Game 2: A Matter Of Time

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A good hour had passed of me and others just talking. Everyone was talking about how they had just used their diapers and had no control. All of them then said it felt good though. We had to stop talking though when we were interrupted by the speaker. 

"Well, that concludes the first game, everyone who is here has passed. Anyone who isn't here is now somewhere else.. You don't have to worry about that though since you passed! The next game will now begin, please follow our guards into the next room." 

No one seemed to think about the other people. The ones who didn't pass through. We all walked into the next room and saw rocking horses. 

"Welcome to game number 2! This is simply a matter of time. You'll all be strapped onto the horses and be rocked for about a half and hour. You can opt out by calling over a guard, but that would also disqualify you from the competition. Good luck!" 

Everyone looked around at each other. What.. It seemed too easy. Just sit on a rocking horse for a half an hour? How would anyone mess this up. 

The guards walked over to all of us and started to lead us one by one. We all sat on the rocking horses as a pink, almost magical restraint strapped us in. Our legs and arms were strapped onto the proper positions. We were forced to hold onto the handles and just sit. 

This was going to be easy.

"Alright everyone! Game 2 will now commence, good luck!" 

With that being said the rocking horses started to move. They rocked back and forth. There was nothing special about it what so ever. I looked around and saw someone. They seemed to have a expression their face of pure agony. I watched as their pinkish white diaper turned yellow. It wasn't even a minute in and people were peeing their diapers? How?

I looked around and watched. Other people had the same look on their faces. I then felt that same pain. The agony around my waist. My bladder had filled. It seemed like it was going to pop like a balloon. I looked at the clock on the wall,


It continued to tick down from that number. 

I felt my bladder fill more and more. It was going to be impossible to hold for 28 minutes. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I relaxed and just listened to a stream of pee. My diaper started to turn yellow as a warmth hit my diaper for the second time in a day. Other people seemed to be filling their diapers if they hadn't already. 

It wasn't anything to make me leave though. 12 million was 12 million. It was worth a bit of piss in a diaper. I waited, minute by minute people seemed to be in agony again. This time though it wasn't the same. They had a face of disgust on their faces like they really had to poop. I then heard it. Someone was filling their diaper with poop. 

Everyone looked towards the girl. She blushed as her diaper filled. Tears filled her eyes. Her pinkish yellow diaper turned brownish yellow as she cried. She yelled out,

"Just let me out of here!" As she cried like a baby.

A guard walked over to her and let her out. 

"Contestant 114 had been disqualified from the game." 

A counter on the wall went from 32 to 31. 

After that people started dropping like flies. You would hear people poop. They would cry and then leave. The time felt like it wasn't moving though. I wasn't lucky, I had to go too. I had to wait for this to be over. 14 minutes. I had to hold it in for 14 minutes. 

The clock ticked as my bowels moved. They loosened by the seconds. More people left. It was only down to 20 at this point. Before I could even think to my self about holding it I heard it. 

It was faint but could be easily heard. My body was starting to push out the poop. I tried to stop it but it was too late. Poop filled my diaper as my emotions went into overdrive. 

Why? I didn't feel like this the first time I pooped myself? Why did I want to cry and leave? 

The poop emptied itself into my white diaper, turning it brown as it entered. I didn't want to give up on this money. I teared up but was finished. I sat in the mush as the clock ticked down. Not many people left though. It dropped from 13 to 12 to 11 to 10, all the way down to 0.

"That concludes that second game. Please enter the next room for a diaper change and wait until the next game starts." 

This time though I noticed how he casually said, "diaper change." It struck me as odd. I ignored it and walked in my filled diaper into the room. I walked up to the same woman from before.

"Congrats! Let's get you all cleaned up!" 

She seemed to be talking in a more motherly voice. One that was more gentle. I passed it up as just a weird coincidence and let her change me without resistance. 

"Remember, don't get too used to the diapers! Don't be making me change you all the time!" 

She laughed as I entered the next room. Everyone seemed absolutely horrified. People were just breaking mentally. They were using diapers like babies and for money? We didn't have nearly as much time as last time though as the announcer started to speak..

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