06. Saving Grace pt.2

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Holding the feeling Eunha fed close to her heart, Miok all but stumbled out the doors, making a mad dash towards the dungeons. She needed that motivation to change his mind. A reminder of what she was giving him - the freedom of flight. From and for what she was saving him.

The cell looked no different from the last time she left. Her things exactly as they were, undisturbed. More importantly, her Violet wonder still sleeping soundly in his corner.

The sheer relief that flowed through her at seeing him still there, she didn't stop to consider how bad of an idea rushing straight to him would be. Simply threw caution to the wind and Jumped right on him.

Despite aware she had entered the room, the Dragon hadn't move from where he laid curled in the corner of the cell. It wasn't until she threw her arms around his leg and pressed herself right against him that he acknowledged that she was there. Even so, it was to shake her off his body, the low growl meant to be threatening, but only causing the girl to pout up at him in offense.

Having landed on her butt when he shoved her off, not intimidated at all by the sharp teeth bared her way, she jumped right back to her feet.

"If you're gonna be stubborn about this, the least you can give me is a proper goodbye," She said, arms crossed over her chest and lips wobbling with the effort to keep her tears at bay. Not that it seemed to be working as her vision was blurry and all she could see of him was a Violet blob. "This would probably be the last time We're going to see each other. After all this time we spent together, can you not -" She cut herself off with a loud sniff. another word out and she will be bawling like a baby all over again.

It was silent for a moment. Miok used to being ignored by the Dragon, her body trembling like a leaf hanging on to the tree branch, fighting against the wind trying to tug it away, didn't expect for his scales to shimmer, the tell-tale sign of a dragon transforming to their Human form.

Miok went still. Shocked to move, but more terrified to lift her gaze and put a face to another Dragon she didn't have the power to save.

Eyes glued to the bare feet at the end of her vision, she let out a trembling breath. When her arms wrapped around herself,  folding into herself, it was unconscious. A defense mechanism.

As tempting as it was to throw caution to wind just look, she didn't think she could bare the consequences it would rain on her. Especially if he decided not to hear out her proposal after all. She barely got enough sleep as it was, did she really want this on her head as well? Would it be worth it? The regret?

No, that was stupid. No matter which she choose, she was going to regret it.

His smooth voice broke the silence that had made it's home in the cell. As velvety as she remembered. Like a warm cup of coffee on a cold morning. The crackle of a fireplace in the dead of winter.


Miok tilted her head, unsure what 'Taehyung' meant. Her minimum knowledge of Dragonish didn't help as she was sure it wasn't a word in Dragonish. So...?

"My name. You asked for it yesterday."

Miok's eyes widened the same moment her leg decided they didn't want to hold her upright anymore. Realisation hitting hard.

He had been chewing on it the whole night.

Pressing a hand over her mouth, repressing the urge she had to cry and throw herself right back at him.

The hush at her lack of a reply sounded loud. Miok drowning in her own thoughts to find it overbearing, yet the weight of the gaze boring on her was a heavy. She had lost all feeling in her body, the will to move. The fact that he was no longer a nameless, faceless Dragon she had failed to save pressing down on her.

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