peppa pig plasters - chapter 6

Start from the beginning

which was adorable in newt's opinion.

"did you hurt yourself when you tripped?" 

thomas chuckled, shaking his head. "no! of course not, it was a tiny trip. i'm clumsy, anyway. sorry for being late, by the way."

"you weren't late. it's fine, i had only been there for, like, a bloody minute." 


newt has been there for like 5-10 minutes before, panicking that thomas was gonna be early and it's be his fault for leaving the brunet to be out by himself in the cold. 

it was november, after all. 

(i need a christmas chapter in this ff it needs to be autumn / winter in this xx christmas at edinburgh sounds so nice so i might make them go on a road trip to scotland for christmas then rent a holiday house there for like a week and then sNOW AND NEWTMAS DATES AKDJJCHSJS sorry ok)

"ah, alright! i'm glad." thomas gave newt his signature smile, making the british heat up slightly and avert his gaze to the ground. 

"yeah, uh, are you sure you didn't graze yourself?" 

"eh, who cares." 

"i do. show me your leg." newt rolled his eyes. "sit on the bench over there, you twat." 

thomas stuck his tongue out childishly. "fine!" 

he went over to the bench, flopping himself down onto it. newt followed suit, but instead of sitting down, he just kneeled down and awaited for the brunet to roll up his trouser leg, which he did.

"it's grazed." 

"oh well." he shrugged. "can we go to the cafe now?"

"no. we are going to go to the supermarket and get a plaster." newt huffed.

"it's a graze, blondie."

"i know, tommy."

"it doesn't hurt."

"i don't care. it could get infected, and then you could get poisoned, and then oh my god you could die and it'd be my fault-" 

newt was cut off by thomas' laughter. 

"honestly, blondie, you do stress a lot, don't you?" 

"i'm just sensible." 

"alright, alright, come on, let's just go to boots."

so, they went to the local asda whilst talking about random stuff, just finding comfort in each other's words. they might have been talking about shit, but neither could be happier.

i mean, if they were holding hands then they could've been.


"i want the peppa pig plasters."

thomas was looking at the stickers, holding up the box of peppa pig stickers before chucking them into the basket.

newt just sighed, sending him a glare when he threw them.

"bloody hell, you act like a 5 year old. stop throwing the buggin' plasters everywhere."

"i do not act like a 5 year old!" he literally pouted.

like, pouted.

newt couldn't help but think it was absolutely adorable.

"yes, you do."

"you're so mean to me."

"get over it, tommy." he walked off away from the medicine aisle. "should we get a drink from here? i can't be arsed to go to the cafe now." 

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