Game 1: Chaos

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I woke up from my slumber and looked around. We seemed to be in some sort of building. Other vans were around us as the doors of the vans opened. People hurried us out of the vans. We walked up a few steps of stairs and entered some sort of bedded area. There seemed to be bunk beds in almost every inch of the room and people everywhere. Some looked confused and others almost seemed to know what was happening. I walked up to another girl and asked her, 

"Do you know where we are?"

She looked at me and said,

"Well, it's some sort of room. It has beds. That's about everything I know."

I stared at her and then walked away. It seemed that she had no idea what was going on. Before I could ask someone else the radios in the room turned on and someone stared speaking.

"Welcome everyone to an opportunity at a new life. One of happiness and wealth that is and one that everyone can win. You will all be able to be millionaires! But, this comes at a cost, so be sure to sign the contracts that our assistants have or you can not play that game. Don't fear, we aren't slipping anything under the contract. It's simple too, so after you finish we will begin." 

The radio turned off as lines of people started to be formed on the people with contracts. They weren't masked, but all of them were pretty good looking. It was something that was unexpected but accepted. Everyone looked at the contracts and quickly signed them. No one seemed to question what was on the papers. I walked up to the lines and started to wait. 

After some time I was at the front of the line that I was in. The contract was small. Nothing that seemed to fishy. I looked at the four lines.

" 1. Everyone who is involved in the game must obey the rules.
   2. Anyone who doesn't follow the rules are prone to be punished by the guards.
   3. Diapers are mandatory for all contestants.
   4. Removal of the diaper will kick you out from the game. "

The only rule that seemed to be odd was the diaper. Why would we need a diaper in order to play a game? Nonetheless the prize money was listed.

12.8 million dollars.

I thought to myself if I wanted to really do this. I decided to look past the diapers and sign. After I signed the woman handed me a thick diaper and said just a few words,

"Go to one of the bathrooms and put the diaper on."
"Why do I need a diaper though?" I asked.

No response. She just held the diaper. I took the diaper and walked into another line. It was a line for the restrooms. On the wall above the restrooms it said,

"Be sure to use the bathroom!" 

Weird. It's not like we can't use the bathroom right? They wouldn't just make us use diapers? I waited again in the line. It didn't take long though. I watched as people walked out of the bathrooms in adult printed diapers around their waists. They turned red as they had to walk back to the beds. 

After I was done waiting I walked into a stall. On the door it said, 

"Put all adult clothing into the bin and put on the clothing provided in the stall." 

I then noticed that there was a outfit on the stall door. It was pink and had babyish prints all over it, just like the diaper I was given. I then remembered that everyone that walked out had these on. I stripped down and put the diaper on. The feeling was really weird. Like a blanket on your butt. It was pretty comfortable and I put on the outfit. Once I finished I walked back into the bedded area. I sat on a bed and waited again, laying back on the bed.

"Attention all contestants of the game. The wait is now over and we will commence the game. Please report to the front of the room for a outfit check. Once you have been checked to be sure you are in your proper outfit you will continue onto the first game. Good luck!"

I walked to the front of the room. Everyone seemed to be blushing red. I blushed too but I got over it quickly. I waited until I was at the front of the line and they unstrapped my outfit. The woman touched my diaper and then told me to go through the door. I walked through and was blinded by the light of the room. I then saw everyone in their diapers. It was complete and utter chaos. I watched as some people squatted down, they seemed to be grunting? Some people were in a corner, just shivering. I saw as some of the guards walked over to some of the scared contestants and almost babied them. They helped them out and guided them out through a door. I didn't know what to do. It was scary. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, nor if I could even do anything. 

I then read the sign in the middle of the room. Reach the end of the room and you will be safe until the next game. I looked at the path, it was straight. It didn't seem difficult. 

Starting to walk I felt odd. I looked down to see I stepped right on a pressure plate. Before I could even react a baby bouncer popped out and strapped me in. I tried to take the straps off but they didn't budge. Then it started to bounce up and down. I felt comfortable, I didn't want to leave. 

I started to feel a warmth hit me and my bladder started to fill. I wanted to just relax. I loosened my bladder as the warmth hit my diaper. It started to fill with pee as I started to sigh. It was a relieve compared to everything I had been through. I sat as the baby bouncer bounced. My bladder emptied. Once my peeing had stopped I was let out of the machine that had held me hostage. 

My senses arrived back to me and I had finally understood what I had done. My warm crotch said it all to me. I had pissed myself in front of other adults. I looked up and saw all the pressure plates on the ground and understood how challenging it would be. 

I stood up and started to walk. I avoided all of the traps until I hit another area. The end of the room was only a few steps away, but it was impossible to make it there. I had to hit the pressure plate in front of me. Breathing in, I walked forward accepting whatever fate I would get. 

Once I stepped on it nothing happened. Everyone behind me seemed to have figured out what was happening to. I went to walk forward when a pacifier entered my mouth. I fell onto the floor trying to peel it off of my face. 

A sticky and warm mush started to enter my mouth, soothing me. I felt my bowels fill and almost feel like they would explode. Understanding what was about to happen I closed my eyes. 

My diaper expanded as poop filled my diaper. I had to stay strong, I could cry. I looked down as I watched my diaper turn brown. Having no choice in the matter though, I stood up. I walked the last few steps and reached the door. I walked through only to see another room.

There were woman sitting in chairs, awaiting my arrival. One of them said to me,

"Good job! Walk over here and we'll change you out of that diaper." 

My face blushed as I walked over. I was about to be changed by a grown adult. They took off my nasty diaper and replaced it. 

"Don't get too into using your diaper or you may become more of a baby.." She said.

The woman patted me diaper and led me into a room. Other people were sitting around talking about what they had experienced.

I sighed, it was a relieve to had made it past the first game. Who knows what else would come..

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