05. Saving Grace pt.1

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Miok had settled herself in a corner of the cell of the Dragon she had come to call the Violet Wonder, where she had taken temporary residence until she faced her flight test tomorrow. As excited as she was to take to the skies again, her nerves were running high. Even taking Eunha for a flight around the base had not helped any. For right now she was hiding from Namjoon and Jungkook. She did not want the pair of them to worry about her more than they already were. She didn't want them knowing that everything they tried to help her with her nerves didn't work.

As much as reading was a good distraction, it was the soothing huffs of controlled breathing of her Violet Wonder that helped calm her down. It normally did, today nothing seemed to work. Not even her Violet Wonder's peaceful slumber.

She felt agitated and couldn't sit still. It was a fight remaining as she was on the corner she had claimed as hers.

The door of the cell clanging open caught her attention, snapping her out of her spiralling thoughts. A short man in a white lab coat, along with two nurses in scrubs entered the cell. one of the nurses were equipped with a clipboard and pen, while the other pushed in a trolley filled with testing equipment. The man's hand's were free, except for the gloves that adorned them.

"Rider Miok!" Doctor Carter exclaimed as she rose to her feet, brows pulled together in confusion. His eyebrows shot to his hairline as he hadn't seen her sitting there. He should have expected nothing less as the girl seemed to find her temporary residence there with the Dragon who ignored her for the better part.

The man was short as he was plump, with greying hair and a wrinkled face. His eyes were blue, crinkled at the edges with laugh lines.

"I guess I really shouldn't be surprised to find you here. My nurses keep complaining you never seem to leave this big fellow alone.," He said laughing as he walked over to me.

Miok chuckled, a sheepish sound as she scratched the back of her head.

"I find it peaceful here with him," She replied in honesty.

Carter gave the girl a searching look, wondering exactly what about the violent Dragon she found so peaceful. He could tell she meant every word she said. She truly found solace in the presence of the wildest Dragon they had ever captured.

As for Miok, she kept quiet because she couldn't exactly explain - and expect him to understand - that her solace came in the form of his refusal to transform, thereby leaving her to sort through her thoughts. That his mere presence, hulking and very much there, was a reassurance to her.

Carter hummed after a drawn-out minute and turned to face the dragon again, a tight, sad smile pulling his lips taut.

"That's too bad then Rider. We just received orders, if he continues to refuse being educated, he is to be shifted to the labs at first light tomorrow."

As filled with disappointment as Cater's voice held, it was nothing compared to the stark raving horror that froze Miok where she stood. Eyes wide, feeling like she had gotten dumped by a bucket of ice-cold water. finding it difficult to breathe. Tears stinging in her eyes, not yet spilling over.


Voice faint, she barely heard it herself, how Cater heard her was a mystery. She felt like she was drowning, air refusing to fill her lungs. Vision tunnelling, finding it difficult to even tell up from down despite standing quite steady on her feet.

Carter sighed, gaze flitting back to the ashen Rider.

"They are shifting him to the labs tomorrow. He refuses to cooperate with anyone. He all but ripped off the arms of two of my best surgeons just this morning, the number of nurses he has damaged is innumerable. He's out of control. You are the only one who has come close enough to so much as touch him without getting torched. The higher-ups are getting tired of waiting for us to tame him. Demand for new Dragons keeps growing every day. There aren't enough Dragons in the cells or even in the facilities to give all the cadets currently in the Faculty. every Dragon is being utilised and he's not useful here, so the labs are his next best option."

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