"No more secrets," I responded. Except this one.

A smile formed on her face and she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I held her close to me, tracing the curvature of her spine with my finger. I said in her ear, "I already have an apartment bought. We'll stay in it until they're dead, but don't worry, I think you're going to like it."

"We could've just stayed with Reid," she said as she pulled away.

I nodded, "Yea. But then we couldn't have sex without him hearing."

"Aero!" she laughed. But I still saw her blush. 

I smiled hearing her laugh, so happy to be around her again. I told her, "Come on, lets pack our shit. I'll take you there tonight, I really think you'll love it."

I went out and opened my car doors and we started loading stuff into it. We put all of our clothes into suitcases and Hailey demanded that we brought the painting of her and I. We didn't need any of our appliances because the apartment was already fully furnished.

We pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building. The entire top floor was our room since it was a penthouse. Her jaw dropped as we walked in, her clearly having different expectations. It was furnished in black and white furniture only with some lilac decor, and the walls were windows that overlooked the entire city.

"Do you like it?" I asked her as she walked further into it.

I shut the door and placed our things on the ground, following her into the living room. She turned back around and said softly, "Aero, it's beautiful."

"I was hoping you'd like it," I smiled at her. I picked out the one I thought she'd like most.

I'm not sure why the don said it was Vincent. He either did it to fuck me over because he was pissed that I threatened him and almost killed his son, or he genuinely found something that I'm missing. I don't think I can do this on my own, I need Alessandro's help.

"This is amazing. But wait....how long are we going to be staying here?" she asked me.

"A week at most, my love. I'll have this problem dealt with soon."

She smiled and walked over to me, giving me a hug. Her face lit up and she asked, "Can I invite Reid over? He'd love to see this!"

"Sure," I told her.

She sat down and called him, so I brought our suitcases into our bedroom. The view was beautiful and reminded me of the view in Philadelphia.

As I was hanging up our clothes in the closet she walked into the room with a confused look, "Reids at Brunos house talking about getting back together."

"Huh. So are they going to?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. He answered and was all like, 'Hailey I can't talk right now. I'm at Brunos trying to work things out with him.' And then the jerk ended the call on me!"

"Why don't I take you to his house tomorrow and you can ask him about it? I'm going to go meet with Alessandro for a bit," I said to her.

She nodded her head and sat down on the bed, "Okay. Hey, do you want some cupcakes? I can bake you some chocolate ones."

I could tell that even if I said no, she was going to anyways. I placed a kiss against her forehead and said, "Sure."

I already had the fridge completely full, and I got ice cream and stuff to bake with for her.



I took the delicious smelling cupcakes out of the oven, almost clapping in excitement seeing that Aero got me some pink frosting to decorate with. I put hearts on them and put them on a plate, walking into our bedroom.

Aero was laying in the bed in black lounge pants and a white t-shirt. I handed him a cupcake before walking to my side of the bed, even though honestly both sides are mine, sitting down beside him. He had the shitty TV show that I totally don't like on, that I watched while I ate one of the cupcakes.

His hand rubbed up and down my back. He asked me, "What are you doing on the 28th?"

"Nothing. I have an early class, but it's pretty short. Why?" I asked.

He sighed, "I have to go to Alessandro's fathers funeral. I want you to come with me so that you can always be by my side after what happened yesterday. He wants me to be there in case anybody tries anything, since theres going to be hundreds of people there."

"Why are so many people going to be at an assassins dads funeral?" I asked.

"Well, he's not an assassin anymore. When his dad died he became the don, because that's what his father was. His dad had a lot of enemies and people in the mafia aren't above trying anything at someones funeral. He thinks somebody who hated his dad might try something, so I'm going to be sniping," he explained to me.

He continued, "But hey. On a lighter note, I want to take you on a date tomorrow night."

"Where?" I asked while smiling.

He shook his head, "You're gonna have to wait and see sweetheart."

I jumped on him, giving him a big hug. As we hugged I asked him, "Do you know if we can go back to Philadelphia on the 31st yet?"

"Ask me again on the 30th," He said in a soft voice while moving some of my hair.

I nodded and snuggled into his chest, the warmth feeling nice against my skin. I shut my eyes after admiring our view for a few minutes.



I wanted to call Alessandro and ask him if I could stop by tomorrow, but Hailey's sleeping on my chest and I'm not going to move and wake her up. I'll show up uninvited and just have to hope that he's home.

The 31st is getting closer and closer. Even if I can't figure out who they are, I won't leave her alone for a single second so they won't be able to hurt her. As long as I'm breathing, nothing is going to happen to her.

But I'd still prefer to figure out whoever the fuck it is. Alessandro better help me tomorrow, but he only has the morning and afternoon to. I never want to experience the way that I felt yesterday again. To show Hailey just how much I appreciate her, I'm going to take her on the best fucking date of her life.

Only the best for my girl.

I didn't fall asleep, but instead, just let myself appreciate this moment. This is how I want to live the rest of my life, and I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. I'll threaten Alessandro, I'll try and think of another way to meet up with the person.....but nobody is going to hurt her.

I held her closer to me, my arms around her tightly. I knew that I should probably go to bed now since it was 2am, but I placed a kiss against the top of her head first.

Before closing my eyes to go to sleep, I whispered to her even though she was asleep, "Please don't ever leave me again."

Even though I know I deserve it. 

Word Count: 2025

Word Count: 2025

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