road." I say, pulling a playful, frowny face.

She frowns too, a genuine sadness, because she knew how much I enjoyed my sense of community. It was always a cover, but the buns were delicious.

I quickly flicked a smile, as I couldn't contain my excitement much longer.
"But I've been accepted to a real job!" I say, the words leaving my mouth faster than a bullet.

She squeals and squeezes me tightly. Then, holding my shoulders away from hers, she quickly adds "I knew it! I knew it, Tress! I said to God you needed something better! And now- This is so good!"

Little does she know that I had to search the facility logs to get the information. I'm still waiting for the callback but at least I don't have to worry anymore. I guess this is the reason the soldiers followed me: no matter how hard I try they can't trust me and I can't trust them.

She sits down suddenly, and I start to think for the worse. Instead she looks up at me, her eyes wide, and sad, "I didn't want to tell you-" she starts, and worry shrouds my conscience. "But I got a promotion a few weeks back."

This time we both squeal together. She stops to add "I didn't want you to be grumpy y'know." And we both giggle. This over-excitable interaction is all I needed - Jo always knows how to cheer someone up. It's like she's psychic. If only she knew I already found out about her promotion by tapping into their systems.

She doesn't know who or what I work for now, I won't be allowed to tell her. Even though she's an innocent fly, if I do tell, well, I won't have a flatmate to share this place with to say the least. I'm not thinking about it, it will ever happen. Jo will understand. She is still in her little newspaper job that she's been at for years. We both seemed to never get respect no matter how hard we tried. Until today, I guess.

"Now did you save me some of that noodle pot?" I ask, thinking of the takeaway she would've ordered two hours ago.
"Tress, you know it's gonna taste horrible now."
"I know, I know, and I'm sorry for being late, I just had to get this thing done by the end of the day. Otherwise-" I mime my finger over my throat and she laughs again.
"Cuz so many people have been murdered by their employers recently." Giving me a playful glance.

It couldn't be more true. If they caught me I would be dead, or in prison. Coming to think of it, I probably shouldn't have hacked into my own work.

Shaking my head, I reassure myself It's happened now and there's nothing I can do, so I'll just have to await my fate.

Flicking me back to reality, Jo responds. "C'mon." She grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen.

Dishing out my serving of noodles she smiles up into my eyes. There's nobody else in the world I care for more than her. She's just like a sister. Although history proves I'm not that good at keeping siblings alive.

Hey! You <3
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A/N next few chapters are short bc I lost patience im sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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