I tried to focus on each element, but my mind always finds a way to drift back to the events of last night. It's all blurry now, but somehow, I can't seem to shake away the feeling of guilt and the ever-present thought of misjudgment. Had I overreacted? Was I wrong about everything? Have I been irrational? These were the same thoughts that kept me awake last night.

I was restless and deprived of sleep, but when Hailey called me at the break of dawn, I couldn't refuse. She told me that the Instagram follow made it to the tabloids. With headlines containing "Instagram official" and "Axel's new girl", I guess we got the traction we wanted. It's all rumors, of course, and they aren't at all true, but it buys us a small amount of time and that's good enough. Katie must be screaming with madness.

My phone pinged, catching my attention.

"Good morning. ❤️" an Instagram message from Axel appeared.

Now, this is the part I hate the most.

"Good morning," I replied.

A text message appeared, "No hearts?! 🤕💔"

"Can we not go overboard with the emojis?"

"But they look cute. 🥺"

An Instagram message popped up, "What are we up to today?"

I texted him, "What do you mean? We aren't up to anything today. I have somewhere to be."

Another DM appeared, "Don't mull over it too much."

"I'm not," I replied.

"Okay, then I'll just swing by and pick you up."

I texted, "Excuse me?"

He texted back, "See you later. 😉"

Oh no, no, no. I got up to my feet as fast as lightning and got myself ready. If I'm not here, then where would he find me? And even if he's already driving, with New York traffic, I doubt he'll be here in fifteen minutes. Ha! You're a genius, Lauren.

I finished getting ready in record time and was happy that Axel wasn't around when I locked my apartment.

I stood by the elevators, grinning jubilantly as I wait for the elevator to come up.

Finally, it dinged and the doors slowly opened. Revealing a very much relaxed Axel James.


"Oh, here you are!" he greeted. "I didn't think you'd be ready, but that's good. Let's go?"

"Uh-uh," I stepped back.


The elevator doors began to close and I ran towards the staircase.

"Wait!" he yelled.

I didn't know if he got trapped inside the elevator or if he was running after me. I couldn't hear footsteps, but I would not dare look back to slow my pace.

When I reached the second-floor stairs, he's at the end of the staircase.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath and turned to go up again.

"Lauren!" he grabbed my elbow and I almost fell but he caught me by the small of my back preventing the fall.

I turned my head and our noses almost touched.

"Why are you running from me?"

"Let me go."

He did and I rose, fixing my stature.

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