I sunk back into my bed, nodding. It was a relief to know my friends were okay -- I would never forgive myself had something drastic happened to them.

Silence settled over the room. It took me a moment to detect the strange tension in the air, as though there was something that had yet to be addressed.

"I'm very sorry for my Beta's behavior."

Ah. So that was it. I turned to look at Azriel, unable to hide my shock. "You're not angry at me?"

Azriel frowned. "Why would I be angry?"

"For attacking him," I stammered. "I'm pretty sure I broke some of his ribs -- at least I think. I hope he's okay?" It was more of a question than a statement, but Azriel only gave me a small smile.

"Kyra dear, do not fret about that. He's fine. Besides, it's a fundamental rule to never use an Ageto on one with an affinity to emotional magic. It causes them to lose control. It was Zion's fault, and I think he understands that now," despite the light in his eyes, there was something dark to his tone. I could only imagine the tongue-lashings Zion received, and for a fleeting moment I pitied him.

"And I'm very sorry about his behavior in general, Kyra. I knew he was a harsh teacher, and I thought he would be good for you, but I didn't know..." his voice trailed off, and I was shocked to see his mouth fall shut. He looked at me with eyes full of regret. "I'm sorry, Kyra, I really am. I've been an ignorant leader. I put too much faith in my own right-hand man, forgetting about who he is as a person."

I scowled. "What do you mean by that?"

Azriel sucked in a breath, blowing it out in a long sigh. "Kyra, there's a reason Zion has been particularly hard on you, and it's not because he hates you."

I suppressed a dry laugh. Now that  was hard to believe.

I looked back towards the Stygian man, expecting to see that usual light-hearted expression. Instead, I was left shocked by the gravity of his gaze, and for a moment the world shifted beneath me. "He was like you once, Kyra; an outsider. You see, he originally hailed from the Eastern Pack."

My eyes widened. The Eastern Pack?

"He was abused and exiled from the pack," he continued. "Me and a few of my men were out on a hunting trip when we stumbled upon him. He was only a pup at the time."

I raised a brow. Just how old were these guys? I said nothing as Azriel continued, "It was very hard at first. I was ready to take him in, but the others weren't so keen. Everyone -- from the Omegas to my own Gammas -- thought we should abandon him, because he wasn't one of us. But I persisted. I let him stay."

Azriel paused, swallowing. A strange look entered his eyes. "There's only so much you can do to control your people, Kyra. It doesn't matter what I thought of Zion. To them, he was an enemy; someone they should hate. It didn't matter how many times I advocated for them to treat him kindly, or how many punishments I handed out to those who didn't. It didn't stop the whispered words, the glares and sneers. They are my people, yes, but they rule me as much as I rule them. It's like the saying: a king is nothing without his kingdom."

I nodded. It made sense -- to some degree. Though, by the wary gleam in his eyes, I didn't have it in me to challenge him.

He levelled his gaze with mine. "So, I guess you could say I'm sorry for that too, Kyra. Believe me, I wish there was a way around it, but there just isn't. I wish I could stop my people from treating you the way they do, but I just can't. I just keep hoping that, if they see you by my side for long enough, they will eventually come to like you."

I nodded, swallowing the strange tightness in my throat. "And what about Zion?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Initially, Zion suffered the temperament of the others. He didn't fit in -- or more so the pack wouldn't allow him to. It took years for them to warm up to him, to earn their respect. But look where he is now -- he rules over those who once hated him."

I nodded. "So what has that got to do with me? Why would he treat me like this when he understands what I'm going through?" I paused. "Or maybe he doesn't..."

Azriel gave me a soft smile. "He does understand, Kyra, and it is that understanding that hurts him. He sees in you a reflection of what he once was: an outcast, an outsider. He wants you to succeed because he wants you to fit in. He wants you to master the art of Turning because he wants to get you up to speed with your age group; training alongside them just as anyone else would. He wants you to live the life of any other werewolf, because he knows how it feels to be excluded for one's differences."

Azriel looked at me. Perhaps my skepticism shone through on my face, for he heaved a defeated sigh. "I know you may not believe my claims, Kyra dear, but please consider them."

I hesitated for a moment before nodding. It was hard to think that such a brunt man like Zion could have been an outcast. In my mind, it seemed impossible that someone just like me could have risen to such a high seat of power.

And even more than that, it seemed impossible for such an abrasive man to hold sympathy -- to hurt simply because I'm hurting. For a fleeting moment, I felt immense guilt towards him. All this time maybe he had wanted me to succeed. In his own harsh and hurtful way, he was just trying to get me up to speed.

And I'd thanked him by breaking several of his ribs. My stomach knotted at the thought, and I quickly pushed it out my head.

I looked towards Azriel, who was beginning to make his way out the ward. He shot me one last glance, smiling despite the wariness in his eyes. Maybe he was lying about it all just to make me feel better. Or, maybe, he was telling the truth.

He came to an abrupt stop, staring at me. I watched his face fall slightly, eyes lighting up with concern. "I know it's not easy to accept, Kyra," he said quietly. "Killing someone for the first time. But it's something we must do. In the world of werewolves, it's kill or be killed."

I nodded, wondering how he'd known what was bothering me. Was I that bad at hiding emotions? 

And then I thought over his words. Was this world really so dire? I knew the answer, but I wasn;t sure if I was ready to accept it.

Slowly, his frown turned into a grin. "We can have a private training session together, Kyra, if that makes you feel any better."

It took me a moment to realise he was asking, and I nodded fervently. Azriel smiled, and something within me stirred. His lips were pink and plump, and for a fleeting moment I wondered what they felt like. I shook the thoughts away.

"Great. I'll come collect you once you're discharged. In the meantime, get some rest; you need it."

With that, Azriel turned and left. In his wake lingered many thoughts, mixing in with the metallic smells and florescent lights of the ward. I debated Zion's intentions, and the truth of Azriel's words, and the more I thought, the more I was sucked into the vortex of confusion.

Even so, I couldn't help the undeniable excitement that came with thoughts of alone time with Azriel. I even caught myself grinning a few times. Slowly, I lay back down. Maybe I'd hit my head harder than I'd thought.


1800 word chapter less go

What do you guys think of Zion's back story? Does this change your opinion on him at all?

What do you guys think of Azriel so far?


~ 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤, 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 + 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 ~

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