Lesson 44 - Planning Rescue & Conquer

Start from the beginning

Renner leans back against the couch. "I had been fulfilled."

"Are you referring to Climb?" Marquis assumes, Zanac taking no part of the conversation.

"Yes indeed. If I could be wed to Climb... Hmmm, and whil I'm at it, if I could chain him up, and keep him, so he could not go anywhere, that might make me happier."

"Keep' him? In other words, you are not in love with him?"

Renner's eyes are shining blue, pupils large, eyes wide. "I am in love with him! I very much like his eyes! I also love the way he follows me around, like a dog."

Zanac finally speaks up. "Sorry, but I'm not following at all."

Renner cups her hands together. "I am not asking you to understand. As long as you know that I am fond of him, and that I love him, that is enough." Her expression relaxes.

"However, marrying a commoner such as..." Marquis stumbles. "M-Master Climb might be..."

Zanac leans forward. "Can't we strike a deal? Once I accede to the throne, I'll hitch you and Climb."

"Count me in!" Renner smiles.

"--That was fast!" Zanac says.

"From the moment you arrived, Brother, I wanted to bring that subject up. I also have a request for you, Marquis Raeven." Renner looks over at him.

"What might that be?"

"Marquis Raeven, you have a son, yes?"

Marquis gives a nervous smile. "Yes, he is still only five."

"I ask that he be my betrothed."

Marquis stands, furry etched in his features. "No!" He shouts, pointing a finger down at her. "You think I would give my boy to a woman like you?!" He throws his arm out.

Renner remains unfazed, her light smile remaining as she watched Marquis pant from the amount of venom he'd laced between his words.

Marquis finally catches his breath, taking his finger back. "P-Pardon me, Your Highness." He sits back down, now appearing calmer. "Would you mind telling me your reasons?"

"I am sure you already know."

Marquis places a hand under his chin while Zanac watches him. "Your Highness would marry my son but have children with Climb. My son would bear children with whichever woman he loved which you could then claim as your successor. Does that sum it up?"

"Are you really proposing this right in front of me?" Zanac speaks up.

"Ah, you would not want to learn of it later, would you?"

Zanac grunts.

"So, I hear you are going up against Eight Fingers?" Marquis changes the subject.

"Yes. I would like to strike at them before they burrow underground but I am short of soldiers."

"Where will you be attacking?" Zanac asks.

Renner pulls out a map with red x's on it. "These seven locations. The problem is that each of these locations is in a territory owned by a different nobleman."

"If we could just uncover something that ties them with Eight Fingers, I could use it to exert pressure on the nobles." Marquis suggests.

"Barring that, we can just find something, right? It's definite where they dispose of their incriminating materials. Also, my sister, I have an important question." Zanac leans forward, hand on chin. "Our beloved older brother, the first prince, is also taking money from Eight Fingers, right?"

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