(II) Chapter 33: Bridges

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Frankie and Lyra stood silently out in the alley behind Carmen's, both leaning up against the wall of the neighboring building. The redhead had a black cigarette between her lips, her deep intake of breath the only outward indication that she was on edge. She sent her friend a sidelong glance, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"I hope you plan on explaining that as well before the night is through."

She knew she didn't need to elaborate.

Frankie extended her hand in a silent request for her cigarette. Lyra's lips pursed into a small smirk as the brunette took the offered stick and inhaled only once before handing it back.

"Seems I'm not the only one who's tense."

Still, Frankie remained quiet, but the way the corners of her lips were twitching made Lyra laugh silently.

"Anything of interest happen with you while I was away?" the brunette said at last. A pitiful attempt at conversation, but her friend shrugged.

"It was pretty quiet while you were gone – of course, now we know why."

"Any visions or dreams I should know about?"

The woman shook her head.

"Nothing of note. Just a lot of weird, choppy ones that were all fire and smoke – or mist, I couldn't really distinguish between the two. Something's coming though. I may not be able to see it clearly yet, but I can feel it in my bones."

"Something bad?"

"Can't tell. My gut isn't freaking out, which is probably a good sign, but... I don't know how to describe it."

"Have you talked to Jake about it?"

"No. I saw him a lot after Raul... you know," and her voice trailed off for a moment. Frankie took her arm in consolation but said nothing. "It's amazing how grief and rage are such powerful catalysts."

"He's always been good about smoothing out your rough edges."

"Yeah, he is," she conceded, flicking a stray tear from the corner of her eye before it could spill down her cheek. "I know Rémy is still pissed, but between the two of us, I'm glad we're finally doing this. It's long overdue."

"I know it is. I just hope Rémy behaves himself."

"If he doesn't, I might throat punch him."

Frankie chuckled.

"I probably won't stop you, though devil knows I should."

Lyra laughed at that, but then she paused, noticing the faraway look in the woman's eyes.

"What happened in France, Frank? The tension between you, Vlad, and Rémy is..."

Before she could finish, the back door to Carmen's opened, Rémy and Vlad stepping out into the dark hours of the morning. Rémy shut the door behind them a little harder than was probably necessary.

"Danny and Carmen aren't coming?" Lyra asked, sending Vlad a suspicious look, but the man ignored her, his eyes having immediately gone to Francesca.

"Danny doesn't want to come and Carmen is busy with Damon," Rémy replied impatiently.

Frankie's brows shot to her hairline at this. She sent her best friend a look.

Is that jealousy I detect? her eyes seemed to say.

Lyra's grin was smug.

I'm just glad Carmen is finally getting some, came the redhead's voice in her mind. It's nothing serious – though clearly your brother doesn't know that. Serves him right for making her wait so long. Frankie had to bite her tongue to keep from smiling, though she sent her brother a sympathetic look.

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