That idiot!

"Where's Zaccai now?"

"Being detained by the local police. Turns out that Chester guy's the nephew to one of the big shot politicians here."

"Oh yeah? Well I've got connections too. Tell him he's an idiot and I'm coming to get him out of there. Don't forget he's an idiot. A big one. Emphasise that."


Before she can protest, I end the call.

"Well, what happened to Zac?"

Mom anxiously inquires

"He beat up the guys from Amton to a bloody pulp and got arrested. Sounds like he nearly killed them. To make it worse, one of them is a politician's nephew so the consequences might be worse."

I explain.

"Well, your Dad's actually out looking to hire a lawyer to start a case against those boys and have them punished by law."

Mom's revelation sent a chill down my spine. A court case? Is it really that bad?
I already know a lawyer, I was planning on calling him to help Dalton. But if we're going to start a case, I guess I should tell them.

"Well, I already have someone in mind who can help us with that."

I let out.

"Really? Who."

Should I tell them? They might not be too thrilled.


I start

"Don't tell me."

Ace realizes

"He can help!"




"Ace, we don't have time to-"


"What are you two, or rather, who are you two talking about?"

Mom interrupts.

"She is talking about Alverez!"


Mom snaps her neck to face me.

"He's dad is a lawyer, remember? And a popular one at that. Plus Dez and I are on good terms now."

"Is he the other guy you were telling me about the other day?"

Why'd she have to connect the dots for this...

"That doesn't matter right now. I'm going to call him and tell him what's going on."

"No the heck you won't!"

Ace protests


"I will not allow that good for nothing piece of garbage near you again. Over my dead body!"


Dad welcomes Dez and Mr Alverez into our home; well, more like welcomes Mr Alverez and subtly glares at Dez. Ace stands there, with folded arms, watching Dez walk in. Dez instinctively stands beside me to protect himself from my family's threatening gazes.

"Don't worry, I told them not to hurt you."

I whisper.

"I don't think they plan on keeping that promise..."

I study my family's expressions to find evidence of his claim.

"Yeah... you're right about that. Probably best if you stick with me."

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