"Hello... Hello..."

Omkara cursed out loud and raised his hand to throw his phone in anger but he knew the moment called for his patience. So, he put it aside and looked back at the pictures angrily thrown on the floor.


"Sahil, can you not call me to ask for that baagad billa?" Anika spoke into her cell phone.

"SSO is not answering my calls didi," her brother replied.

"As if he tells me where he goes," Anika continued to sulk.

Sahil sighed at his sister lack of patience.

True that he felt bad for his brother-in-law but also knew he cannot dare ask his sister to behave like a grown-up woman not complaining about her husband all the time.

Instead, he decided to be the mature one amongst them.

With a calm tone, he tried again.

"I am sorry to remind you about SSO didi," he cajoled.

"I just thought that you might know where he kept my quarterly marks report. I gave it to him so that he could sign and return it to me but due to a few unavoidable reasons, my teachers have asked me to submit it earlier than the mentioned date. This is urgent."

Anika understood her brother's emergency and cooled down.

"Okay, I will have to ask Khanna for the office keys. I will search in Shivaay's study and if I find something I will call you back Sahil," she told him and the former thanked heavens.


"One simple task," Karan roared at his subordinate.

"I gave you one simple task of following his men and you couldn't do that."

"Karan, can you calm down please," Shivaay said gesturing the victim to leave.

"No, I will not Shivaay. It has been five days since I last saw my father," he banged on the table, shaking a few things off it.

Five days ago, Shivaay would have retorted or screamed back at the cop for unnecessarily losing his cool but their old comradery rebooted in these testing times and he understood Karan better.

Watching him work without rest to find clues and trace his father's whereabouts, Shivaay could understand how much the son loved his father. If he were in his place maybe he would have chosen his blood rather than a bond.

Becoming an accomplice in Sahil's kidnapping could have put Karan in good terms with Svetlana and he needn't have to quest for his only relative now. Yet, he chose to stick to good and helped them find Anika's brother.

Shivaay might never forget his wife's pain in the past but he was willing to forgive Karan for deceiving him because he was only fighting for his parent.

"Enough of this Karan, take the sleeping pills and rest for the night. You are not in a state to work," he spoke in a firm tone.

"I cannot. We must see if the tech guy can be of help. The phone number....."

"No Karan, you are over working yourself and by being impatient you will not help anybody. So please, do as I say."

His friend hesitated for a while.

Should he ask Shivaay to call his mother? Was Pinky Oberoi still in contact with that witch Svetlana?

No, he was sure Gauri wouldn't have revealed anything about Pinky's involvement with Sahil's kidnap. Despite what he did, the man had been doing nothing but helping him find his father. He cannot hurt him by divulging such disturbing information about his family.

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